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34 minutes ago, SinancoTheBest said:

I kinda expect it on late January like last time around, perhaps around the time when Winter's Feast will be over but there'll still be time/it'll be the time to anounce Yeat of the Carrat event. Well, I'll drop a fanmade one here for fun:


Roadmap anouncement for 2020

Welcome to the next decade everyone! It has been a stellar year for Don't Starve Together and we have no plans of stopping the momentum of new content this year. You can expect the character reworks to keep on coming all throughout 2020 and you may be excited to see some familiar faces that haven't found the chance to starve together with our survivors yet. We're pleased to anounce Wendy as our next rework character and you can expect her rework to arrive on early March. Prepare yourselves for some heartbreaking story reveal for what has transpired in the life of our young but melodramatic survivor and her sister before stepping into the constant.


As for the Return of Them lineup of pdates, we'll be continuing to preiodically add in new content brought to you thanks to the moon and 'them'. Like the past updates, we'll first release open beta branches for our PC players, who we thank for their continuous support and contributions through betatesting and feedback. After some time in beta testing for finalization, we'll release them across all our platforms along with a cinematic. We haven't forgotten our wonderful console players either so this year they may expect a little exclusive update to the shop in order to make the transactions less tedious for them.


We finally plan to return working on our rewards system that we introduced in 2019. We sincerely apologize for having to neglect it for so long due to various misfortunes at our studios. This year you may expect some previously available items to return and fill the shelves of our rewards page. We'll keep you updated on that.


We're pleased to anounce that the DLC characters we added to the game last year brought great feedback and support to our game. This year around we plan to release three more of these characters. As usual, you'll be able to purchase them in the in-game store either by themselves or alongside the skin packs we'll be releasing with them or you can weave them with your spools. You might be excited to hear that a familiar banana loving troublemaker from our singleplayer Don't Starve game will be amongst the newcomers.


After a wonderfully chilly Winter's Feast, what's better to celebrate the arrival of 2020 with our annual Chinese New Year event. This year it is the Year of the Carrat so expect the spotlight to on our little leafy friends from the lunar island. Our team worked really hard on bringing new content for the event so we hope you'll enjoy it, which we'll be releasing in a couple of weeks. Similar to last year's Year of the Pig King event, we plan to implement some of the exclusive content in this years event to the whole year ad a permanent addition so after the event, you can keep an eye out for it. As our little annual tradition, we'll also be rewarding a loyal skin and the swoon emoticon for all our players who log in to their game around the Valentines day this year. Remember to spread the love.


The Twitch stream skin drops will also be continuing this year and after a brief seasonal break, the cristaline collection is making a comeback more cristalized than ever. It's the last week to get the Klaus Cap items from streams and next week Glass Eyebrella items will replace them as our new Twitch drops. For more information on how to obtain them, be sure to check out our new drop anouncement thread.


We are really excited for 2020 and what it will bring to our survivors. As the lovely comunity of our game, you have our utmost gratitude for supporting us in this journey. We hope you'll share the same sentiments we felt expanding the content with love and care. Above all else, keep enjoying what you do best and never forget to keep on don't starving. Together.


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6 hours ago, Mike23Ua said:

Is that Glass Eyebrella skin legit? Cause THAT actually looks cool and i’d Wear it, I hate the default look of Eyebrella it looks soooo goofy.


Yup, it was datamined alongside the other pieces of the crystaline collection like the cristal icebox, cristal thermal stone and cristal star&moon caller staves. However they intrupped releasing the collection skins on halloween with the spooky endothermic firepit and continued the seasonal event skins with Klaus Cap. Unless they decide to suddenly discontinue the collection, crystal eyebrella shall be released right after Winter's Feast or after another seasonal drop about the chinese new year.

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