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Klei Forums Rpg style game


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Yep, made those pictures! They aren't very... good... but... yeeeah XD
For the enimies, I was thinking of different kinds of spambots, yeah. I had "Spambot Scripters", so they are like, ones that create spam posts and such... eh...

Only certain members will be corrupted, like Lord_Battal or me.


Hm... maybe the forum members will become corrupted, and you have to defeat the "Dark" version of them to, purify them? Maybe? I know there was mention of "buying" forumers, but this could also be a, thing?


Also, love the pixel art GreenWyvern! I showed it to Albino, and she saved it onto her computer X3 


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Nah, I'd actually say an epic dubstep instrumental with a generic choir. 

as long as their aren't many electrical noises i dont mind.


btw, i thought about a quest where the Forum gets swarmed by bronies and forumers have to fight them back.




I'll try working on the animated sprites for all of you. It would really help if you could send me some reference images of your characters.


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as long as their aren't many electrical noises i dont mind.


btw, i thought about a quest where the Forum gets swarmed by bronies and forumers have to fight them back.

I don't think so. We have a new member called PinkiePieCyborg, and he/she would NOT like that

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It's a free download, so I doubt it.


Well, let me come in here with some legal information...


For Canada, copyright can be avoided if it's for educational purposes AND for non-profit AND the product does not go against the creator's "moral rights", which is a list of rights such as "denial of association" and such. Now, chopping out the "educational" part, we can put up a free download, and give credit to the producers, then leave it up to the original creators to ask us to remove their music if they so desire. We may also NOT distribute their product in any way, because that would be much, much more illegal.


I'm not a law officer or anything, but you can kinda' get around things like this. You can 100% legally use the music if you "do something interesting with it" and "make it non-profit", like a parody, or a review. They may only take it down if it goes against their moral rights.




@Rabbitfist as much as I personally don't like bronies, or the common stereotypes associated with them, it's best NOT TO CAUSE ANY TROUBLE.

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Well, let me come in here with some legal information...


For Canada, copyright can be avoided if it's for educational purposes AND for non-profit AND the product does not go against the creator's "moral rights", which is a list of rights such as "denial of association" and such. Now, chopping out the "educational" part, we can put up a free download, and give credit to the producers, then leave it up to the original creators to ask us to remove their music if they so desire. We may also NOT distribute their product in any way, because that would be much, much more illegal.


I'm not a law officer or anything, but you can kinda' get around things like this. You can 100% legally use the music if you "do something interesting with it" and "make it non-profit", like a parody, or a review. They may only take it down if it goes against their moral rights.




@Rabbitfist as much as I personally don't like bronies, or the common stereotypes associated with them, it's best NOT TO CAUSE ANY TROUBLE.

Yeaaaaa....I don't want to be in trouble with Canadian law, but I'm still in the team

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I know It's not stealing, but just for the sake of having your theme that is an original composed by yourself.

It's fine, making your own music is more impressive than finding one!


I'm not going to create my own theme song because I know there are so many good songs to choose from.

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