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Not on-topic but question: How long can it take for the email from buying the DLC to arrive?


Plot Twist: They're actually planning an April Fool's Day joke in which they say there's a new trailer out but they just Rick Roll/Duck Roll us.

That's evil! If that happens, i will probably not believe anything everybody says for the rest of the day from being paranoid.

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Not on-topic but question: How long can it take for the email from buying the DLC to arrive?


That's evil! If that happens, i will probably not believe anything everybody says for the rest of the day from being paranoid.

Just relax.  April Fools announcements could go two ways:

-Something to good to be true and it's obvious yet a bit silly.  

-Something so dumb you end up feeling thankful that it's not real.

Either way, the best jokes will have a bit of truth in them.  

I do sense some nasty things brewing.  Both with the update and potential joke, but all we can do is wait. 

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