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isn't game a little predictable?

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Instead of nerfing bundling wraps, I'd rather have some sort of hard mode. For example in this mode food will rot quicker and monsters will be more challenging (Dealing more damage, drop less loot, etc.) or just something similar to Adventure mode in DS.

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The game is a little predictable if you challenge yourself, just a little, which isnt a bad thing. Im not into huge base building, so I like playing a couple new worlds(private and public servers) every week to adapt to mostly new biome setups and see how it turns out. I tell you that you can still be surprised sometimes and die out of getting predictably greedy and overconfident with your knowledge when you play many new worlds. 

But I played just for survival like everybody in the beginning and the game gets very predictable if you get used to bad habits, like always taking advantage of easy mechanics and op items. Try playing the game differently, get out of your cozy zone to see if it plays out the same.

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this is less an issue with DS(T), but more the genre. Recently I started up a Minecraft game for old times sake, and it got rather monotonous pretty quickly. This isn't because the games badly made, its because I just knew how to play it and spent all my time digging a tunnel.

If you want to play DST without it being repetitive, your the one who's going to have to make it that way. Go nomad in winter, raid the ruins day 10, start a game in spring. Don't have the same earlygame, lategame, and endgame that you've done ten thousand time before, try something new and ******** insane.

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23 hours ago, Bleblu78 said:

I don't even think that nerfing late game things would make any difference, really.

World: "Your pigs spawn after 8 game hours instead of 4..."
Me: Ok, I have bees...
World: "But it is winter!"
Me: Ok... I have spiders and a birdcage...
World: "But now the spiders only drop half a disgusting chicken wing!"
Me: It's still enough for me to get an egg for each one of those, if they are like morsels.
World: "... I will send my giant mutant lava-spitting dragon to vom on your chests"
Me: Can't we just be friends? ):

Ok, sorry, I got carried away xD but you know what I mean... if a food farm is less efficient, then you just build the one that it's the more efficient first. And then, when you have time, you build the others if you want. I don't really know but, you guys that are veteran players, would you have more difficulties getting food just because some spawn rate changes?

Lol, I love this.  Again, what we've got here in general is a "high level players only" problem (is that the gamer equivalent of a first-world problem?  Maybe) and that means the solution is...both yes and no.

Yes _if it's optional_.  Again, don't force stuff like this on newbies or people who want to play to enjoy it, not be constantly tense all the time.  Also bear in mind not everybody has good ping, combat in DST is clunky to begin with, so having MORE punishing things show up at random times to force you into combat...would not be a fair idea.

It'd also be even worse to groups of people who want to play together, but at least one of them lives far away from the others.  For an actual example I've personally experienced--me and my brother.  He was in Thailand, I'm in the U.S., and he could NOT play on my servers at all, and I could not play on his.  Eventually he set up a dedicated server in England, roughly halfway between, and even THEN we both had yellow connection symbols flashing on the top of the screen.  Don't discourage international (or in this case, interCONTINENTAL) players!  The world needs MORE of those.

Thing is, Don't Starve isn't any one kind of game.  I mean, it is, but it's also sandboxy, meaning it can be just as combaty vs. simulationy as you want it to be.  My own personal nickname for it is "H.P. Lovecraft's 'Harvest Moon'", for example, meaning you can peacefully farm in your cute little village as long as you also watch out for the shadows OF YOUR MIND, BWAHAHAHA!  As such I'm kinda anti-anything that takes away that sandbox nature and makes people all play in the same mode.

Do I get bored sometimes?  Sure!  That's why I randomise the seasons, use a mod to make sure they STAY randomised from year to year (and yes, I know not everyone can use mods) and...what I'd like is some way to have more map to explore after a while to alleviate boredom on a long-running world, really.  But extra monsters leaping out?  Not my cup of tea.  I likes my DS the same way I likes my Civilization--exploring and making stuff!  (Heck, I even pick my base location the same way I scout out my starter city:  "Is it near multiple biomes and more than one category of resource?  SOLD!"  XD)


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