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Don't Starve Together Farm Planner

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Hi fellow survivors!

I've been a long time fan of the franchise and I felt like it's time that I give back something to the community. For the past two weeks, I've been practicing to hone my skills as a programmer so I thought I might as well program a tool that would be useful to my fellow survivors in the constant.

Do you find the new farming system too intimidating? Need a way to try it without risking your current survival world?

Well here it is: Don't Starve Together Farm Planner.


* Plant crops in 3x3 farm soils!
* Make plans for any and all of the four RoG seasons!
* It's a browser web app, so no need to download or install anything.
* If a planted crop is in season, has 3 or more nearby family, and is on a tile with a balanced self-fertilizing set of crops, then the crop will grow THICC AND GIANT!
* Use the Garden Rigamajig to plow tiles into farm soil, and pitchfork to flatten it back!
* Plant crops with seeds! You can filter seeds by season, nutrient absorption, and contribution to find the perfect seed you need!
* Use the Gardeneer Hat to check the status of the farm, and inspect specific tiles and crops! See what makes them happy, and find out how much you'll food and seeds you'll be reaping after a successful harvest!
* Save your farm plans and load it later when you need it! You can even export your farm plans into a files so you'll have a backup and you can share it with your
* Plan your farms wherever, whenever, since it is 100% mobile friendly!
* Keyboard shortcuts for our PC users! (Keys 1-6 for tools, CTRL+Z for undo, CTRL+SHIFT+Z or CTRL+Y for redo)
* Best of all? ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY FREE! No ads, and no need to make any account! Heck, I won't even ask for donations!

Tell me if you have questions, comments, and suggestions!

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This is amazing. Would you mind if I included a link to this thread (and the web app) in my Farming Guide YouTube Video?

I know people who get the best learning out of something visual like this. Plus being able to throw together pre-built farms and save them for later is amazing!

Ty for making this, at bare minimum I'm going to share this around my community with credit for your hard work!

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@x0-VERSUS-1y good idea! I'll put it up in the next update!

@Lemoncello Glad to be of help! Knowing that people made use of it already makes my hard work worth it.

@Griver84 Go ahead! I think people will find your video that helpful. From my experience, farms sort of work in a case-per-case basis so knowing more options is always welcome :) 

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For me, the most useful self-fertilizong crops are these ones.

I get potato, tomato and garlic for Creamy potato puree - 1 garlic, 2 potato and 1 tomato

I use carrots for building Bunnymen houses.

I use corn to cook some Powder Cakes.

I ask a Warly to use pepper and garlic on my Powder Cakes, so I can use them in battles.

Cooked potato and tomato are just some excelent food to recover health.

I also enslave a Warly to cook me some Moqueca: fish, tomato and onion. This is the bst food in the game.

And finally Dragon fruit to Dragon pie. I don´t think I need to explain this.

Obs.: In summer you can use only pepper or only dragon fuit, and in winter you can use only carrots or only pumpkins.


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