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Some things I've gathered from 'Next of Kin'

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So, as most of you know by know, Klei released a short last week tellings us snippits about Winona's story, and how she got pulled into the Constant. However, apart from Winona, we see stuff from the other characters as well.

These being: Wendy, WX-78, Wickerbottom, Woodie, William Carter (aka Maxwell) and maybe even Wes.

I won't be going into details regarding Winona, since this thread'll be about the stuff regarding the other characters. I won't be going into Maxwell either (yet) since he is, to me anyway, the least interesting character in this short.

Keep in mind that this is all just speculation and information may be wrongly interpreted on my part. 


To begin, we have a timeline as stated by Kevin some years ago:



1890s - 1906: William Carter origin story

1906: William and Charlie enter the DS world.

1906 - 1910ish: Some crazy stuff happens that we haven't told you about yet....

1910ish - 1921: The various playable characters get pulled into the DS world.

1921: Wilson gets pulled in (Forbidden Knowlege trailer). THE ORIGINAL GAME + ROG STARTS HERE

?: Wilson lives in DSworld for a while. Dies a lot, eventually finds Maxwell's door and confronts Maxwell

?: Wilson replaces Maxwell on the Nightmare Throne, Maxwell becomes Waxwell.

?: Some other crazy stuff happens that we haven't told you about yet....

?: The DST plotline begins.


Now there's not much I could find about Wendy, WX-78 and Woodie, apart from their presence on the board.

However, the other 3, Wickerbottom, Wes and Maxwell, are hinted at, with the latter being the most obvious.


First, there's Wendy.

We clearly see a picture/photograph/drawing of Abigail's flower.



We know Wendy and Abigail are likely to be the twins Jack Carter refers to in his letter to his brother, William:



Courtesy of @lifetheuniverse:


You've finally come to America! How exciting! Has your show taken New York by storm yet? I fear we may have just missed each other - the city was too much for me, so I've gone west - It really is amazing out here - maybe you could visit sometime?

Have you corresponded with mother lately? The post is dreadfully inconsistent out here, I can't believe she hasn't met the twins yet!


Warmest regards,



As we can see on the board, Abigail's flower is clearly connected to the shows held by Maxwell and Charlie, to Charlie's letter to Winona and to Wagstaff's information card (I forget what that's called). The latter suggests that the twins have gone missing too, since Wagstaff's 'card' is linked to Woodie going missing, meaning that the twins likely have disappeared as well. Though, what fascinates me is the connection to the Final Act specifically.

Were they in the audience as it happened? Possibly.


WX's next.

With the new info we could see from the stream last night, we see that WX-78 has connections to Wickerbottom and the 'Automations' mentioned in the newly revealed article. 

First off, WX-78's connection to Wickerbottom. 

WX's blueprint is linked to specifically Wickerbottom's 'Missing' poster. While it may just mean that Wickerbottom was involved in the process surrounding the creation of WX, it may also mean that WX is somehow responsible for Wickerbottom's disappearance. Admittedly, it's a stretch to say that WX directly caused Wickerbottom to be pulled into the Constant, but since I can't find any evidence for both explainations, I won't rule this out.

Then there's WX-78's connection to the article about 'Automations'. Could it be possible WX-78 was a prototype of the Clockwork creatures we see in the Constant? Perhaps the other way round? To be honest, I have no clue on this one.


Now for Wickerbottom herself. The stuff about her isn't particularly noteworthy apart from her place of origin, but for the sake of integrity, here's what I know.




"Flame consumes New York Library" - March 29th 1911

This fire actually happened. You can read about it here: 

Obviously, the person who created the board has made the connection between other missing persons and this libary specifically.

So what can we deduce from this? Well, quite simple. It's potential evidence that Wickerbottom is from New York. As of now, we don't know any other characters that are related to libraries, so that connection is easily made. Fires seem to be a recurring theme when it comes to taking characters into the Constant, so this further supports this. The date fits as well - 1911.

