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wormwood's trap reset

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Just now, Dextops said:

please no. i love having other options than just head on combat and you're ignoring that it's cheaper to just kill deerclops normally.

it is absolutely not cheaper, it takes resting in a tent on two nights, and killing 14 bees if you want all 14.

I'm not saying that the deerclops kill is impressive (though it is, wormwood is beating wolfgangs dps pretty easily considering I WASNT HELPING.)

I'm saying its much more worrisome for any harder fights that involve the enemy walking around, it wont instagib fuelweaver, but it'll certainly deal a hefty chunk of damage for very little setup once you get some healing going.

for reference, i spawned deerclops day 7 just to see how feasible killing him would be with traps, it took me 7 days without making any particular effort to gather materials or prep for deerclops, I just made some for the first few hound waves and was like "I wonder how effective this is"

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From the same killers of petal production, from the same killers of weremoose, now "nerf trap reset". The only good thing in this hotfix you want remove. 

Remember that they lose durability every time they are used and you always have to craft more.

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2 minutes ago, Copyafriend said:

it is absolutely not cheaper, it takes resting in a tent on two nights, and killing 14 bees if you want all 14.

i'd say a is  hambat is much much much cheaper than making several traps. again this isn't anything substantial especially with deerclops i expect it to struggle a lot with other bosses as well as bosses it doesn't work on.

1 minute ago, Habakkuk said:

From the same killers of petal production, from the same killers of weremoose, now "nerf trap reset". The only good thing in this hotfix you want remove. 

Remember that they lose durability every time they are used and you always have to craft more.

also this

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Could also just use a regular weapon like a ham bat or even a spear to get the job done.

I'm glad traps are an actual viable tool, they're my favorite part of the franchise! From elephant cactus to anenemies to bramble traps, if anything I was hoping for this and player-friendly brambles to be part of base kit rather than behind the tree. But oh well.

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1 minute ago, Hornete said:

Could also just use a regular weapon like a ham bat or even a spear to get the job done.

I'm glad traps are an actual viable tool, they're my favorite part of the franchise! From elephant cactus to anenemies to bramble traps, if anything I was hoping for this and player-friendly brambles to be part of base kit rather than behind the tree. But oh well.

I also love traps and inteligent farms, we need more of those not less. 

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13 minutes ago, Gashzer said:

Don't nerf my brain child you monster!!! 

@HowlVoid has been suggesting bloom resetting bramble traps for years now :lol:

7 minutes ago, Copyafriend said:

it is absolutely not cheaper, it takes resting in a tent on two nights, and killing 14 bees if you want all 14.

How is kiting with a hambat not cheaper than making and setting up 14 bramble traps and blooming in winter. 

have u seen treeguard idol in action? Wheres ur post asking for nerfs on that? Have u not seen it killing anything from deerclops to misery toadstool? 

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Just now, Dextops said:

i'd say a hambat is much cheaper than making several traps. again this isn't anything substantial especially with deerclops i expect it to struggle a lot with other bosses as well as bosses it doesn't work on.

Fair enough, its up to klei to decide how to move foward with this information, it just feels too strong to me, so I wanted to make a post about it.

1 minute ago, Habakkuk said:

From the same killers of petal production, from the same killers of weremoose, now "nerf trap reset". The only good thing in this hotfix you want remove. 

Remember that they lose durability every time they are used and you always have to craft more.

I didnt kill petal production, I actually rather liked it, Id like it to come back but photosynthesis is fun too.

"remember they lose durability every time they are used"

Cool i'll remember that with my very casual dozen bramble traps after a day of working on making bramble traps (4800 damage worth of traps) while they go off around once a second (Yes ten can all activate at once, for 400 damage a second).

its VERY strong, I'm not going to back off of my "it should be nerfed" position. 400 damage from 1 living log and 1 stinger is PRETTY cheap. I'd mostly compare it to gunpowder. it's cheaper to amass than gunpowder and its 4x the damage. it's main weakness is not hitting flying enemies but otherwise? it's slightly slower cheaper more damaging more accurate gunpowder

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10 minutes ago, Copyafriend said:

SHRED deerclops

So? Saying you shred deerclops is like saying you can rip a sheet of toilet paper off the perforation. Who cares? If it actually affects your enjoyment of the game, fight deerclops with a bugnet or something.

