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[BETA] Fast Track - Performance Mod for Oxygen Not Included

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Fast Track has been updated to version 0.10.10.

As usual, with new Klei updates significant changes are required to Fast Track, which often take a day or more of work to complete. In addition to those changes:

  • Fix a compatibility issue with Efficient Supply
  • Fix a thread resource leak when loading a new game that could cause native stack overflows
  • Fix a crash caused by Cluster Map Optimizations
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There is another bug with Fast Track. Complete colonies have become nearly invisible:

Edit: Disabling Threaded Tile Updates can fix this issue.

Edit 2: This bug has been fixed in 0.10.12. version.




Edited by NunuDino
new Fast Track update
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Version 0.10.12 has been released. This version fixes a No Disease crash and hopefully should help with some issues caused by debug mode. It also fixes an issue with some cluster layouts showing blank geometry. Note that debug mode options are not tested under Fast Track and could cause crashes or unusual behavior.

To fix one of the issues introduced by Whatta Blast, Fast Track 0.10.11 unfortunately must reset the mod configuration. If your Fast Track configuration matters to you, you may need to restore the mod configuration settings after updating.

Edited by Peter Han
0.10.12 release
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13 hours ago, NunuDino said:

There is another bug with Fast Track. Complete colonies have become nearly invisible:

Edit: Disabling Threaded Tile Updates can fix this issue.




It looks like this issue only occurs on some Spaced Out cluster asteroid layouts. Most issues of this kind should be fixed in 0.10.12.

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Had this crash occur when a Beeta Hive died due to getting too warm.

I saw a beeta trying to fly back into the hive right at that moment.

Exception in: (Bee).BeeForageStates.root.storage.storeMaterial. 
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.GetComponentFastPath(UnityEngine.Component,System.Type,intptr)
  at UnityEngine.Component.GetComponent[T] () [0x00021] in <72b60a3dd8cd4f12a155b761a1af9144>:0 
  at BeeForageStates.StoreOre (BeeForageStates+Instance smi) [0x0000b] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 
  at StateMachine`4+GenericInstance[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType].ExecuteActions (StateMachine`4+State[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType] state, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] actions) [0x00048] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 

  at UnityEngine.Debug.LogError (System.Object message, UnityEngine.Object context) [0x00000] in <72b60a3dd8cd4f12a155b761a1af9144>:0 
  at Debug.LogError (System.Object obj, UnityEngine.Object context) [0x00000] in <d35824e72985464e85149179dd14d71e>:0 
  at DebugUtil.LogErrorArgs (UnityEngine.Object context, System.Object[] objs) [0x00000] in <d35824e72985464e85149179dd14d71e>:0 
  at DebugUtil.LogException (UnityEngine.Object context, System.String errorMessage, System.Exception e) [0x00000] in <d35824e72985464e85149179dd14d71e>:0 
  at StateMachine`4+GenericInstance[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType].ExecuteActions (StateMachine`4+State[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType] state, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] actions) [0x00000] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 
  at StateMachine`4+GenericInstance[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType].PopState () [0x00000] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 
  at StateMachine`4+GenericInstance[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType].GoTo (StateMachine+BaseState base_state) [0x00000] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 
  at GameStateMachine`4+EventTransitionData[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType].ExecuteTransition (StateMachineInstanceType smi) [0x00000] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 
  at GameStateMachine`4+EventTransitionData[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType].OnCallback (StateMachineInstanceType smi) [0x00000] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 
  at GameStateMachine`4+EventTransitionData+<>c__DisplayClass7_0[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType].<Register>b__0 (System.Object d) [0x00000] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 
  at EventSystem.Trigger (UnityEngine.GameObject go, System.Int32 hash, System.Object data) [0x00000] in <d35824e72985464e85149179dd14d71e>:0 
  at EventExtensions.Trigger (UnityEngine.GameObject go, System.Int32 hash, System.Object data) [0x00000] in <d35824e72985464e85149179dd14d71e>:0 
  at PeterHan.FastTrack.PathPatches.DeferredTriggers.TriggerAndQueue (KAnimControllerBase source, System.Int32 hash, System.Object data) [0x00000] in <70a2a68c236d4f72a9a06ed3adc7f3a5>:0 
  at PeterHan.FastTrack.PathPatches.KBatchedAnimController_TriggerStop_Patch.Prefix (KBatchedAnimController __instance) [0x00000] in <70a2a68c236d4f72a9a06ed3adc7f3a5>:0 
  at KBatchedAnimController.KBatchedAnimController.TriggerStop_Patch1 (KBatchedAnimController ) [0x00000] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 
  at AnimEventManager.Update () [0x00000] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 
  at Global.Global.Update_Patch1 (Global ) [0x00000] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 
Build: U46-551176-SD