All in all, it seems to be pretty much confirmed that Wickerbottom is from New York - specifically Albany, if we are to believe the fire mentioned is the one that happened in real life.


With the new tidbits discovered from the last stream, we find a 'Missing' poster of Wickerbottom herself.



As far as I can tell, there's no date attached to the missing poster, but it's safe to assume this would be near the date of the Library Fire - 29th of March 1911.

It's practically guaranteed now that Wickerbottom was taken during the library fire.

However, what's strange is that Wickerbottom is apparently connected to WX-78, or at least a prototype of it. Furthermore, that WX blueprint is connected to the article which clearly depicts Clockwork Bishops. Could Wickerbottom possibly be involved in the creation of WX-78? It seems likely, to say the least.


Now onto Wes. 

There's a flyer of "Exposition Universelle et internationale" de 1910.



I couldn't get a cleaner screenshot of this myself, sorry about that.

Yet again, this was an actual event. The 'Exposition Universelle et Internationale' of 1910 was held in Brussels.

What makes me think this could be related to Wes, comes forth from 2 things mentioned on the wikipedia page about the convention.

During the event, there was a major art exhibit where famous artists' works were displayed. During the event, painters were also allowed to participate. We only know of one character who's done painting. That being Wes, or more specifically, his Verdant skin.



And, that's not all. The convention was in 1910, as the flyer states, which fits into the timelime of the 'other' characters being taken into the 'Constant'. However, there's even more; According to the wikipedia page of the event, there was a big fire which "gutted several pavilions". This, to me, doesn't seem to be a coincidence. We already know Winona and who we assume is Wagstaff were taken during a fire, Wickerbottom was presumably taken during a fire, and chances are the "San Francisco Fire" in 1906 was when Charlie and Maxwell were taken.

To me, this seems to prove that Wes was involved in this event. And, given the fact that the flyer is on the board in the first place, it's practically confirmed.



So. There's what I've gathered thus far, I might be coming back to this as I discover more, but for now I'll keep it at that. Perhaps any of you can find any stuff I've missed, or perhaps you have proof that my theory is completely wrong?

Kudos to @Alecs. from our discord server for making me realise certain things, gathering dates and making sure I didn't overlook anything.

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I agree with this theory a lot! Especially the Wes bit with his Verdant skin. The flavor text for the skin even says "Wes is an avid landscape painter in his downtime." It would be nice for this part of his character to actually be confirmed as canon.

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William Carter puzzle 'twins' letter quote, from the wiki:

You've finally come to America! How exciting! Has your show taken New York by storm yet? I fear we may have just missed each other - the city was too much for me, so I've gone west - It really is amazing out here - maybe you could visit sometime?
Have you corresponded with mother lately? The post is dreadfully inconsistent out here, I can't believe she hasn't met the twins yet!
Warmest regards,

Combine that with Wendy/Maxwell's comments about a possible relation, and...


...whatever this series of connections means.
Including Woodie being connected to Abi's flower and Voxola??



The letter (bottom screen) connected to the flower reads as such:


Dear Winona,

  How are you? Congratulations on the new job! I knew you would find something soon. Have you settled in alright? Are you taking care of yourself?

  I'm still here in San Fran and things are going well. My magic act partner has taught me so much about showmanship in such a short time. I think you two would really get along! You're both very stubborn. Haha!


So yea, their magic acts were in San Fran. Pretty much guaranteed the fire was related to Maxwell/Charlie being pulled into the Constant. It's way too much of a Chekov's Gun.

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I guess I can add some things like this.

So watching the stream I saw that the board where all the evidence was gathered was in the workplace where Winona was working at the factory.


That means Wagstaff knew about everything Winona found out. That’s where things don’t add up. Ofc u can say he helped Winona find Charlie but how I see it from what on the board, she kinda infiltrated in the factory to find out more about what happens to Charlie( based it upon the fact she has her job application and a picture of the factory right in the middle of the board)

But then...the board was right under Wagstaff’s nose.

