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Time of day sensor

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Well. It kinda works doesn't it? Remember this is the optional beta testing. Things aren't necessarily fully fleshed out yet and main thing is if it works or not. The only thing you need to do is remember a cycle is 600 seconds, so each percent is 6 seconds. Then you can calculate the setting quite easily.

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Its easier than that... a cycle is made up of 8 pie slices, just look at the asteroid picture. 100% divided by 8 is 12.5% So for instance if you want something to run during the day have it set to 0% and 87% (Because the sensor doesnt let you use 0.5%) and if you want it to work only during the night have it set to 87% and 0%

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12 hours ago, Saturnus said:

Well. It kinda works doesn't it? Remember this is the optional beta testing. Things aren't necessarily fully fleshed out yet and main thing is if it works or not. The only thing you need to do is remember a cycle is 600 seconds, so each percent is 6 seconds. Then you can calculate the setting quite easily.

But at what % does the night starts and at what ends? It'd be easier to have an asteroid clock (similar to the one in the top left corner) in the sensor settings to move the start/end arrow accordingly.

6 hours ago, BlueLance said:

Its easier than that... a cycle is made up of 8 pie slices, just look at the asteroid picture. 100% divided by 8 is 12.5% So for instance if you want something to run during the day have it set to 0% and 87% (Because the sensor doesnt let you use 0.5%) and if you want it to work only during the night have it set to 87% and 0%

EDIT: @SaturnusDidn't see that answer. But anyway, the asteroid clock is much more clear.

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21 minutes ago, Daxterr said:

 I don't have any serious problems with it guys it was just an excuse to make a joke =P

I did chuckle as I thought how that would translate to real life.

Time in the world of the dupes is interesting. As there is no sunlight the idea of a nighttime is odd. Living as a dupe you might actually measure the length of time between Printer activation and recognize that as the length of a cycle. It would mark the birth of a new friend. Dupes might come to mark the occasion with festivities. Meal lice on cocktail sticks, BBQ and and a barrel of bristleberry wine.

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Maybe the clock needs segments like the Don't Starve clock?

About the sliders, this is what I thought:

A start slider and and end slider with  trail to denote the amount of time active.

3 hours ago, Moggles said:


Count with my approval.

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