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The End is Nigh: Rework idea

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Spawns a thundercloud with an aoe that is of flingo range (maybe less).

The thundercloud let's out lightning strikes to everything that comes near it every so often (allies and mobs alike). You need insulation to avoid it's lightning damage.


Lighting may arc, every strike has a degrading % to "jump" to a new enemy. Does 10 damage per strike, 15 if the enemy is wet. 

Can be paired with overcoming arachnophobia for easier crowd control. Cloud lasts x minutes and spawning a new one always erases the old one. Does not cause enemies to catch on fire.


Essentially a portable trap that is easier to set up (set up on the go) than on tentacles. While on tentacles (and grumbles?) is better for single target the idea is that this is better for crowds, as well as easier to use in multiplayer as it has no insanity aura. I also think this is "cleaner" than spawning 100 grumbles on screen which can cause people to lag and can't be used against bee queen.

Due to the nature of this trap it cannot be combined with minions so I believe it's arcing potential could be high and I'd be balanced. This can be used at sea. 

I mean it could even be used alongside minion characters where they can save their minions for harder fights.

(Or you can build and break 20 something walls for the 100th time lol)


Final thoughts:

I've also thought about giving it a small homing effect so it can be "guided" once placed. The homing would be so weak and at such a close range (maybe half a tile?) that you can just walk out of it's homing range at default speed and it stops following. 


Because I don't play betas (console player) I don't know if this would be redundant compared to the new grumbles. Id imagine since the cloud is "immortal" and independent of wicker (usually stays in place) perhaps this could have its own practical use. 

Also because it's "immortal" maybe weather could affect it. Lasting less time in summer, more time in spring and both autumn and winter being normal time.

Let me know what you think?

Maybe just a fun concept for a mod? 

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Definitely sounds more useful than its current iteration.

If the lightning hit were to do a “mini stun” when hitting enemies similar to walter pellets (or any hit basically) then i can imagine it indeed being useful for crowd control. 

I really hope they do something with this book. Anything.. 

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I think this book would be fun to use. 

3 hours ago, Cheggf said:

Why does she need 4 books for combat? 

She doesn't need 4 books for combat. But the End is Nigh is almost useless and not really fun. Some changes to it to make it interesting are desired to make the refresh a bit better. Most reworks for End of Nigh are combat oriented cause it does summon lightning bolts that deal damage. It's just natural for it to be changed in that kind of way. Though if it were reworked to fit something useful that was outside of combat I think people would be ok with it. 

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TEIN has the most potential to be fully reworked into something exciting, fun and unique to Wickerbottom (by disabling Maxwells desire to read it since he spent an eternity already stuck on the throne feeling like the end was already nigh.)

”I’m not reading this, I know the ending already..”

Id like to see it have a casters circle similar to how on Xbox Wortox has a little glowing circle indicating where he will soul hop to-

This could allow Wicker to summon well timed lightning bolts in exactly the area she wants them in to do a variety of things.

I LOVE science and nature so it always fascinates me to watch documentaries or weather stories where lightning strikes a tree and the tree pretty much explodes..

I think there’s a “niche” there that TEIN could fill in by just striking trees, boulders, enemy foes, schools of fish in a pond etc with the powers of Zeus that TEIN should fulfill.

Why should Wickers abilities have a chance to backfire causing harm to herself when literally no other character in the entire games abilities do that? Remove the % chance to strike yourself with it and just let the gal become Merlin already.

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50 minutes ago, Mysterious box said:

So here's a thought why does it need to stay as lightning why not change it so the end is nigh rots things instead or something else different?  

Well, to counter, why can't it stay lightning?

At first it was to keep the theme of the original book and because I also wanted to keep the synergy between Wx-78 and Wicker even if it has become very weak.

However lightning does have some practical uses for wicker and can tie in to her other books.

The cloud itself can be used alongside her rain book and overcoming arachnophobia for easy crowd control that doesn't require any set up or if you don't want followers.

Electric milk farming for ice cream now that reading at insanity levels causes nightmares to spawn (or use the bone helm). Ice cream is still useful for other characters like Wortox. 