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This looks like a base game crash that just happened to get Fast Track caught up in it (due to it executing on the deferred queue), as Fast Track will be blamed for all crashes. Consider reporting it to the bug tracker.

41 minutes ago, Xirema said:

Had this crash occur when a Beeta Hive died due to getting too warm.

I saw a beeta trying to fly back into the hive right at that moment.

Exception in: (Bee).BeeForageStates.root.storage.storeMaterial. 
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.GetComponentFastPath(UnityEngine.Component,System.Type,intptr)
  at UnityEngine.Component.GetComponent[T] () [0x00021] in <72b60a3dd8cd4f12a155b761a1af9144>:0 
  at BeeForageStates.StoreOre (BeeForageStates+Instance smi) [0x0000b] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 
  at StateMachine`4+GenericInstance[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType].ExecuteActions (StateMachine`4+State[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType] state, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] actions) [0x00048] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 

  at UnityEngine.Debug.LogError (System.Object message, UnityEngine.Object context) [0x00000] in <72b60a3dd8cd4f12a155b761a1af9144>:0 
  at Debug.LogError (System.Object obj, UnityEngine.Object context) [0x00000] in <d35824e72985464e85149179dd14d71e>:0 
  at DebugUtil.LogErrorArgs (UnityEngine.Object context, System.Object[] objs) [0x00000] in <d35824e72985464e85149179dd14d71e>:0 
  at DebugUtil.LogException (UnityEngine.Object context, System.String errorMessage, System.Exception e) [0x00000] in <d35824e72985464e85149179dd14d71e>:0 
  at StateMachine`4+GenericInstance[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType].ExecuteActions (StateMachine`4+State[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType] state, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] actions) [0x00000] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 
  at StateMachine`4+GenericInstance[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType].PopState () [0x00000] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 
  at StateMachine`4+GenericInstance[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType].GoTo (StateMachine+BaseState base_state) [0x00000] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 
  at GameStateMachine`4+EventTransitionData[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType].ExecuteTransition (StateMachineInstanceType smi) [0x00000] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 
  at GameStateMachine`4+EventTransitionData[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType].OnCallback (StateMachineInstanceType smi) [0x00000] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 
  at GameStateMachine`4+EventTransitionData+<>c__DisplayClass7_0[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType].<Register>b__0 (System.Object d) [0x00000] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 
  at EventSystem.Trigger (UnityEngine.GameObject go, System.Int32 hash, System.Object data) [0x00000] in <d35824e72985464e85149179dd14d71e>:0 
  at EventExtensions.Trigger (UnityEngine.GameObject go, System.Int32 hash, System.Object data) [0x00000] in <d35824e72985464e85149179dd14d71e>:0 
  at PeterHan.FastTrack.PathPatches.DeferredTriggers.TriggerAndQueue (KAnimControllerBase source, System.Int32 hash, System.Object data) [0x00000] in <70a2a68c236d4f72a9a06ed3adc7f3a5>:0 
  at PeterHan.FastTrack.PathPatches.KBatchedAnimController_TriggerStop_Patch.Prefix (KBatchedAnimController __instance) [0x00000] in <70a2a68c236d4f72a9a06ed3adc7f3a5>:0 
  at KBatchedAnimController.KBatchedAnimController.TriggerStop_Patch1 (KBatchedAnimController ) [0x00000] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 
  at AnimEventManager.Update () [0x00000] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 
  at Global.Global.Update_Patch1 (Global ) [0x00000] in <d3a376420e78430e89fc189ee049a6ac>:0 
Build: U46-551176-SD



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This is somewhat random, but does this mod have anything that specifically targets buildings that require dupe labor and contain/eject fluids, like a metal refinery or oil refinery?  I'm having this hellishly intermittent but persistent issue where I get severe stuttering, like a 1 second pause every half a second, any time a dupe is actively working at a building, but specifically only buildings that require dupe labor and also have fluid input/outputs for the recipes.  It seems to be caused by some combination of mods I can't narrow down even after hours of trying the good old 50:50 method of troubleshooting, but fast track seems to be one of the consistent factors. 

