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Automation - Please Share Your Ideas

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I really like the complexity of the automation update - but I'm really terrible at making any automation gadgets...

So can You please share any useful and practical automation "machines" that You are using?

I'm sure that this would help not only me, but other people as well.

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Most practical applications of automation revolve around fail-safing specific machines to run without user interaction so they are very purpose specific. In the most simple terms it revolves around making a machinery resistant to outside and inside factors such as temperature spikes in both directions, power loss, input line losses, and output line blocks. So a showcase of working usable automation circuits are really more a demonstration of different machinery.

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Here's another air-lock design using the quad-door arrangement that not only destroys gases, but it can thermally separate the two areas.  Handy if you don't like, or it's not practical to put in a liquid-lock.  The left buffer gate needs to be a second less then the right buffer gate.  Useful for areas not heavily used.  The center doors are normally held open and, after a little time after a dupe as passed through the air-lock, they slam shut briefly, destroying the gases in them and reopening, leaving a vacuum.  The time to shut the center doors resets whenever a dupe runs over a pressure plate.






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im reposting two links that others put into a similar thread recently. i found these two videos to be a huge help:

A fundamental introduction to latches:

And this is a youtuber specifically showing how to implement the SR Latch into Oni:




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Here's a work shift controlling base exit. I've made a few variations of this.

It's designed to lock dupe(s) out for a portion of the day starting in the morning and use their hunger pains to pull them back to the base toward the end of the cycle. I find you can get a lot done in a single cycle with no interruptions.

It uses an SR latch and a pressure plate to set the door to a locked state. At 70% of the cycle a pulsing reset signal is triggered ensuring that access remains open for the remainder of the cycle.

I'd like to make a video to demo it but I don't have the set up for that. If you would like to see how it functions here's my debug base save. Just load and press play to see Devon get to work. I've seen the latch occasionally get in to a weird rapid toggling state. Not sure what causes that but it's rare.

Edit: There was a wiring error on the clock in my first save file. Workshift_Fixed.sav




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