Rot on the other hand... well she can just gather a bunch of lightbulbs for that.

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11 minutes ago, HowlVoid said:

Well, to counter, why can't it stay lightning?

At first it was to keep the theme of the original book and because I also wanted to keep the synergy between Wx-78 and Wicker even if it has become very weak.

However lightning does have some practical uses for wicker and can tie in to her other books.

She can shock voltgoats for horns, which are more valuable than ever as she can command rain and thus make better use of the morning star.

The cloud itself can be used alongside her rain book and overcoming arachnophobia for easy crowd control that doesn't require any set up or if you don't want followers.

Electric milk farming for ice cream now that reading at insanity levels causes nightmares to spawn (or use the bone helm). Ice cream is still useful for other characters like Wortox. 

Rot on the other hand... well she can just gather a bunch of lightbulbs for that.

Fine but it does end up feeling like she's becoming another combat character in a game filled to the brim with combat characters. It's ok to have a niche book for people who specifically don't want to get light bulbs(or want to quickly grind bone shards) Also I just thought about it think of the Wormwood synergy this would bring.

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Just now, Mysterious box said:

Fine but it does end up feeling like she's becoming another combat character in a game filled to the brim with combat characters.

I think as a community we should realize the distinction between combat characters, that have combat as the core of their entire gameplay and kit, and characters that have combat perks but it does not define their core gameplay.

Wicker as her core is a support character and as such I think it makes sense that she can do a little of everything. That's why I wouldn't even mind if the cloud idea did very, very minimal damage (or none at all) and instead just had a chance to stun enemies/allies as Ohan suggested (maybe longer duration in rain). 

This would make it a lot more unique against waves of enemies as a defensive strategy vs her offensive books (grumbles/tentacles). Further establishing it's offensive only role by also stunning minions.

I think I actually like this idea more. :yaypigs:

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1 minute ago, HowlVoid said:

I think as a community we should realize the distinction between combat characters, that have combat as the core of their entire gameplay and kit, and characters that have combat perks but it does not define their core gameplay.

Wicker as her core is a support character and as such I think it makes sense that she can do a little of everything. That's why I wouldn't even mind if the cloud idea did very, very minimal damage (or none at all) and instead just had a chance to stun enemies/allies as Ohan suggested (maybe longer duration in rain). 

This would make it a lot more unique against waves of enemies as a defensive strategy vs her offensive books (grumbles/tentacles). Further establishing it's offensive only role by also stunning minions.

I think I actually like this idea more. :yaypigs:

Idk when you combine the grumble bees with abilities like these it stops feeling like minor combat perks and starts to feel like major combat advantages even more so compared to characters who have abilities based around combat.

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2 minutes ago, Mysterious box said:

Idk when you combine the grumble bees with abilities like these it stops feeling like minor combat perks and starts to feel like major combat advantages even more so compared to characters who have abilities based around combat.

It wouldn't work, the grumbles would get shocked and their DPS would fall or get them killed.

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3 hours ago, maxwell_winters said:

Honestly, I don't mind if the book stays the way it is. Not every character-specific item should be hella strong. Every character has a few objects with niche uses and it's completely fine. 

I wouldn't mind either, but I think you misunderstood the goal of this post.

It isn't to make the End is Nigh powerful, but rather usable. I agree that not everything needs to be the powerful, but I disagree that borderline useless items should exist. At the very least not when its lack of usefulness isn't comparable to the means required to obtain it. 

In it's current state the most practical use of the end is nigh is to use it as an ingredient for another book, which is kind of sad.

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I think it would be funny if the lightning from this book spawned Charged Glassy Rock exactly in the zone of the lunar storm, as regular lightning from this "event" does now. It just seems odd to me that the lightning bolts don't create Charged Glassy Rock, but usually, which are actually unusual, yes. And it seems to me that such a small correction would give this book a more or less normal use than recharging volt goats, wx78, burning everything in the world, and this does not even look like something from the OP, because you need to mine 16 lunar rocks quickly, and in a solo or in a small team, this will be difficult to do. And after the event, you will already have a lot of glass, just with a book you will get it faster. What do you say?

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