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Hi, I'm pretty new in the game and I have no idea how to do a good water loop system for my washrooms, could someone show me what I can do please?
I would be grateful if you could do it in debug/sandbox mode and show me exactly what I have to do. :ghost:

(I'll do second washroom on the left side in the future)  


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Here you go.

Bathroom 1.png

In the first image you can see my bathroom is placed above my pantry and water treatment system. I have a little over 3kg of Chlorine per tile to prevent any polluted dirt from offgassing as the Sieve dumps it. The pantry is air sealed with a water lock, so dupes will get wet, but if you have a Great Hall in the early game, your dupes should have high enough morale to cancel the stress out. I went a bit higher than 1800g per tile because when that door in the lower right corner opens and closes it changes the density of the Chlorine.

Bathroom 2.png

The tank on the left holds my germ free, clean water, with a Liquid Shutoff to flush excess water off to a nearby Electrolyzer I use to fuel my Exo Suits. The tank on the right holds my germy waste water from the Lavatories and Sinks.

Bathroom 3.png

The Liquid Shutoff has a Not Gate attached because the Liquid Reservoir sends a Red signal when its levels are high, which would seal the Shutoff shut. I want it to open when the tank reaches a certain High thresh hold so the tank never fills up. 

Bathroom 4.png

The Timer attached to the door below my waste water tank is set to send a Red signal to the door at night (when ALL my dupes are asleep, they all operate on the same schedule). When the door is open, the tank does not flush out any of its contents, when the door closes, it flushes its contents. This allows me to automatically store the germy polluted water in the tank all day long while the Chlorine kills all the germs, then when all the dupes are asleep (and not using the bathroom) it will flush its contents to the Sieve.

Bathroom 5.png

The thresh hold paramters can be whatever you like, as long as the Low is lower than the High.

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@nakomaru definitely loving this since the first time you've posted it.

Still wondering what is the limit of dup with this (with 3 reservoirs). Because more dup means more pee, means less time to disinfect pH2O. There's a situation I think where H2O output would be higher than germ killing speed. My guess is the limit is so high that you don't even need to think about it, but still... ^^

Also I think adding more reservoirs would increase global killing speed as time spent into reservoirs is higher, but not sure.

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13 minutes ago, OxCD said:

Still wondering what is the limit of dup with this

As I say it's limited to 10kg/s because that's the limit of pipes. So maybe 300 dupes? Here are the disinfecting stages for a 10kg/s input with the highest natural concentration of germs.

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@OxCD I think you are misunderstanding how the system works. The point of the looping isn't to add time for disinfection. Going straight through kills all germs. The looping is to keep the reservoirs full. Full reservoirs is what kills the germs.

Germ death is percentage based. The more liquid you have in a reservoir, the more germs. The more germs you have, the more die off per second. This plus the dilution from taking 10 kg out of 5,000 kg and adding it to a different 5,000 kg kills all the germs. You could make the same system without a loop using a shutoff and a liquid backup detector, but the loop is a very simple way to do this automatically.

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nakomaru solutions works perfect for me, until I start process water from polluted water geyser with billion(?) germs. So, I quickly make this as additional gern-killing filter, but suddenly it kill almost all germs.




So, while water_pump_1 "pump" water into water_tank_1
another water_pump_2 iddle

water_tank_1 locked (door open)

water_tank_2 release germs-free water

timer sensor have setup 500sec activity and 500sec inactivity. 

water_pump_1 and door1 connected to timer sensor directly
water_pump_2 and door2 connected to timer sensor with "NOT" gate.

Did not try such setup for toilets and showers, but pretty sure it will work

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1 hour ago, degr said:

nakomaru solutions works perfect for me, until I start process water from polluted water geyser with billion(?) germs. So, I quickly make this as additional gern-killing filter, but suddenly it kill almost all germs.


  Reveal hidden contents


So, while water_pump_1 "pump" water into water_tank_1
another water_pump_2 iddle

water_tank_1 locked (door open)

water_tank_2 release germs-free water

timer sensor have setup 500sec activity and 500sec inactivity. 

water_pump_1 and door1 connected to timer sensor directly
water_pump_2 and door2 connected to timer sensor with "NOT" gate.

Did not try such setup for toilets and showers, but pretty sure it will work

I don't remember the exact maths, but each tank increases the total germs it can cleanse by a factor of either 50 or 500, so worst come to worst, just stick more tanks in the chlorine room. 

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5 hours ago, sheaker said:

I am asking since I see polluted oxygen at the top of Your design.

It still works, but definitely better do that with "clorine-only" environment. Think polluted oxygen appear because of polluted water or I open top door accidently.

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It seems to be a factor of about 35 for each phase. Per the above image, starting with the highest natural equilibrium concentration:

  • 25,000,000 germs per 5T
    • ↓ factor of ~35
  • ~725,000 germs per 5T
    • ↓ factor of ~36
  • ~20,000 germs per 5T
    • ↓ factor of ~36
  • ~550 germs per 5T
    • Output from this yields 0 germs per 10kg pipe segment

With a 4th reservoir you should have at least 875 million germs per 5T capacity, but it should be even higher because they will be also dying faster from over population.

6 hours ago, degr said:

nakomaru solutions works perfect for me, until I start process water from polluted water geyser with billion(?) germs. So, I quickly make this as additional gern-killing filter, but suddenly it kill almost all germs.

Thanks for the info. I'm able to reproduce this because the polluted water geyser gives out over-populated germs. There are many ways to solve this but a 4th reservoir is simple if you want to maintain 10kg/s capacity.

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