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Do Pipsqueaks plant arbor accorns?

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1 hour ago, psusi said:

They plant wild plants into natrual tiles, not hydroponic ones ( your dupes can do that ).


Pips can can plant seeds in farm tiles and hydroponic tiles, but the resulting plant will be domesticated.

The OP’s question is whether the baby version of Pips, Pipsqueaks, can plant seeds.

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ok, i had read this

So I was suprised that hydroponic would not work... Gonna watch him grow a little, thanks!

3 hours ago, OxCD said:

There's no point to wait for an adult Pip to do so. Ask for a dup...

Pip are useful when planting into natural tiles.

Can you achieve the same level of tree density using dupes?

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8 minutes ago, PhoenixGaming69 said:

Can you achieve the same level of tree density using dupes?

Mmmh. Not sure I get what you're asking. Dups are planting where you order them to do so since it's in farming tiles. And for branches, it will grow if there's available space around, no matter who have planted trees.

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So from what I remember, arbor trees need spacing on left & right of the trunk so that the branches will grow right?  From the link I attached above they talk of methods of natural tile planting (which doesn't apply if dupes are doing it), but the trees are spaced with a single tile in between. Wouldn't an arbor tree require one for each tree, so 2 tiles in between?  Or does it not make any difference?

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1 hour ago, PhoenixGaming69 said:

So from what I remember, arbor trees need spacing on left & right of the trunk so that the branches will grow right?  From the link I attached above they talk of methods of natural tile planting (which doesn't apply if dupes are doing it), but the trees are spaced with a single tile in between. Wouldn't an arbor tree require one for each tree, so 2 tiles in between?  Or does it not make any difference?

Yes, you want to leave room on either side for the branches, but that has nothing to do with them being pip or dupe planted.  If you are planting in hydroponic tiles, you may as well just have a dupe plant it since it will be domestic either way.  The point of having a pip plant is that they can plant it in a natural tile and it will be wild so you don't need to give it dirt and polluted water ( but it grows slower ).

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1 hour ago, PhoenixGaming69 said:

So from what I remember, arbor trees need spacing on left & right of the trunk so that the branches will grow right?  From the link I attached above they talk of methods of natural tile planting (which doesn't apply if dupes are doing it), but the trees are spaced with a single tile in between. Wouldn't an arbor tree require one for each tree, so 2 tiles in between?  Or does it not make any difference?



This guideline is in general, because tree doesn't grow differently between wild or domesticated. same number of branches, same size, same wood quantity when harvested. It just takes more time to provide the output.

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2 hours ago, PhoenixGaming69 said:

So I was suprised that hydroponic would not work...

They do work, but they will be domesticated. So it's pointless to use pips for this (dupes are faster). As Sanchozz said, Pipsqueaks will not plant.


Rule 2: Essentially, all natural tiles except for obsidian, abyssalite and diamond are eligible. They are happy to plant right into "natural" steel tiles. If they plant in a farm tile or hydroponic farm, the plant will be domesticated.

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