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DST Experience

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What has been your experience so far?


I've only played on public servers (almost always Wilderness mode) and have several runs going at the moment.  From what I see, it seems like the only way to play is nomadically.  I run around collecting resources but never stay anywhere for too long.  If I find a camp, I may stay there for a few days to use the crockpot, fire pit, crafting tab but soon move on to another area.  


Building my own camp never lasts since looters and pyros wreck havoc on most things and spider nests are everywhere, either from Webber players or Spider Queens.  Is this most everyone's experience on public servers?


Obviously, a private server would probably be different (however, I don't have access to one at the moment).  

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I almost always play as Wickerbottom or on rare occasions Willow. But anyway I'll focus on Wicker.


I play on servers with at least 20+ max players (even co-host my own 24 player server) and live nomadically, this is very easy as Wicker since she only needs a Science Machine to make everything she could need. I help out other players and only attack people if they attack first / steal from me. (Not always of course, I do like to do a little raiding here and there.) 


Since very few people play as Wicker most groups welcome me in with open arms foaming at the mouth with ideas of the good fortune a friendly Wicker can bring. Although some people are motivated by fear upon seeing me! Either helping me scared by the power that Sleepytime Stories brings or attacking me for the same reason. A Wicker has the ability to make a group of survivors rise or fall, very, very, very quickly. 


Never been much a fan of PvE or Private Servers. I'm to the point in DS where I know my way around the game to the point that it's barely a challenge. PvP changes that! You cannot predict a humans actions as you can an A.I this makes things far more interesting, for me at least.

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I'm not sure how you guys deal with griefers or looters. I usually set a base and get attacked and stolen from constantly. I have no way of catching or attacking them with long range weapons because it's to early to even have any. Once I do get something like a boomerang, they just catch my boomerang and take off with it. Think the game needs to be better balanced for PvP...

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I have had sleep darts but they didn't even put the player down once.  Wigfrid stumbled for a second but that was it.  Of course, she had a battle helm (which I guess is what stopped them from falling asleep). 


Sounds like my way of playing is much like some of you.

I like to roam and meet up with people and hang out in their camp for awhile.  Helping if I can and then being on my way.  While I like the PvP aspect, I'm not aggressive.  Would rather co-exist if possible but there are the few that I have had to keep my distance from and the one unfortunate I actually had to snuff out.

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I find that if a server is PvP, you are much more likely to come across people with malicious intentions. More often than not, PvE exclusive servers will be composed of inexperienced friendlies. Sometimes I make it my mission to feed, clothe, restore sanity and health, and resurrect everyone on the server. It becomes a tremendous challenge trying to keep a crew of newbies alive and healthy. It's also pretty interesting seeing what shenanigans inexperienced players get up to. I've learned that a lot of them are obsessed with farms and beefalo. They also love fists full of jam. 


So yea, for those who find PvE dull, I recommend you find a group of 5 or so newbies, and see how long you can keep 'em alive. 

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I'm with Arcita, the most fun I have is on my Survival server trying to help keep other people alive.  I'm no Don't Starve god, I almost always get bored and then get dumb.  But I can offer a lot to the slew of new players who are still learning things, and it's quite a bit harder than just going off and nomading on your own, and more rewarding too.


(and yeah, Fistful's of Jam, everywhere, seriously)

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I do like to try and help but on smaller level then outright taking care of a whole group of people (babysitting).  Since most players don't even explore the map, I like to try and deliver necessary items to people that they couldn't otherwise find.  


I may try that though as it definitely sounds like a huge challenge.  Thanks for the suggestion.


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I play same as Arcita and absimilliard.


Granny Wickerbottom dispensing backpacks and unsolicited advice. (DON'T GRAB THAT TALLBIRD EGG, YOU LITTLE HELLDEVIL!!! *shakes Day 1 shovel*


As for griefers, I noticed some server locations are more prone to "fun". Some are more tame.

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Around 80% of games I've played have had destructive people. These are either griefers who take pleasure in causing pain and misery, or newbies who die soon after they join and remain in the game draining everyone's sanity.


When I first started DST I really enjoyed the Global Positions mod, but now I avoid servers that have it. I like to set up my bases away from everyone, usually in secluded spots away from roads.


I hate to say it but DST is a lot more fun when played alone. This is because Klei has stubbornly refused to design a proper system to prevent griefing and deal with griefers.

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