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Fire-Proof Willow Plz

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I can tolerate the lighter durability. I can live with coldness from insanity. I think Bernie is super cool. But please. For the love of everything. Give Willow back her fire immunity. It really doesn't make that big a difference for griefers, and it's one of Willow's trademarks. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way, so PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!

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it feels slightly overpowered in my opinion. With fireproof willow, you could just light an enemy on fire with the lighter and just go to town on them while they panic. In DS, you couldn't do that as easily because it would need the fire staff, but in DST all you need is a torch and a axe and you're golden. At least with how she is now, you have to do something akin to kiting.

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Question why did they make it so you no longer need a fire staff to light enemies on fire? Cause doesn't that just make the fire staff a luxury than useful damage over time.


(Kinda off-topic, but...) they did? How? Aside from the old torch or fire dart methods, you mean?

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    (Kinda off-topic, but...) they did? How? Aside from the old torch or fire dart methods, you mean?
    You can use a torch or Willow's lighter to set enemies on fire and so kind of makes the fire staff a luxury than anything, but then again I forgot you could make fire darts for some what cheap too.

Edit : Before you say you won't take take damage from say like a deerclops with a fire staff/fire dart all you gotta do is kite let him try to attack you then go hit him with the torch/Willow's lighter. ^_^

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Question why did they make it so you no longer need a fire staff to light enemies on fire? Cause doesn't that just make the fire staff a luxury than useful damage over time.




Using something like say, the Bush Hat and waiting as they walk by. Then suddenly you spring up and shoot them with the Fire Staff. Since you don't actually have to come in contact with them, if you were doing a fire war of sort, the Fire Staff (or Fire Dart, even) user would have the upper hand. IIRC you can also continue re-lighting things with it...


... But I don't play PVP. I'm just hazarding a guess based on knowledge gathered in regular co-op play. Feel free to correct me. :p

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The changes do seem pretty extreme to me, almost as if her play style was changed quite a bit with this.

A lot of Willow players I know are angry, but I don't care either way. I never had problems with random Willows burning down my servers, because I always play with friends.

But I made them this unnerfed mod anyway so they could play the way they wanted. 

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(Kinda in-topic-out-of-topic)


So Bernie is the only other things besides the player that can target the Nightmares...


Are Nightmares still affected by fire damage and if so, can I set Bernie on fire and when they attack him, can they get damaged?


If they don't add Willow's fire immunity back, would this appease the grieving Willow players? (I mean sad... grieving still means sad right?)



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