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Compass should not be an item.

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In DS and singleplayer servers rotating the camera is ok, as there is only 1 map and only you know the directions, compass isn't needed. But in DST, there is an unspoken rule of not rotating the camera to follow directions. The game was developed with the camera angle which has forward looking further than any other direction, so when you need to see far, you would rotate the camera to look forward. All reasonable but, when you need to follow others directions into an undiscovered land on the map, you have to listen to directions, be it compass north, or normal up. But that assumes the player never rotated the camera, which is inconvenient for reasons stated above. So solution is clear, right? Just add an item to always point north, simple. Well it turns out the first idea is always the worst one cause, when do you ask for directions? When you need to go into undiscovered land. When do you need to go into undiscovered land? When your map isn't full. When is your map not full? When you first spawn in. Compass is made with gold, which is really expensive, and is better used for something more practical, but ok, maybe you have the resources, but it has durability, takes up a slot, and you have to wear it in your hand slot, just for something so unrequired. So just don't rotate the camera instead, right? That removes the advantage of forward looking further than other angles. So, either make compass cheaper, and i mean a lot cheaper, and give it as soon as you join in, or incorporate it into UI. That's what modders did https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=825944482&searchtext=rotating+compass, and it's perfect. Doesn't take up a slot, doesn't waste resources, doesn't have durability. Please, I have to make a directional sign pointing north at spawn for players to not get lost, it stinks.

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If 2 people hold a compass you can see eachother super useful for ruins, moon island, and other locations. And if you cant afford 1 gold and a flint it's called birds and a singular meat. There's 2 other items that function the same but the other 2 arnt both ways and requires more effort to use. I feel like the saddlehorn or something is more justified 

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The compass can be really useful in multiplayer, but it's use is so niche that no one is ever really going to bother crafting it, even if they would have found it useful, kinda like the cookbook.

It's one of those things that may as well just be a little icon that pops up when opening the map. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw that in a future QoL update.

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2 minutes ago, Cowboy Maxwell said:

Isn't the only time a compass truly useful is for CK and figuring out where a "safe" spot from his pincers are? 

like @CaRat said, is used for knowing where are other players that hold their own compass

idk why they made it for single player DS but is true that works for what you said too for being able to know directions with it

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11 hours ago, Hamurlik said:

But in DST, there is an unspoken rule of not rotating the camera to follow directions.

No there isn't. Just remember a single landmark (like the Florid Postern) so you can orient yourself, or reconnect to the server to reset your camera angle. Compass is useful for being able to reveal yourself to specific people.

11 hours ago, Hamurlik said:

Well it turns out the first idea is always the worst one cause, when do you ask for directions? When you need to go into undiscovered land. When do you need to go into undiscovered land? When your map isn't full. When is your map not full? When you first spawn in.

Yeah when you first spawn in and your camera is already facing north. I don't see the issue here. Is the first thing you do when you join a server covering your eyes and mashing E?

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Gold is truly inexpensive, directions can be ruled out with structures and that is the most survival aspect of the game early on. A single Fire Pit next to the Florid already helps heaps. If the Fire Pit is above Florid, up, down, left and right is easy to explain. I really like the idea of items becoming integrated into the UI like the backpack though.

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