It only happens when fast track is installed, it doesn't happen in vanilla, doesn't happen with fast track alone, or fast track and 1-2 other mods, it's some complex combination of mods.  There's no error messages and nothing in the log, and I have literally no other mod that specifically modifies labor buildings, just QoL stuff like chained deconstruction, build over plants, build without materials, and mods that add new asteroid clusters.  It's an absolute bitch to troubleshoot because the game can randomly start doing it after 3 minutes of gameplay or it can be fine for hours and then suddenly start, and I cannot work out why.

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14 hours ago, King of Blades said:

This is somewhat random, but does this mod have anything that specifically targets buildings that require dupe labor and contain/eject fluids, like a metal refinery or oil refinery?  I'm having this hellishly intermittent but persistent issue where I get severe stuttering, like a 1 second pause every half a second, any time a dupe is actively working at a building, but specifically only buildings that require dupe labor and also have fluid input/outputs for the recipes.  It seems to be caused by some combination of mods I can't narrow down even after hours of trying the good old 50:50 method of troubleshooting, but fast track seems to be one of the consistent factors. 

It only happens when fast track is installed, it doesn't happen in vanilla, doesn't happen with fast track alone, or fast track and 1-2 other mods, it's some complex combination of mods.  There's no error messages and nothing in the log, and I have literally no other mod that specifically modifies labor buildings, just QoL stuff like chained deconstruction, build over plants, build without materials, and mods that add new asteroid clusters.  It's an absolute bitch to troubleshoot because the game can randomly start doing it after 3 minutes of gameplay or it can be fine for hours and then suddenly start, and I cannot work out why.

Can you list at least one combination of mods that you've had installed that you've seen this issue?

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21 hours ago, King of Blades said:

This is somewhat random, but does this mod have anything that specifically targets buildings that require dupe labor and contain/eject fluids, like a metal refinery or oil refinery?  I'm having this hellishly intermittent but persistent issue where I get severe stuttering, like a 1 second pause every half a second, any time a dupe is actively working at a building, but specifically only buildings that require dupe labor and also have fluid input/outputs for the recipes.  It seems to be caused by some combination of mods I can't narrow down even after hours of trying the good old 50:50 method of troubleshooting, but fast track seems to be one of the consistent factors. 

It only happens when fast track is installed, it doesn't happen in vanilla, doesn't happen with fast track alone, or fast track and 1-2 other mods, it's some complex combination of mods.  There's no error messages and nothing in the log, and I have literally no other mod that specifically modifies labor buildings, just QoL stuff like chained deconstruction, build over plants, build without materials, and mods that add new asteroid clusters.  It's an absolute bitch to troubleshoot because the game can randomly start doing it after 3 minutes of gameplay or it can be fine for hours and then suddenly start, and I cannot work out why.

Interactions with more than one or two other mods will almost certainly be impossible to reproduce and fix without naming the exact mods that could cause a multi-way compatibility issue. There are hundreds of mods on the workshop, some of which may require compatibility by name if they have not yet been tested. Fast Track currently has manual workarounds for almost 30 mod compatibility issues, but it is impractical to actively look for others without targeting a particular mod.

In other news, Fast Track version 0.10.13 fixes an issue that could cause chore loops on some computers with Chore Optimizations turned on.

Edited by Peter Han
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On 4/10/2023 at 6:59 AM, King of Blades said:

This is somewhat random, but does this mod have anything that specifically targets buildings that require dupe labor and contain/eject fluids, like a metal refinery or oil refinery?  I'm having this hellishly intermittent but persistent issue where I get severe stuttering, like a 1 second pause every half a second, any time a dupe is actively working at a building, but specifically only buildings that require dupe labor and also have fluid input/outputs for the recipes.  It seems to be caused by some combination of mods I can't narrow down even after hours of trying the good old 50:50 method of troubleshooting, but fast track seems to be one of the consistent factors. 

