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If the DST Crew had Youtube Chanels

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21 minutes ago, GetNerfedOn said:

ooohhh i thought you meant forumites having channels HAHAHAHAHA

in tht case I'll have a tierlist about this within today HAHAHAHAHA

you saying "HAHAHAHA" after each sentence irradiates a mojo I don't vibe with

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Wilson: Teaches sciences, and other wacky stuff. He pretty much saved a lot of highschool and college students.

Willow: Most likely videos of her destroying random stuff, maybe stuff about doing burnouts in cars.

Wolfgang: He either teaches people about getting fit or he eats random junk/food reviewer.

Wendy: Reads horror stories.

WX-87 Bot that pretends to be youtubers to send links that give computer viruses.

Wickerbottom: Same lady with over 3500 hours on animal crossing.

Woodie: Makes survive tips which no one would ever use.

Wes: Anything to do with Text To Speech

Maxwell: Magic tricks and pretends to know about demonic spells.

Wrigfrid: Makes a scary amount of videos on how to defend yourself or use a wide range of weapons. Probably got their channel taken down one or twice.

Webber: Plays either Minecraft, Fortnite or Roblux

Winona: Videos about building various things. 

Wortox: Makes those fake prank videos.

Wormwood: Just nature really.

Warly: Cooking videos.

Wurt: Only made one random video when they were something like 6 and years later people use it to make memes.

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Wilson: makes science videos, but he only a highschool student so they are very basic and he really just repeats things his teacher told him.  Averages 10-15 views per video, mostly from his family.

Willow: rode the "will it burn 50000 degree knife" bandwagon to over 1m subscribers but is currently under investigation for arson.  She has been banned from youtube but her etsy account selling homemade bears is still active and supporting her.  Her defense lawyer believes they'll reach a plea deal, all the damage was on her own property and she hasn't attempted to claim any insurance money.

Wolfgang: videos of strength training and competitive eating.  He's eaten over 8lbs burger and fries in a single sitting and can deadlift 480kg.  His viewership is not large but his followers are devoted.  His revenue is very secure with his products his followers purchase for health, fitness, and style.

Wendy: after reading the Necronomicon for the first time she started a series of "how to's" for witchcraft and necromancy.  She's acquired quite a few books by John Dee and Aleister Crowley.  Her parents have supported her interest in the history of magic.  Her dad, who does visual effects engineering on video games, does the post production on her videos.  She has a lot of subscribers after a few of her videos went viral, but most of her videos get very low views due to the realistic, sometimes scary depiction of magic she boldly presents.

WX: There is no WX, but there is a channel utilizing an ai bot script that interacts with the chat log on each video, utilizing machine learning to produce the next video in response.  There was a dark time for his channel when 4/chan cracked his algorithm and hijacked his channel.  They've moved on and his channel has mostly returned to normal, but occasionally the ML script pulls behavior from that time and he gets content warnings from Youtube.

Wickerbottom - Same lady with over 3500 hours on animal crossing. RogueGamer12

Woodie: following in Steve Irwin's footsteps he tracks the natural life of Canada.  He's capture amazing images of the landscape and wild life, and has won a few awards for his work, but since he's Canadian no one outside Canada knows who he is.

Wes: Imagine its like Bob Ross, except he doesn't talk... so like... no one even watches his channel... but he's always there... always making some kind of art... 24/7... he never sleeps... he's not allowed to...  over 70,000 hours of content and not a single view...

Maxwell:  He was very displeased with his startup "how to" art channel.  He no longer dabbles in such foolish things as "youtube channels."  One day he just locked the door to his studio and left.  Never looked back.  Now he's in investment banking.

Wigfrid: As a high profile actor she has a channel featuring her many collaborations with producers, directors, costume designers, and other artists bringing her characters to life.  She is a well known and loved, although sometimes difficult to work with, method actor.  She's broken the phones of her co-workers when they were working on primitive sets.  Her viewers love her behind the scenes outbursts on set.

Winona: makes response videos debunking inaccuracies in viral videos.  She's seen Wilson's channel, and its hard to resist, there's just so much wrong to take issue with, but she doesn't like punching down.  Instead she dm'd him with suggestions and corrections, he's quite a fan and was pretty star struck.  After his flurry of responses she's had to block him though.  Sorry Wilson

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9 hours ago, RogueGamer12 said:

Cooking videos.


9 hours ago, RogueGamer12 said:

Wilson: Teaches sciences, and other wacky stuff. He pretty much saved a lot of highschool and college students.

Willow: Most likely videos of her destroying random stuff, maybe stuff about doing burnouts in cars.

This is what I see Wilson and Willow doing

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Next up...

The Great Youtube Channel Tierlist!


 - A successful channel with tons of content ranging from book reviews to homemaking to cooking to DIY


 - Successful Engineering and Math Guides (in the vein of Indians doing such)


 - Failing Engineering and Math Guides (think of ElectroBOOM)


 - a food channel primarily dedicated to cooking video game food, or challenges with the other survivors to eat particular strange foods. (He loses most of the time.)


 - Random Burning Object ASMR


 - it's either weightlifting/exercise videos or Life Of Boris style videos for his channel.


 - Either a philosoph channel or videos of her exploring haunted locations while totally deadpan muttering "Yo demons its ya gorl!!!!"


 - Explicit content which shows fellow robots how to conquer the fleshlings; channel was eventually taken down


 - A troll magic show like Rick Lax's videos


 - a Wilderness survivor + tips and tricks channel and lumberjack competition videos


 - vlogs about their days with their respective creatures' communities


 - hate videos against each other. they get flagged and eventually resort to making toyset showcases and unboxings


 - a legit magic show but channel was taken down due to reports of epilepsy, missing spines, explosive diarrhoea and such. he eventually resorts to making videos stalking a company called Klei Entertainment during its' streams for fun.


 - videos of her exploring concrete jungles and urban cities as well as nature spots.


 - gun ownership and showcase videos. also, history lessons


 - videos of him sailing around the Caribbean; once already warned


 - surfing videos and vlogs about how lazy her days are


 - happy vlogs of her backstage out of character, working as an acclaimed successful actress

Image result for wigfrid

 - gardening videos



As is usually done in my videos I included all the characters of DS because that's my custom; i ain't leaving anybody out :)

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