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Is Farming Overpowered now?

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Is knowledge and time/dedication dependent.


If you are a knowledgeable fairly-advanced player willing to invest time into a pretty menial task requiring base-sitting for optimal results (giant crops), yes: is a quite rewarding mechanic bordering on "overpower" since you will yield more crops than you'll need from a 4x4 plot-farm (default for a complete 1 Rigamajig use) for 1 player calculated-consumption (long-traveling and fighting included). As stated above, it rewards sitting in camp, because each growth cycle needs tending and you can't travel much in the 0.375-0.5; 1; 0.6; 0.4 day-intervals (when in-season and low stress) crops require input - optimal conditions. Yes, situation changes a bit after one gets the Friendly Fruit Fly for plants' happiness, yet the idea of year-long constant tending needed for giant crops (maximum output) remains.

At opposite end, if player lacks knowledge and isn't willing to invest time, each seed that doesn't yield a weed will only provide 1 random fruit/veggie and just that, meaning player will get around 36 products at best - complete 1 Rigamajig 4x4 plot use (from my experience cca. 1/5 of all wild seeds develop weeds, so real produce may be ~29 crops) in about 8 days (off-season and maximum stress; ~6-7 days would be a more fair approximation as "talking" to plants for happiness is right-out-of-bat). Further more if player isn't sitting in base, but traveling, going past the 4-days-on-plot limit for crops to rot, output will most likely be non-existent or greatly diminished from initial ~28-29 low-ball estimate. For such players, new plot-farming would most likely be a death-trap if wanting to survive only via this mechanic. Not to mention in this case people need to constantly pick new bird-dropped seeds for crop renewal.


From what I've seen in pubs for last month-and-some of DST play, bulk player-base approaches by far the latter example: probably to no-one's surprise, vast pub-goers majority has no idea about the 7 stress sources, how to use Gardeneer Hats to record their plants stages or needs, and a lot of them don't even know how to Till in first instance to plant seeds. The intuitive aspects of this mechanic aren't really bulk player-base friendly (on well, that's a larger DST issue) to assure most players get at least decent outputs via new plot-farming - yes, this facet should also factorize when assessing the "overpowered" guise on broader skill-level intervals, and not mainly from experienced highly-vested-in-the-game players' pov.


In conclusion: new plot-farming most likely is "overpowered" for advanced knowledgeable players (more-so if they play default WorldGen personal servers, alone), but far from that for bulk player-base. Don't forget: vast majority of DST players doesn't visit Wiki or watches tutorials of any type to know how to farm even mildly efficient (if at all), and via trial-and-error acquiring respective information will be a long arduous process with loads of gaps (again, a general DST issue).

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9 hours ago, 1bubbainpa said:

Now, I love what Reap what you Sow has done to the gardening in this game. Best update in a long time, and the best update for RoT hands-down.

However, after playing with the update for almost two months, I get the feeling that the crop output is too great. I have often been the benefactor of supplying an entire base of 16+ people with properly set up farms.

The only downside is that the first harvest is gonna go directly to the bird to make combo plants, but after that, good gardeners can reliably generate giant vegetables by planting combos and watering/tending to the plants 24/7. Sure, this requires one or two team members solely tunnel visioning on the plots, but that leaves the 4+ other players to not worry about food, sanity, and health. (Seriously, pumpkins and potatos are the GOAT crops, I plant them off-season because they're just that good. Corn is also a really good crop if you can mass harvest them because compost is easy to make early-game.)

Maybe I'm speaking out of my *** and don't know if I could gain this much food doing any other task or that farming is actually hard and I've been playing too much wormwood and got a doctorate in Don't Starve Together Applied Gardening and Planting, but from my experience, I feel like i've been getting TOO much food, and I see tons of forum posts on how people stop planting because they literally have too much food and run out of icebox room.

IDK, let me know what y'all think. Just remember that I will only take posts seriously if you've played more than 90,000 hours of this game.

Look. If you think THAT's OP, you haven't seen other ways to get food. 

Wortox: Wortox can get around 90 hunger from 5 butterfiles. :/

Juicy Berries/Spider Farm: These two together..... mhmm...... It's nice. If you have this combo then no-one has to slave away at farms!

More: I would state more but I'm quite lazy..... :/

1 hour ago, Starlogy said:

I mean, if you're playing Wigfrid then it shouldn't feel any different...

If I here ONE more, 

"You're Wigfrid! You don't need berries!" 

I'm going to LOSE it.

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4 hours ago, 1bubbainpa said:

It seems I’m a minority on this statement, so I’ll concede that it’s more to do with my skill then it is with it being overpowered. Guess those 200,000 hours finally kicked in.

I still firmly believe though that farming is the best food source early to midgame.

What about cacti?

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13 hours ago, 1bubbainpa said:

Now, I love what Reap what you Sow has done to the gardening in this game. Best update in a long time, and the best update for RoT hands-down.

However, after playing with the update for almost two months, I get the feeling that the crop output is too great. I have often been the benefactor of supplying an entire base of 16+ people with properly set up farms.

The only downside is that the first harvest is gonna go directly to the bird to make combo plants, but after that, good gardeners can reliably generate giant vegetables by planting combos and watering/tending to the plants 24/7. Sure, this requires one or two team members solely tunnel visioning on the plots, but that leaves the 4+ other players to not worry about food, sanity, and health. (Seriously, pumpkins and potatos are the GOAT crops, I plant them off-season because they're just that good. Corn is also a really good crop if you can mass harvest them because compost is easy to make early-game.)

Maybe I'm speaking out of my *** and don't know if I could gain this much food doing any other task or that farming is actually hard and I've been playing too much wormwood and got a doctorate in Don't Starve Together Applied Gardening and Planting, but from my experience, I feel like i've been getting TOO much food, and I see tons of forum posts on how people stop planting because they literally have too much food and run out of icebox room.

IDK, let me know what y'all think. Just remember that I will only take posts seriously if you've played more than 90,000 hours of this game.

I really don't think so. framing now is a HUGE time commitment compared to what it was.

Before i build my farms, i planted my seeds, i fed my bird and made dragonpies to tame a beefalo. Now farming is damn near equal to taming a beefalo, especially since half my crops hate certain seasons.

Farming now is way too involved, at the cost of other activities.

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Time is the biggest constraint and resource.

For a wormwood mass planting pumpkin, it is 0.5 second for a quick plant, and 1.5 second for a harvesting action, with the pumpkin and seed inside the inventory at the end of 2 second. A quick eating animation is 0.5 second, so it is 2.5 second for 37.5 hunger, or 7200 hunger to the belly for 480 seconds of farming and eating.

For the bunny farm that is nerfed. Assume there is a 104 bunny hutch catapult setup. Killing the bunnies and picking the loot from the 104 hutch farm will pretty much take a day and assuming all bunnies were killed without loss of carrot, the loot is 208 carrot 78 meat. Assume you get 39 monster meat for free, it would take 195 seconds to cook 39 meat stew; 5 seconds to cook each crockpot dish. Eating those 39 meat stew would take 39 seconds, and 169 carrot would take 84.5 seconds. In total, you would take 798.5 seconds for 7962.5 hunger to the belly.


The bunny farm requires more liberal assumptions, more setup and is considered by klei to OP. By this metric, I would consider the farming at the moment to be OP then.

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