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Trouble with cooling

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So I'm having trouble figuring out how to manage heat in the game. Most specifically right now with the aquatuner. I've got a set up running clean (read:not germy) polluted water from natural gas gens and algae distillers into a sieve and from there into an aquatuner submerged in water. At first I tried dumping the water from the sieve into the tank the aquatuner was in, and then pumping it from the tank into the aquatuner, but found out that the water heats up faster trying to cool the auqatuner than that cycles through the water in the tank, so the tank just would just progressively heat up along with my output. Now I've got the water from the tank being pumped into a room full of hydrogen and wheezewarts, where the water is running through radiant pipes in a radiator style before pouring back into the tank with the aquatuner. But after running that for a few cycles the water hasn't moved from around 60°C, and the hydrogen has risen in temperature to match, where when I started the hydrogen was -10°C. Pictures of the set up below.

The water is set to flow through the hydrogen chamber constantly. The hydrogen is flowing around in pipes in the hydrogen chamber as well, and is set up on a temp sensor so that when the room gets cool enough the gas valves would swap and the hydrogen would move through the aquatuner chamber. Also when I made the change to run the water that the aquatuner was sitting in through the hydrogen chamber, the aquatuner hasn't run since, this is just showing after around 4 or 5 cycles of trying to get rid of residual heat. Both chambers are backed with tempshift plates made of sedimentary rock. Radiant pipes are made of gold, and insulated pipes are granite.





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Wheezeworts and gas cooling systems are no match for cooling large amounts of liquid (you're comparing 2kg per tile to 1000kg per tile). The factor of 500 means the liquid temp will always win.

So how do you get rid of the heat? An aquatuner just moves heat from one liquid to another. It does not destroy it. Once the water gets hot, you can run PW through a water sieve, and out pops 40C water.  Or you can run hot water through a carbon skimmer and get 40C PW.  These are pretty common options. You can also vent hot liquids into space.

A couple new options exist.  Let the water become steam, and then feed 125C steam through a steam turbine and get back 95C water.  Then take that 95C water and put it through an ice maker to get -20C ice. This might become the new meta.

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@Cryocrat sounds like you are trying to cool a lot of water. First question is do you need lots of cool water? Clean hot water is for electrolizers, oil well and carbon skimmers. Coolish water is for sinks, toilets, super computers and showers, that's it.

If you need to cool large amounts of water wheeze won't do it. The below video covers cooling using a steam turbine and aquatuner, takes a decent chunk of power though. Additionally the steam turbine is getting a revamp in the new QOL update so the builds are going to require modification when that kicks in.




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Thank yall! I didn't know the sieves and skimmers had a set temperature output. I've got an aquatuner stuck in a polluted water tank, with the polluted water cycling out being fed into a couple sieves and then into the aquatuner and it's working great! I really appreciate the help, thanks!

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Cooling of aquatuner without supercoolant is less effective (consumes more power) than cooling hydrogen with thermo regulators. They are great for simplifying the setup tho (get bristle ready water with a sieve and 1 aquatuner)

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This is how i cool my base:
1) Build normal granite pipes running across the base, forming a big closed loop system. Make sure that all "rooms" have this pipe system passing by.

2) Fill it with polluted water.
The polluted water will distribuite heat across the base: cold areas will heat, hot areas will cool. In some cycles all base will have almost the same temperature.

3) Remove the heat, there is two ways to do that:
a) Using the classic aquaturner system. This is the most efficient and reliable system, but consumes more power.
b) With pipe thermo sensors and liquid shutoffs remove hot packet of water, replacing the water with cool pwater from a cold slush geyser. This use almost no power, but is dependent of the cool slush availability and dormancy.

Once this system is running, there is no need to worry about the heat from things like electrolyzers, hydrogen generators, lights, tranformers, smart batteries - it will all be absorved by the water.

I choose granite pipes because it allow a uniform heat distibuition. Any normal pipes will do, but granite it the best material for the task.

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26 minutes ago, fredhp said:

3) Remove the heat, there is two ways to do that:
a) Using the classic aquaturner system. This is the most efficient and reliable system, but consumes more power.
b) With pipe thermo sensors and liquid shutoffs remove hot packet of water, replacing the water with cool pwater from a cold slush geyser. This use almost no power, but is dependent of the cool slush availability and dormancy.

I`d like to suggest a third way which is running your pipes through an ice biome that will distribute the heat from your base to that biome. It`s not going to work forever but it`s a nice solution early when you can`t afford an aquatuner and don`t have a slush geyser available.

On a sidenote you might want to use radiant pipes for areas with a higher heat difference for better heat transfer but it`s not required for the whole system.

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