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What do you love about this game?

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I love Don't Starve, it's an amazing game. And a lot of other people love it too, obviously. So, I would like to know. What does everyone enjoy most about Don't Starve that makes you really love it? For me, it's a few things.

One of my biggest enjoyments of it, is it's a real survival game. As TotalBiscuit said, Minecraft set the Framework for these kinds of "Craft to survive" games. And since then many games have worked on that, and branched off. Minecraft went with a more create pathway, while Terraria increased the craft and adventure paths. So what did Don't Starve do? They kept to the direct path of Survival. The game never gets easy, you always have to be on your toes. Along with the never-tamed Hunger, the damage you take is realistic, in a sense. What I mean by this is, you could easily die in 2-3 hits if you're not careful, the game isn't about wearing godlike armor to take 1/10th of intended damage, it's about dodging, and running. Almost everything in the game is out to kill you, and some things like the Hounds not only are 'random events' in a sense, but they even evolve the more you survive, always making you have to be alert. It's not just a game you sit in a base in grind. If you want something you have to run in the limited amount of daytime you have, avoiding spiders, tallbirds, etc. to find and bring it back to your base in one piece. Which leads to my second reason why I really enjoy this game.

The Developers.

I've been lurking on these forums for a while now, recently decided to create my account. And something I noticed, is the Devs actually take a pride in everything about this game. They constantly show signs of listening to people in the Suggestion forum, example would be the Monkeys (Even if they were already planning this, they did reply to a Suggestion about it, showing some already-made work). They are funny, and even enjoy giving us hints about upcoming updates and such. But the main reason I enjoy them, which ties to the game itself, is how they update. When they update, I've noticed they usually have one thing on the front of their mind: What can we do, to get rid of the Turtling behavior". And I love this. With the Gobblers, Hellhounds, and fertilizer-requiring bushes, as well as Werepigs, and (According to a hint in a forum) the posibility of the Beefalo getting a change of personality, and the new chest-stealing bugger coming up, they are actively making this a "explore to survive" challenge. Which is great for the main purpose of they KNOW what the game wants to be. While Minecraft, and everything else kind've makes things up on the spot, they actively stay on a single path of "How can we make surviving harder, more rewarding, and more fun".

So, those are the main reasons why Don't Starve is, in my opinion, one of, if not the best game I have EVER played. So what are everyone else's thoughts? :p

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I really love the stylized art direction, just something about it just makes me think "oh this looks so good". Also I like the nonsense that the characters say when they talk, I find it charming. But most of all I love the survival aspect, I grew up with games like lost in blue and I just find the planning and thought that goes into the obtaining, maintaining, and distribution of resources. I love how the game dosnt pull punches either (though it sometimes gets ridiculous, I once spent and entire day and night kiting and killing a Treeguard, with nothing more then a couple of axes at my disposal.) so tat you need to be prepared for any situation. like hearing barking and suddenly you are swarmed by dogs.

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I love how it is constantly learning from its fails (don't get me wrong) and learning to adjust the world just the way this game was initially designed. Balancing it is fundamental in a survival adventure, but very hard to find the equilibrium without breaking any piece.

They are doing good for now....it is proven that are working on it and are open for our feedback.... and that is what I like

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I like the potential of the game. However I don't like mindless nerfs to everything while adding nothing new/interesting to the game. I've seen that done way too many times and that never leads to anything good but disappointments. Personally I'd like to see more actual buildings but the game really doesn't want you to "hold down" obviously, considering all the nerfs. So what is the point really? Are you suppose to just "move" around and empty all the resources in each sector? I don't like that type of gameplay because that isn't actual survival rather than just plow everything down until you're rescued, but nobody is going to rescue you...

Just a beta game but the concept of the game will never change. Well, maybe the game just isn't for me and I try talk myself into that is is, that might be the problem here. The walking, day-night transitions, "bases" etc, it just doesn't add up to what the game wants you to do and how they punish you for thinking outside the box.

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The community.

One of the main thing that caught my attention was the graphical art, reminds me of Tim Burton's which i also love ofc, the thrill of exploring new areas and last but not least the survival concept.

After being familiar with the game, thought it would be interesting the see how the forums would be with a game still in beta.

Well gotta say i got surprised by it :D Really nice,empathic,enthusiastic community!! Specially when Kevin 'spits' a word about something and the Speculation Labyrinth starts xD

oohh and when the teasers get out : Neo-Sherlock Holmes's appears :D

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Guest Dandytard

The thing I love about this game is it's Adorable, Sweet and Kind community. Intelligent, Some young, some more mature and skilful. And the share of brilliant ideas amongst this little community.

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Aside from the Tim Burton-inspired art direction, which is a sort of style that I'm fond of, the heavy focus on survival and the fact that death isn't just a slap on the wrist is what originally caught my eye.

The things that keep me around are the constant stream of updates, hints at what's to come (winter, sanity meter, story mode, etc), great devs that respond to player feedback, and the wonderful forum community.

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The art and graphical style coupled with the music was the first thing that drew my attention to this game. Then the whole quirkiness and weirdness of it just drew me in completely! Add the survival portion with Minecraft-esque aspects, this game made me fall in love! I can't wait until I see the finished product :)

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