Cobblestone Flooring in Shipwrecked

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I'm pretty sure this is a problem that everyone is aware of, and I know there have been a few posts about it previously, but I was hoping for some clarification since all of the other posts that I found were pretty inconclusive.

I went on a voyage today to build some cobblestones and came home to my base with 3 stacks of magma turf, assuming that magma turf would be the natural replacement for rocky turf in SW. Apparently not. Upon further research it seems like the only ways to get actual rocky turf while playing shipwrecked is to travel back to original DS or RoG (which isn't something I particularly want to do), or if you happen across the X marks the hat set piece, which really won't give you a great supply. I understand that cobblestone isn't really as necessary in SW since most travel is by sea, plus you can get a walking cane and/or a sleek hat, AND play as Wilbur, but why give me the option to craft it at all if it's nearly impossible?

Assuming that you're with me on team "SW should have been a stand alone game, not a DLC" and don't want to ride the seaworthy, what are we to do? Is this something that was done on purpose? Is it a bug? Are we waiting for a patch? Status unknown? Can we have a limestone yellow brick road instead? Coral Mosaic Flooring? It's not really important or game breaking, but I'm curious.



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1 hour ago, Mueck said:

Isn't there a lot of rocky turf in the Volcano? 

There is only 20ish rocky turf on the volcano at the entrance.  9 rocky turf at the "X" marks the spot.  You have to use the Shipwrecked cobblestone mod by rleonar5 to make cobblestone from magma turf.  Just make sure to only enable to mod to craft cobblestones and disable right after.  It seems to mess up the order of the crafting tab, changes some recipes and how may walls are built. 

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We are all so glad you told us this, dearmad. Your opinion on the matter is quite illuminating, and has inspired all of us to change our ways.

ruthlace (clever name, by the way), you asked the question I have been trying to find an answer to for some time. I don't necessarily think SW should have been standalone, though I certainly think it could have been, and I would love to see them implement a SW variety of cobble, too. However, I have searched high and low for answers or alternatives, and aside from the suggestions others have made above...I found no answers, official or otherwise. Just wanted you to know at least one other pair of eyes was on it.

I love the coral mosaic road idea. One of SW's real strengths to me is the color palette, and that would be a lovely addition (a yellow brick road is pretty cool, too). Maybe a bamboo pathway, with colors reminiscent of a fishermerm hut. A mud slide (think Romancing the Stone)?

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3 hours ago, Hugeisno1 said:

How about raised floors for water free transversal in the Monsoon season?

Or obsidian flooring.

To make it not OP, it would either be unrenewable or hard to get, and wouldn't stop puddles, it would just dry the puddles that come in contact with it after a bit of time(and I do mean a bit. as in, not too long, but not every second)

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+ for that, I think that "magma turf" should be officially  made a resource to make the cobble stone roads. With, maybe, a minor change to the recipe.

You know, there is a mod that makes "magma turf" suitable for making cobblestones like the "stone turf" does. Right ?



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