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Possible Collab: Don't Starve--Creepy Compendium

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Welcome one, welcome all, to the official forum page for....



Who is contributing?

Me: code

Enginecogs:Concepts-but got busy, so RIP.

Vivalavie:Art/concepts-Has his own things to work on

KidneyBeanBoy:He contributed some strings in the original idea post.

TheNoonFish:Art and maybe coding :grin:



PROGRESS LOG -Will be tracking progress of the current chunk of the mod I am working on.


QFABYGP(Questions Frequently Asked By You Guys Probably)

Q) Can I help?


A)Of course! Check out my Kleislist post for more info:


Q) Wow goldfish911,the last mod you started was abandoned! Why so excited to start now?


A) Allow me to explain my past situation. Modding was friendlier on windows back then, but I had a mac. So, I had to restart my mac into Bootcamp, do coding, test it, then switch back and forth between Mac/Windows mode when I was taking a break. It was excruciatingly irritating. I kinda ragequit after that, BUT I have a PC now that has allowed me to resume with gusto.


Q) What are your coding skillz?


A)I used to be bad at coding, but I am improving, and still am!


Q)Oh boy another Hiatus.


A)Gotta love college and the preparations thereof!


I will follow this through, I promise :grin: Fishling's honor!


Screenshots of current progress[WARNING:ACTUAL SPOILERS]

1/2/15:Early Dev Screenshots! Quotes and broken art assets and helmets oh my!


6/23/15 Something sinister sprouts specially, and it smells of meat!


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Even though I'm new to the forums (as a registered user), I've been reading them for months, and I specifically remember your horror survival mod post. I mentioned it to Corey from Klei when I met him at Pax East this year. I'd love to help. I'm the lead front-end developer at Gartner, and a very competent programmer. Let me know how I can help, either here, or via e-mail: typing[at]gmail.com

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Mang, all the good luck to you. I'd really love to see this come into fruition. If you need help with stuffs, add me to the list of 'last (and useless) resorts' for I'd really like to see this get off the ground (even if it means me crash-coursing in LUA).

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I am an artist/animator by hobby, and I would absolutely love to help out in any way that I can.

I have an arsenal of programs, and a tablet monitor to draw on, so I can deliver quality contributions to these mods.

I'm new to Spriter, but I'm learning through trial and error, and watching tutorials.

I've attached a picture of a drawing from one of my current project's sketchbooks.


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I am an artist/animator by hobby, and I would absolutely love to help out in any way that I can.

I have an arsenal of programs, and a tablet monitor to draw on, so I can deliver quality contributions to these mods.

I'm new to Spriter, but I'm learning through trial and error, and watching tutorials.

I've attached a picture of a drawing from one of my current project's sketchbooks.

Cheers!attachicon.gif2014-06-18 12.59.34.jpg


Sure, I would be glad to have another artist/animator to help!


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Okay, so let me polish my necronomicon off for a sec...

So I started working on this again. I finally fixed all of the art assets, the very thing that made me stop working on this so long ago.

Sooo, yeah.

I will be updating the OP with screenshots shortly.

EDIT:I made slightly more progress in a day than I expected...but still not much. One item down, a bajillion more to go!

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These are the still-placeholders of the stuff currently in the mod, created when my drawing self-esteem was at an all-time low. Feel free to have a look.

god i hate jumping around like this


i redid most of the artwork (and deleted the .xml and .tex, porb should let it compile, but meh.)

the meat grinder, however, i would like to mess around with some of my ideas of what it would look like, so i didn't touch that


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