There's this weapon called the dark sword that shreds deerclops too. They should nerf that too, right? 

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Just now, Ohan said:

have u seen treeguard idol in action? Wheres ur post asking nerfs on that? Have u not seen it killing anything from deerclops to misery toadstool? 

And I just expected nerfs, I didnt think I'd need to ask for them.

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Just now, Habakkuk said:

I also love traps and inteligent farms, we need more of those not less. 

It's a favorite part of the game for me too! And the game was originally designed around the principle of the player being encouraged to get dirty work done for them by set up traps and/or followers or any other clever situation rather then directly getting engaged. Of course, the game is much different and this doesn't apply much, but I still very much enjoy and advocate for when we get options like these, :)

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Absolutely do not!

These deserve it, after what they've been through.
At most like, a .00000000002% cooldown on them resetting or something but they need this.

This is the lazy option, there's so many better ways to get the job done, this can be left in for the trap setters out there! I vastly prefer trap gameplay over hunt and kill.

Leave the brambles alone! They earned this fair and square!

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I am fine with it being an option, and I love the idea of it, and mentioned it in the post for the hotfix. my problem is the speed and efficiency of how fast they reset. I compared them to gunpowder and I wasn't kidding, they are FAST I only made 10 and it killed deerclops in 30 seconds, I wasn't even attacking. deerclops can activate like 15 at once with good positioning

Yes you can make a hambat and help, yes i LIKE wormwood using his traps to his advantage.

wormwoods TRAPS on their own, shouldn't outdps wolfgang without wormwood even attacking.

That is my assertion, ya'll may disagree, you can argue cost, I say that it's PRETTY cheap. may not be "lmao make a hambat" cheap, but it's pretty close.

so i say: nerf it.

add like a 1 second delay, so it goes off every 2 secondish, then it's more than reasonable.

It doesn't have to be able to DELETE a boss to still be strong.

And deerclops is a perfectly reasonable metric, yes he's weak, but my point was that it killed him in SECONDS, I wasn't saying he's strong, but he still has 4k health, i can always just make more traps for a harder boss. it's wormwood, living logs are stupid cheap for him.

Heres proof, btw i GREATLY exaggerated how long it takes.

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23 minutes ago, Copyafriend said:

I'm saying its much more worrisome for any harder fights that involve the enemy walking around, it wont instagib fuelweaver, but it'll certainly deal a hefty chunk of damage for very little setup once you get some healing going.


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Honestly I don't think it could be worth crafting +10 bramble traps just to take a giant in 30 seconds, NW is easy, and even more with WW’S speed, so why bother on it.

Perhaps useful on Toadstool, but it would require an excesive amount of traps to kill it. I tried it on AFW and it was fairly decent. Sadly spike atk removes placed traps.


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1 minute ago, Chesterxito said:

Honestly I don't think it could be worth crafting +10 bramble traps just to take a giant in 30 seconds, NW is easy, and even more with WW’S speed, so why bother on it.

Perhaps useful on Toadstool, but it would require an excesive amount of traps to kill it. I tried it on AFW and it was fairly decent. Sadly spike atk removes placed traps.


It is amazing! 

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10 minutes ago, TheTrueStickman said:

Guys we gotta nerf gunpowder, you're able to oneshot bosses with it!!!!

While it's dps is really impressive, it needs so much setup that i don't think it'll be worth it for anything beyond Deerclops and Bearger.

I totally agree with this.
There are a lot of characters that can do crazy things right off the bat with no setup. "The power creep" problem is a different topic but considering the current state of the game and the characters I wouldnt call the new traps broken at all.
It is also on a character that has one of the most significant downsides of any character , if it is ok for wolfgang to have that much dps with literally no downsides I think this is fine too.

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1 hour ago, Copyafriend said:

it needs a nerf pretty badly, I was able to SHRED deerclops with just 10 traps in under id say 30 seconds. It needs a few seconds of delay minimum.


58 minutes ago, DeConquer said:

Killing deerclops fast is a poor reason to nerf something

Fr, Deerclops is a joke, it's not a excuse to nerf it

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