It only happens when fast track is installed, it doesn't happen in vanilla, doesn't happen with fast track alone, or fast track and 1-2 other mods, it's some complex combination of mods.  There's no error messages and nothing in the log, and I have literally no other mod that specifically modifies labor buildings, just QoL stuff like chained deconstruction, build over plants, build without materials, and mods that add new asteroid clusters.  It's an absolute bitch to troubleshoot because the game can randomly start doing it after 3 minutes of gameplay or it can be fine for hours and then suddenly start, and I cannot work out why.

got same issue
wrangle fliers
build over plants
blueprints fixed
no research alerts
better automation overlay
better info cards
true tiles
suppress notifications
checkpoint automation
dont starve mr puft
clean drop
automatic dispencer only transfer from lower priority
emptiable rocketry
smart egg incubator

resolved(at least for now) after deleting
no long cummutes
sufficient oxygen generation

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On 4/12/2023 at 1:03 AM, fensh said:

got same issue
wrangle fliers
build over plants
blueprints fixed
no research alerts
better automation overlay
better info cards
true tiles
suppress notifications
checkpoint automation
dont starve mr puft
clean drop
automatic dispencer only transfer from lower priority
emptiable rocketry
smart egg incubator

resolved(at least for now) after deleting
no long cummutes
sufficient oxygen generation

I’ve noticed something similar but the stutters are not as severe. Only mods in common are true tiles, suppress notifications, and checkpoint automation.

Issue seems to be more pronounced with the molecular forge when making supercoolant.

Apologies for the lack of more specific information, the issue is intermittent and very challenging to troubleshoot.

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On 4/13/2023 at 2:36 PM, Charletrom said:

I’ve noticed something similar but the stutters are not as severe. Only mods in common are true tiles, suppress notifications, and checkpoint automation.

Issue seems to be more pronounced with the molecular forge when making supercoolant.

Apologies for the lack of more specific information, the issue is intermittent and very challenging to troubleshoot.

I got stutters and i only have in common with the 2 of you, suppress notifications.

Gonna disable it and see.

Edit: I didn't find any noticeable difference between having "suppress notifications" on or off regarding stutters.

They do seem to be happening roughly at the same time, so ill try to see what are causing them.

Edited by melquiades
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I have a question before I consider making a bug report.

Does anyone else get a game crash or freeze using FastTrack with DISEASES TURNED OFF and trying to generate a new cluster? Every time I've tried with FT enabled and diseases off, the cluster generation will crash or freeze endlessly with a mention of diseases in the log. 

I want to make sure this isn't a "me" problem and that other people also see the same behaviour before I bother the developer with a bug report and logs.

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On 4/19/2023 at 3:16 PM, The Toblin said:

I have a question before I consider making a bug report.

Does anyone else get a game crash or freeze using FastTrack with DISEASES TURNED OFF and trying to generate a new cluster? Every time I've tried with FT enabled and diseases off, the cluster generation will crash or freeze endlessly with a mention of diseases in the log. 

I want to make sure this isn't a "me" problem and that other people also see the same behaviour before I bother the developer with a bug report and logs.

Got this problem 2 times, disabled ALL mods, started the cluster, enabled all again, and it works just fine. 

With the new version (game and FT) no problems. It just took its time to generate (around 5 minutes)

If i had to guess: I think the mod goes over the whole map, removing germs from the tiles. This may take quite a while.

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On 4/19/2023 at 6:16 AM, The Toblin said:

I have a question before I consider making a bug report.

Does anyone else get a game crash or freeze using FastTrack with DISEASES TURNED OFF and trying to generate a new cluster? Every time I've tried with FT enabled and diseases off, the cluster generation will crash or freeze endlessly with a mention of diseases in the log. 

I want to make sure this isn't a "me" problem and that other people also see the same behaviour before I bother the developer with a bug report and logs.

The most recent base game hotfix did introduce an issue with No Diseases, make sure that the latest version of Fast Track is installed.


15 hours ago, SharraShimada said:

Got this problem 2 times, disabled ALL mods, started the cluster, enabled all again, and it works just fine. 

