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Leave your stuff before Quit

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I make an open server yesterday. After 100 days, there is 3 problems:

1- People come, loot everything and leave with the stuff... 
2- People who spawning during winter directly die. 
3- The ******* who spawn, burn everything and quit...

I Make some starter kit for people who spawn in winter, but the problem1  make that I pass all my time to prepare starter kit -__-''


1- Add an option «Do you want to leave you stuff before quit the server?»  If he choose yes, all the stuff stay on the ground like if he die. 
2- Player spawn with a torche and something to make a fire. 
3- Player can't burn stuff during the 3 first day? No better idea...

P.s. Sorry for my poor english, I'm french.

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I like the idea of the first solution but the second one will mean that the players will just farm items like torches or "something to make fire''.

My idea is to give a host an option to edit/remove items from the inventory of the offline players. Server would just remember who were playing on this server and the host would have a full control of the items ''getting out of the server". If you would be able to get an interface for that (something like a list of players on TAB) other than console that would be a great help.

About lost items: you can always use a console to spawn new ones which were lost but it can be considered as cheating and its annoying to do in some cases.

P.S. Thank you Klei for your hard work.

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Alot of this was being discussed in the anti-griefing threads made. but..

For 1. I was thinking especially unique items to be auto dropped on the ground if someone quits out. To remove stealing like. A chester and never returning. However, if they are literally taking as much as they can carry perhaps it should just be dropped on the ground. Although, those dang moles might be an issue. hehe. (Not that I think they are implemented at the moment, but for the future.)

EDIT: related topic http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/42328-anti-griefing-suggestion-force-item-drop-for-important-one-time-item-spawns-upon-player-disconnect/


As for 2. There was a dev/mod talking about how they like the idea of the players themselves making a "welcome" package for new players at the spawn point. Like a camp and Chest. Kind of like a care package. Instead of something being forced into the game. He said it way better if I find the quote I'll post it here.

EDIT: Quote and Link


However, I'm not convinced that it's a problem that actually needs solving. Once we've hooked up the additional information about the state of the world in the server browser, you'll know that you're joining a server that's currently in Winter. If you've not played on that server before, that's a direct analogy to customizing your world gen options to be a Winter start--in the single player, you don't get any extra items when you do that. Further, I've noticed people starting to set up "welcome packages" at the spawn point in their server that give newcomers the bare necessities while they make their way to the base. It's a cool moment and is much more interesting socially than any designer-enforced similar solution.

Full Post here: http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/41995-how-to-resolve-problems-joining-a-server-in-wintertime-suggestions/?p=554780


3. I know they are working on a ban option, right now(?) it was buggy, but they were thinking about a ban and a roll back feature (that went with the ban.) I'll edit in some of the links to the threads when I come across them again. They are interesting reads for solutions to the "griefing" problems. Or just search up griefer type topics should find some.

EDIT: Link to the ban/roll back idea: http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/42249-i-cant-believe-griefing-is-a-problem-already/?p=554822



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Players should drop everything on death or disconnect, exactly as it happens in single player now. Save the player location on the client end and let them reconnect to the same location if they choose, maybe with some time restriction to ensure it is from a disconnect. Also, after some period, hopefully someone has collected the dropped items rather than letting everything perishable expire.


This completely eliminates grief by removing items from the server via disconnect. I believe this is an absolute requirement to maintain server integrity.


If the players stay in a group, friends can easily collect the dropped items in close proximity.


The player should be able to relocate the possessions on reconnect with a little exploration.

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I may be in the minority with this, but I enjoy being able to log off and still hold on to some of my supplies.  That doesn't mean I'm going to log off with all the food and the eye-bone.  But that beefalo hat or puffy vest that I put all the effort into myself to make... sure I'd like to keep that. Especially if I log back in, in the middle of winter and need to stay warm.   I don't horde anything, but I do like to keep a minimum amount of supplies necessary for survival on me when I log since I don't know what the conditions will be when I log back in and who will be around.  Ex.  Say I log back in at a northern camp and everyone is at a different camp and it's the middle of the winter.  With everything being dropped, I'm now out my ways to stay warm, any supplies to make a torch or fire, and any food.  Sure, the other players could leave some food/supplies but if the food/supplies there didn't get replenished, I'm essentially penalized by dying because the supplies got used up while I wasn't there?


