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Water cooler not giving bonus

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7 hours ago, ColBBQ said:

You need a piece of art from a +2 artist to complete to great room.

You don't need +2 artist. Any dupe with 0 in art gets +2 for being an artist, and that's precisely as much as it's needed to carve 22 decor statue. (Yes you need 4 art to make 22 paintings)

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12 hours ago, ColBBQ said:

You need a piece of art from a +2 artist to complete to great room.

Yea, I know... I have two and the room is complete.  The dupes are getting the +6 from the great room, but not +1 from the cooler.


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Sometimes the dupes don`t have enough time to use the watercooler. During downtime dupes use the toilet first then go eat and finally use the recreation machines. If there`s not eanough time for that they won`t do that last bit. Try giving them an extra square of downtime or putting washtime before downtime instead of at the start of the day. It might end in them having more time to socialize.

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1 minute ago, Sasza22 said:

Sometimes the dupes don`t have enough time to use the watercooler. During downtime dupes use the toilet first then go eat and finally use the recreation machines. If there`s not eanough time for that they won`t do that last bit. Try giving them an extra square of downtime or putting washtime before downtime instead of at the start of the day. It might end in them having more time to socialize.

I did try giving them an extra square of downtime.  So they use the toilet in both washtime and downtime?  Why have washtime at all?


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20 minutes ago, psusi said:

So they use the toilet in both washtime and downtime?  Why have washtime at all?

It`s simple. They use the toilets if they need to during downtime or washtime. After an entire day of work they usually need to pee so they do it during the downtime that is first and then they no longer need during the morning so the washtime there does nothing. But if you give them ashtime before downtime they will pee there and if they don`t need to they will continue work until downtime hits. For me that seems more effective.

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Just now, Sasza22 said:

It`s simple. They use the toilets if they need to during downtime or washtime. After an entire day of work they usually need to pee so they do it during the downtime that is first and then they no longer need during the morning so the washtime there does nothing. But if you give them ashtime before downtime they will pee there and if they don`t need to they will continue work until downtime hits. For me that seems more effective.

Sounds good.  Why the hell does the default put washtime in the morning? ;)


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