With the new version (game and FT) no problems. It just took its time to generate (around 5 minutes)

If i had to guess: I think the mod goes over the whole map, removing germs from the tiles. This may take quite a while.

But even with the fix, the point made above is valid - No Diseases must remove all germs from the map during world gen, tile by tile, which might add 10-15 seconds to world gen for larger maps and clusters.

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7 hours ago, Peter Han said:

The most recent base game hotfix did introduce an issue with No Diseases, make sure that the latest version of Fast Track is installed.


But even with the fix, the point made above is valid - No Diseases must remove all germs from the map during world gen, tile by tile, which might add 10-15 seconds to world gen for larger maps and clusters.

I am right to assume the time needed to remove germs scales wit available CPU-power?

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Not sure if it helps but I Got this crash when wrangling some shove voles to a new place :

Chore.Begin provider is null 64334 WorkChore`1[Capturable] Capture, provider , driver 

  at UnityEngine.Debug.LogErrorFormat (System.String format, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <72b60a3dd8cd4f12a155b761a1af9144>:0 
  at Debug.LogErrorFormat (System.String format, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <d35824e72985464e85149179dd14d71e>:0 
  at Chore.Begin (Chore+Precondition+Context context) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at WorkChore`1[WorkableType].Begin (Chore+Precondition+Context context) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at ChoreDriver+StatesInstance.BeginChore () [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at ChoreDriver+States+<>c.<InitializeStates>b__5_2 (ChoreDriver+StatesInstance smi) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at StateMachine`4+GenericInstance[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType].ExecuteActions (StateMachine`4+State[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType] state, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] actions) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at StateMachine`4+GenericInstance[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType].PushState (StateMachine+BaseState state) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at StateMachine`4+GenericInstance[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType].GoTo (StateMachine+BaseState base_state) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at StateMachine`4+Parameter`1+Transition[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType,ParameterType].Evaluate (StateMachine+Instance smi) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at StateMachine`4+Parameter`1+Context[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType,ParameterType].Set (ParameterType value, StateMachineInstanceType smi, System.Boolean silenceEvents) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at StateMachine`4+Parameter`1[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType,ParameterType].Set (ParameterType value, StateMachineInstanceType smi, System.Boolean silenceEvents) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at ChoreDriver.SetChore (Chore+Precondition+Context context) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at Brain.UpdateChores () [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at Brain.UpdateBrain () [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at MinionBrain.MinionBrain.UpdateBrain_Patch0 (MinionBrain ) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at PeterHan.FastTrack.PathPatches.AsyncBrainGroupUpdater.EndBrainUpdate () [0x00000] in <cf217e25fa624bb886d4617058607898>:0 
  at PeterHan.FastTrack.World_LateUpdate_Patch.Postfix () [0x00000] in <cf217e25fa624bb886d4617058607898>:0 
  at World.World.LateUpdate_Patch2 (World ) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
Build: U46-552078-S

Modlist :


Skills Master // by @Ony
No Drop // by @Ony
Resize Dup UI
Move This Here
Fluid Shipping
Space POI Additional Info
No Manual Delivery
Suppress Notifications
Mod Manager // by @Ony
Schedule Master // by @Ony
No Research Alerts
Thermal Tooltips
Better Info Cards
No Sensor Limits
Bigger Camera Zoom Out
Workshop Profiles
Critter Inventory
Clean Drop
Simpler Pip Plant Rule (Vanilla/DLC)
Pip Plant Overlay
Buildable Natural Tile
Build Over Plants
Efficient Supply
Falling Sand
Sweep By Type
Show Building Ranges
[Vanilla + DLC] Conveyor Rail Display


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15 hours ago, Kelth said:

Not sure if it helps but I Got this crash when wrangling some shove voles to a new place :