However, if you have someone that's trouble that comes in and takes all the food, takes the eye bone, and takes the rare gears or something like that. Then I can see why you would want the inventory dropped.  BUT, I think the best way to fix that problem would be taken care of through the ban system/console command.  If you ban the person, the inventory they were carrying reappears somewhere (like where they logged, although that presents it's own problem.  If they intentionally log by a spider den since all the meat would then be eaten by the spiders and Chester dies).



As for your second point:  I'm not necessarily sure people need to spawn with items. Sure it might be nice, but probably not necessary, especially if you have friendly people on a good server.  The one thing I wouldn't mind seeing would be an option to join the server, but wait til you are placed (or at least wait until the morning).  That way you don't spawn and die right away in the dark, or it gives players a chance to go help you out when you spawn.  


#3 - If you make it so someone can't burn something for 3 days, that will only slow them down, it won't prevent it.  Maybe you can't directly burn a tree, but you can create a fire, put so many logs on the fire it causes anything next to it to set on fire, and now you've just found another way to burn down a forest or any other supplies near the fire. 

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Yeah this is a bad idea in my opinion.  I see what your problem is and I've had this problem as well but you're forgetting one thing, players who join servers that get everything.  Personally when I leave a server, especially if Im the only player good enough to get certain items, I want all the items I put time and effort into making.  Or lets say Im building something specific and I run out of time, I can keep all the materials I worked hard to collect on me.  If we did it your way everything everyone gets just gets looted by the next person and ultimately wasted.  I understand people stealing your stuff is annoying but at the moment thats the name of the game. Forcing a player to drop EVERYTHING when they leave is a SUPER bad idea. If anything, the only object that should have this behavior is the eye bone.

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Players who leave should not  be considered "dead". Like when someone dies they drop everything.

When you disconnect you should be able to keep your things. Why? Because characters already have their own personal UNIQUE items. If even those are lost, it would make rejoining the server absolutely pointless. There would be zero incentive to ever go back.


However, I can see unique items like Chester forcing them to drop it, to give others a turn to be able to use/play with it. I still agree on that. - I'll add right now gears seem so hard to find, one could argue to add those in the list. But I think that just goes to trusting people can be courteous.

-An idea I had was having the eye-bone drop. And Chester could run with it like "fetch" to a nearby fire pit for others to use him. But really having it drop would be a nice, just to be able to share.


Cons of dropping all your stuff include.

  • Anyone near a campfire that leaves or disconnects through lag or such, or has to reconnect cause they got "stuck", If they are too close to the fire everything would go in  flames.
  • If anyone was at base and left... all their items would leave puddles of "stuff" all over the base. And I for one can be sort of OCD with things being in a proper place. I'd have to spend my time playing clean up all the time.
  • Already mentioned personal unique character items.
  • Any food I had to nourish myself when I rejoin, would rot, depending where I am if I'm not at camp.



I think out of courtesy most people, at least who I come across. Don't take more then they need. And enough to survive when they get back in.  There are bans/kicks options for those who are not behaving very nicely. You can always school them and teach them, like let them know hey please don't log off with certain things, only take what you need. Etc. 


The very first time I disconnected ( I had to afk and take a break) I left pretty much all my things. Thinking my teammates could surely use them more than me I won't be around. Huge mistake. When I got back I really could of used those things. I nearly died and did die a few times trying to get my things back timely. And replenish my food sources etc. I was basically stranded to the base and had a hard time being productive for my team.



As for 2.

I was interested in having a marker on the map for spawn point. That way when you are more established with items you can go there make a camp fire maybe add a hat. And let people know where your base is.  - I tried to do this on a server, but I just can't find out where the heck spawn was to begin with :( . I am so bad at directions normally. lol - (I noticed also the compass is off from where player positions originally start but that's another thing.)


For 3.

