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Favorite telltale heart skin?

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So I have just enough points after the remaining crystal items to get one telltale heart. I can find gifs for the cherub and dagger, an image of the staked, but nothing for the stolen zombie hand heart which may be way cooler, or may be not. Sadly I can't find one video, gif or in game shot of that one.

So for those of you who have them, what's our absolute favorite option? I need to choose wisely.

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Daggered Heart is my favorite aesthetically but I'd usually craft Cherub's heart as my signature heart like a calling card, being the rarest one and as a testament to my love and longstanding subscription to the game. Sure, they can be redeemed through Rewards page now but it's still a rare sight and I'll keep giving preferential treatment to my heirloom Cherub over the others for now :P

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I missed every single heart because I was always on hiatus for heart day. So I got to make my choice now of which one I wanted most.

I chose daggered heart. I still want the others, but I chose that one as my favorite for now. It was between that and Staked heart. Next one will be between Staked heard and Stolen heart, but that's a while coming because I have other things I need to get still. Since I play solo, hearts are 100% cosmetic only.

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you should have made this a poll

17 hours ago, AlternateMew said:

I missed every single heart because I was always on hiatus for heart day. So I got to make my choice now of which one I wanted most.

I chose daggered heart. I still want the others, but I chose that one as my favorite for now. It was between that and Staked heart. Next one will be between Staked heard and Stolen heart, but that's a while coming because I have other things I need to get still. Since I play solo, hearts are 100% cosmetic only.

if you have enough klei points or whatever you can redeem all of the heart skins on the reward section or whatever it is

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1 hour ago, JustCrimson said:

if you have enough klei points or whatever you can redeem all of the heart skins on the reward section or whatever it is

That's exactly what I did. I missed the entire circus collection, every heart, every 'Year of The', and a handful of Crystallines. So I spend my points wisely. I got the heart I like most so I would have a heart skin for now. The rest get spent elsewhere.

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