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*talking gory handsome head on stick turns to Mena and starts talking* I CAN'T DIE! I'M TOO HANDSOME AND SEXY TO DIE! >: D


*puts Mena and L on the next obstacle*


TOO PROVE YOUR LOVE.... You must kill the 100 ninjas that are now coming to kill you both because of how jealous they are that you two found LOVE... And they are ALL still single!


We all know how well this went last time.

wait... there was a last time? please explain... 

Edited by Fidooop
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*super glues it back and it can never be taken off*

*becomes an internet fad because of how unnormal we are and get a million dollars*

*still waiting for L and Mena to fight off the ninjas that have probably stabbed both of them a thousand times now...*

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no... it's still your marriage... WE are just 1 body and 1 team... YOU are 2 bodies, 1 team, 1 soon to be marriage, and a plethora of evil children later on! C:


*watches as the ninjas continue to stab L and Mena*

you guys.... you can kill those ninjas yknow... it's kind of the objective of this obstacle...yknow?

Edited by Fidooop
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yknow what? FINE *pushes L and Mena out on the street* YOU'RE MARRIED NOW! and when you 2 go crying for a divorce don't say I didn't try to help you prove your love to each other *slams door* uuugh... Now we need new contestants... *looks at employees* HMMMM......



Asparagus AAAAAAAND NooooooobMooooddeeeeeeeeeeer!!!!!!!!!!!!

*1 person claps*


*full audience claps out of fear*

Good... good... now we can begin our show!


please, make it past the first obstacle... *turns on a suggestive video on the really big TV*

You 2 need to look into each other's eyes and completely ignore what's going on on this TV! Love is about LOVE! not LUST... so get out there and show the world how much you love each other! :grin:

Edited by Fidooop
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