I don't really like this because it seems like you have to be utterly dependent on your teammate and literally stalk them around. Especially in winter time. Unless I am misunderstanding.



I truly understand griefing/troll'ers are an issue. Either by people doing it intentionally or by just being un-informed or new and don't realize what they are doing. I suggest trying to teach them how to do things and if they can't. Ban/kick options are available.


In the end, I just have to think of every one griefer/troll, there's several more willing to help fix/rebuild.



EDIT: http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/42328-anti-griefing-suggestion-force-item-drop-for-important-one-time-item-spawns-upon-player-disconnect/  Basically the same topic. I think it's best to keep things to one thread. Personally. *shrug*

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I do agree that one-time spawn items like the Eyebone should drop on disconnect, or be moved near the server host. There's nothing quite like someone coming in to find Chester only to leave and never come back, leaving Chester masterless.

If inventory must be force-dropped upon disconnect, maybe a temporary chest can be left in place. Once everything is removed from it, it disappears, but at least the items aren't strewn about the ground. Upon examination, it could say who's it was. So if I left someone's server, a chest would appear where I last stood and it would say "Inventory of The Letter W." Whether or not it should be open to everyone or just the host and aforementioned name is another issue. Character specific items I think would not be included in this chest. There's already an issue of Willow Lighters everywhere.

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RE: the starter kit. You don't have to make a ton of stuff... if you have the time and ability late-game, sure, but really you could just set up a fire pit, a chest with logs/grass/sticks, and leave some flint there. When new people join, let them know you're on you're way to help. They won't die overnight =)


As others have said, I'm all-for items like Chester's eyebone being left behind. Something that is unique and one-time only in the world shouldn't be tied to the client who happens to have it, it should remain server-side. We'll encounter the same issue with the Things for the Teleportato if/when that is added in as well. 


@The_Letter_W mentioned the issue with character-specific items... I can definitely see that making for a messy base, heh. I'd probably just make a chest for all of them and never-ever use a torch again. I know @rezecib has managed to work it into his "More DST Characters" mod that Abigail's flower is tied to the client instead the server, so it's definitely possible for those items to stay with the client instead of being left behind.


As far as being forced to leave everything behind, I don't think that's a good idea. It's a nice thought, and I understand where you're coming from, but I think it depends on the server and playstyle and items. For example, I always leave items behind since I'm not sure if/when I can rejoin, and I want to make sure the host can have all my loot (or their own back, if I joined in late-game and borrowed it for a while). But that worked against me recently, when I logged out of a newly-created server for a bit and rejoined the same one a few hours later. It was now the dead of winter, and I had no supplies on me. I just huddled at the campfire slowly burning a stick at a time until the host could get back and save me. I ended up quitting shortly afterwards because I didn't want to be a burden. Alternately, if I had stayed on that server the entire time and worked with the others to farm a walrus camp and all of us now had Tams and Canes, I don't want to lose those just because I'm disconnecting. What if I want to rejoin, and someone else took them and now I have to do it all over again?


I'm afraid I don't have a creative solution for this other than knowing who you're playing with, and keeping track of your own white/blacklist until the devs implement it formally. Since "rollback" isn't here yet, I'm personally using console commands to spawn back in rare items that others stole or wrecked. I don't really like it, but I also don't like the idea of spending another 20 days recreating what someone destroyed in 10 seconds. 


I like W's idea of the chest, or some sort of marker-item showing where the person disconnected and that they had loot on them... but at some point we'll have the same issue that we have with skeletons. There will be chests strewn about willy-nilly and getting in the way, and plus we also go back to "what if they took something and never rejoin". Perhaps the host could have the option after X amount of days to hammer down the chest and reclaim the items?

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How about having "unique" items be unique per character? Each player has an eyebone that only they can see and interact with. They can all be in the same location or random for each player -- so no one can direct you to it when they find their's.


I like the box idea too -- on exit a box labeled as yours is dropped with all your posessions in it at your exit location. The box is only openable by you and indestructible with one exception, a banned player's box is unlocked and freely accessible. If you rejoin a server, you spawn at your box.