Chore.Begin provider is null 64334 WorkChore`1[Capturable] Capture, provider , driver 

  at UnityEngine.Debug.LogErrorFormat (System.String format, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <72b60a3dd8cd4f12a155b761a1af9144>:0 
  at Debug.LogErrorFormat (System.String format, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <d35824e72985464e85149179dd14d71e>:0 
  at Chore.Begin (Chore+Precondition+Context context) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at WorkChore`1[WorkableType].Begin (Chore+Precondition+Context context) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at ChoreDriver+StatesInstance.BeginChore () [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at ChoreDriver+States+<>c.<InitializeStates>b__5_2 (ChoreDriver+StatesInstance smi) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at StateMachine`4+GenericInstance[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType].ExecuteActions (StateMachine`4+State[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType] state, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] actions) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at StateMachine`4+GenericInstance[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType].PushState (StateMachine+BaseState state) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at StateMachine`4+GenericInstance[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType].GoTo (StateMachine+BaseState base_state) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at StateMachine`4+Parameter`1+Transition[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType,ParameterType].Evaluate (StateMachine+Instance smi) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at StateMachine`4+Parameter`1+Context[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType,ParameterType].Set (ParameterType value, StateMachineInstanceType smi, System.Boolean silenceEvents) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at StateMachine`4+Parameter`1[StateMachineType,StateMachineInstanceType,MasterType,DefType,ParameterType].Set (ParameterType value, StateMachineInstanceType smi, System.Boolean silenceEvents) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at ChoreDriver.SetChore (Chore+Precondition+Context context) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at Brain.UpdateChores () [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at Brain.UpdateBrain () [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at MinionBrain.MinionBrain.UpdateBrain_Patch0 (MinionBrain ) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
  at PeterHan.FastTrack.PathPatches.AsyncBrainGroupUpdater.EndBrainUpdate () [0x00000] in <cf217e25fa624bb886d4617058607898>:0 
  at PeterHan.FastTrack.World_LateUpdate_Patch.Postfix () [0x00000] in <cf217e25fa624bb886d4617058607898>:0 
  at World.World.LateUpdate_Patch2 (World ) [0x00000] in <1f4c5a7d658c4522888fade7e74323ad>:0 
Build: U46-552078-S

Modlist :

  Reveal hidden contents

Skills Master // by @Ony
No Drop // by @Ony
Resize Dup UI
Move This Here
Fluid Shipping
Space POI Additional Info
No Manual Delivery
Suppress Notifications
Mod Manager // by @Ony
Schedule Master // by @Ony
No Research Alerts
Thermal Tooltips
Better Info Cards
No Sensor Limits
Bigger Camera Zoom Out
Workshop Profiles
Critter Inventory
Clean Drop
Simpler Pip Plant Rule (Vanilla/DLC)
Pip Plant Overlay
Buildable Natural Tile
Build Over Plants
Efficient Supply
Falling Sand
Sweep By Type
Show Building Ranges
[Vanilla + DLC] Conveyor Rail Display


This looks like a base game crash that happens when the critter dies on the same frame that a Duplicant tries to wrangle it. Fast Track will be blamed for every crash, due to bugs in the crash reporter; consider reporting the bug on the Klei Bug Tracker.

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On 5/11/2023 at 2:28 AM, Just_fil said:

May i ask for the conduit network rebuilds still on your plan? canot wait for 100x faster performance

I'm fairly certain (Peter can correct me if I'm mistaken) that the "100x faster performance" he quoted only affects moments in the game when it's actually changing the state of the conduit network. If you have especially large/complicated colonies where nearly half the real estate is covered in pipes, there's a noticeable lag spike that occurs every time a new segment of pipe gets built.

So this is a good optimization to figure out, but it probably won't affect performance much if you're not actively building/destroying existing infrastructure.

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I wonder why Klei is not implementing some of these optimizations if they have been proven to be effective...

Also, Klei should optimize the game anyway. Even on better computers the lags are sometimes severe, up to the point where it is no fun anymore. 

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10 hours ago, Henlikuoth said:

I wonder why Klei is not implementing some of these optimizations if they have been proven to be effective...

Also, Klei should optimize the game anyway. Even on better computers the lags are sometimes severe, up to the point where it is no fun anymore. 

And while you wonder KLEI had already done it. Some and not all. Why? Because the changes Peter made are noch 100% stable. They can cause problems. Problems the Team at Klei do not want to throw at all of the users. If you use such "hacks" you have to support your customers, if something does not work out. Just read THIS very thread with all the reports of problems, and if you want, take a look at the source page of this mod. Its not all roses and sunshine and some people get serious problems with this mod active. You do NOT want this as a game dev. And so they are very limited to what implement and what not.

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