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Morning shower

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It's been a long time since I've built showers, which is sad.  If I understand the way they work now, part of the problem is the dupes get "grimy" too often and constantly shower?  What about switching up the way it all works?  Dupes will shower immediately on getting up, or immediately before bed, if they have the grimy tag.  This way it's just once or at most twice a day.  It would require larger groups of showers though, due to the herding at specific times.  But, that's kind of how it works in real life. 

If a dupe is grimy for more than 8 hours (or whatever a day minus the night is) they get a 'smelly' tag.  This has bad effects of some sort.  Maybe causing dupes near them to stop and do the animation they did for trench stench in AU, possibly dropping what they're carrying and recalibrating jobs.  They could also cause nearby dupes to wake up at night due to the smell.  This would be similar to loud sleeper, but since any dupe could get it, it would incentivize spreading beds out more possibly, maybe even individual rooms. 

I think this would bring consequences to not showering, outside of the disease system, which is kind of easy to control without showers already.  And irl people shower more to keep from stinking anyway, vs as a germ countermeasure.  As in the game, irl germs on your skin really aren't a problem health-wise.  That's your skin's job, to keep them out.  But those same bacteria do cause BO, and that's a problem.

This would also open up a few more quirk possibilities.  Possibly two separate quirks where a dupe will shower only once - in the morning, or before bed.  These would be very minor, and hopefully in combo with others, but it would add a bit more complexity to the individual dupes.   There could also be a quirk where they always shower morning and night, regardless of their grime status, and will even wake up at night (interrupting their sleep) if they were not able to shower at the normal evening time.  Or, shower schedule could even be an intrinsic part of each dupe, like stress reactions.  They would be 'morning only', 'night only', 'morning or night', and 'compulsively morning and night'.

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I started hating showers after I build 8 of them for my 12 dupes. One dupe would go dig one tile, go take a shower, go dig another tile, go take a shower, head to dig a third tile, interrupted by bio break, head to dig a third tile, interrupted by eating, head to dig a third tile, it's night time so heading to bed. The place where he was digging was about half way from middle to the side with a few ladders in between.

Since I saw that happen I just disabled all, but one shower so they can possibly take a shower. But the system where they need to touch one dirty thing, get grimy from that and need to take a shower needs to change. It was really frustrating watching that dupe going back and forth for the whole day. Also showering taking 30 seconds(5% from a cycle) represents 1h 12 min long shower + travel time. That is a huge time waster.

On top of that I havent yet seen anyone tell me or read from anywhere what the grimy debuff does? I have checked every part in game where its mentioned to see what it does and nothing. It doesnt show up in stress as a debuff or anything, nothing in any germ related, nothing in shower texts. The only way I know how you get grimy is from following dupes, that part isnt explained in any way. The only text that describes it is "This Duplicant is dirty and needs a shower"

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I do not think showers do anything but I use them to generate PW for fertilizers to make power.  So wash up for electricity!

I do find showers are useful in my medical area.  I lock the dups in there but there is no easy way to have a wash basin around the fridge without losing 2 of 4 med-beds due to distance requirements and I had occasional dup getting food poisoning so added a shower to wash away that each day.


Having only 1 shower would seem to be the worst as they will just be getting to their work area when it becomes available.  At least with a large number, they get get it done with right away.

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Is the shower doing anything for stress - I know a debuff can't be foun ( anymore ), but is there a stress aspect to it?

I usually only have one shower, but i'm usually only working with 6-8 dupes.  ..and by the time I get around to making a fully functional plumbing system, the colony stress levels are generally very low.

Right now, it makes no sense for dupes to shower in the morning, not for stress, germs, or otherwise. This is why I think the 'Grimy!' issue is a bit flaky. I have noticed how easy it is for them to get grimy, as noted by Jackblac.

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