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Characters perks and designs

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So new characters are incoming. Since Hamlet character balance update came out I have few things to say.

-Apparently most people love non-human characters. But since making up lore for these can be tricky I suppose Wortox will be the only one.

-Klei if you have to copy other characters' perks then copy intetesting ones. For example Wilba copied Woodie's full moon curse. That's intetesting unlike 100th character with "picky eater" variant.

-Woodworm is a goldmine when it comes to character design. Special font to indicate that he doesn't speak human language. Season based perk. That's interesting and cool.

-Perks that I personally find interesting: changing forms (Woody, Wilba), special crafting tabs (Wicker, Woodworm), perks that change how creatures interact with you (Webber). I could probably list more but here're the most liked. I'm not saying that these perks are op, I'm saying that they're interesting

-Usually perks that are related to stats (especialy sanity) are boring 

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a little off-topic I think but...
something I noticed in the new hamlet update thread...

"This update focuses on making our new Hamlet characters more interesting for you to play, particularly when playing outside of the Hamlet world."
This right here just makes me think that they are wanting to port the DLC characters to DST as DLC.
Not only that but Wormwood's craftables don't use anything that's from the DLCs, excluding the antidote item but poison isn't even in DST
hopefully it stays that way...

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2 hours ago, Szczuku said:

-Apparently most people love non-human characters. But since making up lore for these can be tricky I suppose Wortox will be the only one.


Idk why but that's interesting to me. Personally I prefer the human characters way more than the non-human ones. I will purchase Wortox but I'll be infinitely more happier if the next DLC character somehow ends up being Warly instead of creatures like Wilton the Skeleton, Wilba the Pig, Wormwood the Plant or Wilbur the Monkey. Somehow I relate to the human ones a lot more

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11 minutes ago, Smitty Inc. said:

This right here just makes me think that they are wanting to port the DLC characters to DST as DLC.

Possible, but I think that's more so referring to when you world-hop to SW & ROG. So that Hamlet characters aren't completely useless in a similar way how SW characters become useless in ROG & Hamlet.

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Personally, I think that all characters should come with downsides related to their perks AND those downsides aren't a Massive Paintm  to deal with. For example, Webber gains the ability be the only character capable of making spiders into followers, but loses the ability to make pigs and bunnymen into followers. That is well designed. However, Wickerbottom has poorer design, her perk completely cancels out the negatives that she would have. On Tentacles, Birds of the World, and Applied Horticulture guarantee an endless supply of food, which completely nullifies her downside. 

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