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What's the point of Moon Rocks?

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It's super durable.

Effectively it is 3 times stronger against player damage than Thuelecite walls, and takes 8.3 times more hits with a hammer.


Not that super anti-player walls are really good, since walls in general can be walked around.

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Nitre is actually somewhat important now that it's not just for gunpower, but also BOOSTER SHOTS, and beefalo saltlicks. And the disposable-tier endothermic fires for summer are good to have sometimes.

But yeah, moonrocks are kinda... useless, in that you get so few it'd take an eternity to make more than a tiny handful of walls. It takes a lot of walls to actually -do- anything with them, especially versus another player who's not gonna be dumb and go through the four tiles of tough wall instead of going for the weak ones or walking around.

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Nitre has ceased being a specialized-only thing ever since Reign of Giants.  ENDOTHERMIC FIRES, anyone?  I used to leave nitre behind when mining rocks, no longer. Did someone else mine a rock and leave the nitre on the ground?  Why thank you.  Mine*.  Like in winter, unless you have really good gear (which I never do), you have to make a fire at some point partway through the day to regulate your temperature.  The firepit only needs a little bit of nitre once...but you're not always _at_ your firepit. 

I kinda like exploring/gathering, myself...I COULD make a megabase and just stay there in the summer, but I prefer having something to do, and raising the chance that I won't be at home when giants show up.  Does this sometimes put me in grave danger from overheating/freezing?  Yes.  But I can ditch Deerclops in the wilderness!

Anyway.  Moon rocks.  Moonsuit, people!  Moonsuit.  Also the drop rates on moon rocks needs to be slightly less insanely low, for them to be useful.  Right now, they feel like a not-quite-fully-implemented feature.  Which is a shame, 'cos rocks from freaking SPACE, man! are a thing that should be seriously cool.


*As in, "belonging to me", not as in the verb "to mine" or as in the noun "mine", as in where you get minerals from.  I realise that in that particular sentence, that might be a tad confusing.  : P

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