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Closest Lunar Island Ever

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So I picked maxwell intending to build a bridge to Lunar Island. Then, it took only 1 boat base. :confused:

Didn't even need a boat, just jumped over easily. :D


Sadly I started lagging so much I died to shattered spiders. :(

The server is called "DST United States 2" in case anyone is curious to explore... Autumn Day 17 at the time of posting, it should survive for a bit.

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1 hour ago, -Variant said:


Did you guys recently have a Maxwell/Wilson/Wes raid??????

I'm not sure, I joined late. Other older players only joined since Day 5. There was strangely a lone beefalo in that forest and they were saying earlier players probably killed some. Funnily enough one of those players is a streamer called happylemontv so I'm living vicariously through him.. :D Nice to see my ****ty bridge being used.

Edit: happylemontv died too... this island is cursed :o do not enter :shock: https://clips.twitch.tv/PrettiestOriginalMooseBigBrother

Edit2: The bridge broke by itself :? https://clips.twitch.tv/PolishedDullCodDAESuppy :confused: This strange island doesn't want visitors..

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1 hour ago, JoSmoCoolStuf said:

I'm not sure, I joined late. Other older players only joined since Day 5. There was strangely a lone beefalo in that forest and they were saying earlier players probably killed some. Funnily enough one of those players is a streamer called happylemontv so I'm living vicariously through him.. :D Nice to see my ****ty bridge being used.

Aaaah, I had a Lunar Island close to mainland once, but it wasn't this close by.

This is actually quite insane! Try not to lose it!

I ask because me and like, 5-6 other people all went in as Maxwell and started logging the whole forest and mining all the rocks.
If I recall, we came in on day 5, and left all the resources on the floor there.
Maybe it was taken?

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On 5/28/2019 at 2:17 PM, JoSmoCoolStuf said:

The bridge broke by itself :? https://clips.twitch.tv/PolishedDullCodDAESuppy :confused: This strange island doesn't want visitors.

In some real world places there is so much seismic activity that islands literally move a few inches every once and then.
I'm not sure how doable it is, but it would be awesome if the island reconfigured itself over time, and moved around the ocean very slowly. Maybe through eathquakes every few years.

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1 hour ago, ShadowDuelist said:

In some real world places there is so much seismic activity that islands literally move a few inches every once and then.
I'm not sure how doable it is, but it would be awesome if the island reconfigured itself over time, and moved around the ocean very slowly. Maybe through eathquakes every few years.

Holy ****, I'd love that. The world slowly moving, klei, when. Please.

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