Also, Wicker is connected to wx and the creation of the clockworks. Might as well mean she (co)invented or had knowledge of them being built....also they were created in the DS world...so how do they know how they look like or that they exist?

This are all speculations ofc. Correct me if I m wrong or add more conspiracy theories down below.


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21 minutes ago, Alecs. said:

I guess I can add some things like this.

So watching the stream I saw that the board where all the evidence was gathered was in the workplace where Winona was working at the factory.

Be careful with that. Concept art is concept art.

The board isn't in the final version of the Voxola factory, so it was likely cut. Things not adding up is probably why it was cut.

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Just now, Alecs. said:

by having it there I still think they had the idea of having it there for the end product, which means that it had a meaning to be there in the first place

Yes, at one pointed they were going to put it there. But it's the fact that they didn't that holds value.

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I do wonder to what extent Winona and Wagstaff communicated/were aware of eachother's intentions, though.
It just so happens that she was working on radios that provide a link to the Throne, and was able to fix the portal faster than that fire took down the building. She may not have had any contact with Maxwell before getting yoinked into the Constant, buuut...

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On 15-3-2019 at 2:53 PM, __IvoCZE__ said:

is it possible that wes could actually just be a random mime doing all his famous stuff ( apart from art) there?

I suppose it depends on whether you consider skins canon. If the Verdant skins are canon, then it's likely that Wes was partcipating in the  event as a painter. However, if the skins aren't canon, my whole theory about him is mere speculation. It could be possible he was indeed just a mime there, and considering that his whole deal is that of a mime in-game, that seems the most plausible.

Seeing as all characters that are pulled in are in their clothes they wore when they were pulled in, we can assume that Wes was taken while he was doing mime things. Still, though, his Verdant skin mentions he likes to paint in his 'off-time'. He still could've participated at the convention as a painter, or at the very least mock the other painters in his schticks.

Regardless, you are right in that Wes had to indeed have been miming when he was taken to the Constant. Though, it would seem weird to me that he's just a random mime. Waxwell states that he wasn't amused by Wes when examining his trapped version in Adventure Mode. While that statement may be about how Wes behaved in the Constant, it may also refer to something Wes did before he was taken. My personal headcanon would be along the lines of Wes mocking Maxwell's magic tricks either through mime or paint, and Maxwell taking revenge on him by trapping him in his world, setting the pavilions where Wes was 'working' ablaze in the process in order to hide his disappearance.

Side notes:

If Wes was indeed taken in 1910, he could very well be the one who has been in the Constant the longest, sans Maxwell and Charlie.

Wes' Verdant skin parts are called 'fauvist's [...]'. Fauvism was a painting style that originates from France in the early 20th century. It emphasised using strong colours to depict things as opposed to realistic depictions with realistic colours.

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27 minutes ago, GentlemanFridge said:

setting the pavilions where Wes was 'working' ablaze in the process in order to hide his disappearance.

Side notes:

If Wes was indeed taken in 1910, he could very well be the one who has been in the Constant the longest,sans Maxwell and Charlie.

Shadows cause a lot of fires since the Board in Next Kin Cinematic...

also please fix it.

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9 hours ago, MrKoopa said:

I think one reason why the board wasn't on the wall was because it wouldn't make sense. After all tons of people at the factory would have been able to see it, including Wagstaff.

Furthermore, nobody seems to have mentioned the fact that the factory itself was on the board? It would be very strange for there to be a picture related to the events at the factory, before the events actually happened.


9 hours ago, __IvoCZE__ said:

also please fix it.

I genuinely can’t tell if this is a joke or an actual error on my part you’re pointing out. English isn’t my first language.

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35 minutes ago, GentlemanFridge said:

Furthermore, nobody seems to have mentioned the fact that the factory itself was on the board? It would be very strange for there to be a picture related to the events at the factory, before the events actually happened.

...the board also had a 'gain access to Voxola' note on it, so presumably it was put together before the place burned down.

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