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Do you consider DST as DS2?

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I started playing this game when there was only Don't Starve.  Reign of Giants wasn't a thing yet, neither were caves.  It was a very fun game!  Over time the game grew with new content and expansions and at a point that next development was DST.

DST features a lot of new content that the base game does not have, as well as improved mechanics.  While it lacks Adventure mode I find I only play DST whether solo or with others.  DS hasn't been played since DST came out.  For me DST has completely eclipsed what DS was.  

Is this true for you?

I bring this up because when we talk about new content for DST, bosses, buildings, ect some people like to excuse certain issues with "Its a multiplayer game."  While DST makes multiplayer happen I don't load up DS when I want to play alone.  I just play DST.

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I suppose I'd consider it like DS2. I do definitely think of them as separate games and experiences, especially as more content gets added and tweaked.

I rarely play DST - only here and there with a few close friends where I know our playstyles compliment each other. I remember what it was like to be new, and I'm sympathetic, but I just can't be the person to hand-hold and teach. I remember jumping into a random server once, and the person was super enthusiastic that we were all in there, and wanted us to explore as a group... and I'm like, "no way, we've got stuff to do before winter, divide and conquer!", LOL  

I prefer DS myself, it's still my go-to. The things that have been added/changed for DST just aren't that interesting to me, and sometimes feel overpowered for just a single player. I like how the lore has evolved, but it doesn't give the same feeling as starting up DS and knowing I'm all alone out there. I can see how DST would be appealing to a group who just discovered the Don't Starve world, and are learning it from scratch together though.  

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