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What temperature to keep base at?

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On my first attempt my plants got too hot and this led to food issues (note to beginners: don't put plants between the coal generator and compost pile). Then I learned about ice biomes and cooling loops and that kept things in check for a while. Then I got the hang of aquatuners and steam turbines and built cooling loops everywhere. I feel like I am over doing things any maybe the printing pod does not need to be kept at 20C. I know some things (see below) need dedicated cooling, but do other things (e.g., barracks, bathroom, great hall, rec rooms, non-heat critical industrial areas, etc) need cooling? If so, what temperature should they be kept at?

Even though most buildings can be made out of gold to give them an overheat temperature of 125C, that would fill the world with steam and break a lot of pipes. For critters there is both a comfort and livable range, but I don't think the comfort range matters. If I keep most of the world less than 70C than critters should generally be fine and I don't have to worry about steam and pipes breaking.

Obviously 70C will prevent me from growing most plants (e.g., bristle blossoms need the temperature to be between 5C and 30C ), but I can just insulate and cool my farms. I do not like having my dupes wear atmosuits all day and I am worried that working, playing and sleeping in 70C temperatures will give them heat stroke and/or scald them, but I don't know what temperature that happens at. That said, cracking open a few ice biomes and stealing the wheezeworts should probably keep most things well below 70C.

I know cooling 125C+ materials with a steam turbine can provide energy and producing/refining some materials (e.g., sour gas and liquid oxygen and hydrogen) requires cooling. I also know that some pieces of machinery require cooling solutions (e.g., glass forge, polymer press, and metal refinery).

Basically, is it ok to just cool my farms and let everything else get to 70C?

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Everything except your living zone, 50C max might be ok, printing pod dont mind heat.

That heat might come from your electrolyzer, and i believe one aquatuner can handle easily 10 of them (with PW coolant), u can transfert that heat into cold biome, cold geyser,  arbor three or anyting thats cool and have enough mass to sink it, or even choose Po production instand (Ak Sublimation Station, Polluted dirt, etc..).

With Metal refiney, assuming it produce very hot coolant and can melt any biome rly fast, u need a good plan to keep it under control.



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Dupes are very heat tolerant. The main issue is farming and even then it depends on what you're growing. Early game wheeze worts are enough. Later on you may want to invest in a proper cooling solution.

The living area does need some cooling very long term nonetheless. Things there may not put out a lot of heat individually, but it all ads up over time. You don't need much though. It's enough to run maybe 20-30°C water through granite pipes. What also works very well is to just cool the oxygen from the electrolyzers to low temperatures and cool things that way.

In general keep your industry away from your living area and farms. Then you can use an appropriate amount of cooling for everything.

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Agree with babba, keep it 20C. I'm only not sure which way is most efficient. I'm using liquid pipes with polluted water (a lot of pipes). In late game I change it with supercoolant. 






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Dupes get stressed when the temperature around is too high or low so ideally you want to keep the zones they spend most time in in a relatively moderate temperature. But you can keep parts of the base at different temps as long as it doesn`t overheat, freeze up or hurt the plants. I often end up having multiple water pools, each at a different temperature for different reasons.

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On 4/30/2021 at 3:16 PM, babba said:

My goal in dupe populated colonies is to have a 20 Celsius climate environment everywhere.

This is the right colony!
I often see a situation where the colony has nothing to breathe, it's overheated, but they dress the dupes in atmosuits. Sadists. Let them try to walk around in an army chemical defense suit themselves.

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I keep my living quarters around 25° C, industrial areas in the 40's and the rest of the map at whatever temperature it gets to. If I have unprotected equipment I just replace it with a more durable material when it starts overheating. Everything starts out in lead and rarely gets more "expensive" than copper/gold/iron.

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If you can't be bothered with actively cooling everything, you could dump your excess O2 at the bottom of your base, then have an open area into space to vent the gas and passively cool everything with O2.  I usually do this for a few thousand cycles until I can be bothered actively cooling stuff.

You could even go a step further by cooling the O2 to sub zero temps for the extra bit of cool.

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