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Is Decor overkill actually useful now?

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One issue I've had within balance is that a lot of high Decor items are useless, Longhair Slicksters, rare Shinebugs, their only real nifty uses is putting them in Heavily decor damaged areas like Heavi-watt, but again, thats a small use. I guess the increased Decor also gives them high decor for longer until it 'evens out' to the area they're in, because Decor change isn't instant.

The only decor you ever needed was +45, even less if everyone was wearing Snazzy suits

But now when Decor is entirely a part of Morale and is 'Average Decor this cycle' instead of being stress increase at the spot. I wonder if Decor overkill actually is useful, aka, mashing all sort of Decor increasing stuff to reach insane decor levels. 

Say, if your decor is 20 in one area and the Average decor starts at 0. Would the Average Decor increase faster if the decor was 200? Or will it increase at the same rate and stop once it reaches the true Decor in the said area. 

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Most definitely. With extreme decor (> 400) at the places where dupes pee, eat, complain and sleep, I have no problems with stress, even with dupes at the highest job-tier and I only have the jukebox in the great hall and feed them fried mushrooms.

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Remember that it's the average of the decor that the dupe has been spending time in. 

Working areas are going to be low decor areas.  So you need to offset that with high decor downtime areas. 

That being said,  I've never gone for the decor overkill in any version.  I want a pretty base and design around that. 

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Instead of going overkill on decor spam inside your base (which looks a bit silly), you could also invest in decorating your main "roads" around the asteroid, particularly the main ladder shaft up and down. Making room to have statues lining both walls as they travel up/down helps keep the average up so you don't need to decor bomb as much in your base and that decor doesn't take up valuable space in your base.

And of course decorate the areas your dupes will spend a lot of time working such as ranches, farms and even rooms for things like the metal refinery, glass forge and oil refinery.

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