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Question regarding Skin Changes ( QOH & S )

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I was about to make this post when the Klei road map was announce. As many of you whom seen Klei road map post. You do know they’re changing the GOH & Survivor skin set to “heirloom” in March.  For they decide to make a dlc for it. I have mix feeling about this but I do feel happy for those whom don’t have to now pay for these expensive skins especially GOH skins. I have a hobby of collecting dst skins with a decent side inventory of GOH & Survivor Skins. Here’s what I came to ask for if the community could answer the following question.

1.) Will releasing the DLC for GOH & Survivor skin set drop the original price on the market? What do you think? I personally don’t want to lose out on this. If the DLC & the original skin set look basically the same except for so the call new tag ( heirloom ) add to the old set. I do think it’s fair to say that not much players will bother buying it from the steam market. With no demands for such skins. The price will drop. I’ve seen such thing and been observing how the steam market to know so. 

honestly Klei didn’t give much information regarding this except for the tier chnage. I can’t say for sure. Only time will tell.


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As you said, only time will tell, but I think we can make more or less good estimations. 

First, each charater's skins will be released/changed/etc in the month they get the ability refresh with the new backstory. So only Winona's skins would be upgraded in March, the others' in the next months.


These character refreshes will again be free to all players, and we will be selling new skins for these characters on the month they are refreshed. 

In addition, the Triumphant, Guest of Honor and Survivor skin packs will be available to purchase for the character on that date. All owners of these skins prior to that date will be upgraded to an “Heirloom” rarity, with a higher unraveling value.

As I understand, each skin will have two variants: a regular and a heirloom variety, which would be different items on the market. Personally I expect the regular skins' prices to drop after their characters' refresh - why would anyone buy the exact same skin for a lot of money if they can buy if from Klei for a fixed (hopefully lower) price? However, the heirloom skins' prices might increase - they will be limited as they won't drop anymore and I'm sure there will be collectors who will want to have heirloom skins, not matter what they cost. Also since they'll have a higher unraveling value I'd expect many people to unravel them - so there would be always less and less of these skins. I could be very wrong here tho - but who knows? Well, we'll see it in a few months.

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14 hours ago, minespatch said:

characters who didn't get a skin during the packs released will finally get a skin. Like Wilson getting a Verdant and Maxwell getting a snowfallen.

Oh I hope that happens! It's a great opportunity to complete the collections. Looking forward to Snowfallen, Hallowed Nights and Contender Winona now :p

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