From reading the forums, I had the impression that when you left a world, you took your possessions were destroyed, or taken with you to another world. This is likely mistaken, but I don't have the beta so I honestly have no idea of what the current implementation is. Clarification would be helpful.

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How about having "unique" items be unique per character? Each player has an eyebone that only they can see and interact with. They can all be in the same location or random for each player -- so no one can direct you to it when they find their's.


I like the box idea too -- on exit a box labeled as yours is dropped with all your posessions in it at your exit location. The box is only openable by you and indestructible with one exception, a banned player's box is unlocked and freely accessible. If you rejoin a server, you spawn at your box.


Leaving boxes all around could be annoying for any "OCD" cleanliness people, though *looks at self*. Or prove 'glitch'ie, if say you left right near or on a farm or structure and/or lagged out. Like would the chest spawn next to it, or exactly where you were? - Not sure I'm expressing it right.


Overall, I would love to promote the idea of actually sharing,  rather than.. This is mine! And that too! Hey, I put my name on that! etc lol.  *shrug*


From reading the forums, I had the impression that when you left a world, you took your possessions were destroyed, or taken with you to another world. This is likely mistaken, but I don't have the beta so I honestly have no idea of what the current implementation is. Clarification would be helpful.

There was a time that players or maps wouldn't save, so when you started the same server or so it was as if you were new, including your health status. They since fixed this and you are able to exit the world with all your things, and when you come back you keep all your things.

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How about having "unique" items be unique per character? Each player has an eyebone that only they can see and interact with. They can all be in the same location or random for each player -- so no one can direct you to it when they find their's.


I like the box idea too -- on exit a box labeled as yours is dropped with all your posessions in it at your exit location. The box is only openable by you and indestructible with one exception, a banned player's box is unlocked and freely accessible. If you rejoin a server, you spawn at your box.


-So each person could get an eyebone and so there can be lots of Chesters running around? eh.  Not sure I'm a fan of that. The idea is more sharing/competition. If everyone has a Chester well... neither of those goals are accomplished.   Why should my eye-bone not be seen by someone else and their eye bone?  Then you'd have to have a new eye-bone spawn for each new person every time they joined the server. etc etc.   Is my Chester invisible to another player's Chester too?  If so, I can't say get X out of Chester if you need it.  If not, how do I know I don't put something in the wrong Chester when everyone's gathered up? And when I leave, does my Chester leave too? What if I was working with someone and they put their stuff in it too? 


-What's the point of a box that appears when you disconnect, that is locked, only able to be opened by the player himself, and indestructible? Isn't that EXACTLY the same as a player being able to leave and his stuff goes with him.  Except that has the advantage of not cluttering the map with random boxes. Can you imagine how many random chests would be lying around on a dedicated server for 6,8,10+ people whatever the case may be and people come and go at all times of the day?


The only way the box idea works is if people can get into each others' boxes, via a key or time-released lock if they don't return.  But if the person can just grab all the food and then disconnect and now it becomes locked in a box until he returns.  That's no different than the current situation, and that doesn't solve a problem of a griefer. 


AND now say you have a legitimate player who takes some food with him as he explores or goes to start a new camp.  He has to go and leaves the server.  Rather than his food being safe from spoilage as he isn't on the server, his food is now rotting in that box that no one else can open.  When he returns he'll now likely starve as he won't have the food supplies he thought he would have had.



I would say leave stuff the way it is, if you disconnect you take what is on you with you.  The only thing that might make sense is maybe creating a strongbox type of chest, in addition to the wooden chest.   Then a player can store things in it and have a key to it.  There they can store their food in it, or their winter clothes etc. Then they could make duplicate keys to the strongbox and give it to another player if they wanted to share.  This would protect against griefers.  BUT, even this idea I'm not a strong advocate of. The way it is seems largely okay.  The way it is, adds to the element of a PvP game.  If you're 2v2 and you go raid the other side's base and steal their food, they may starve off and you may not even have to use your spear against them.


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Again, this is the reason why people should spawn with items in different cases, as I've mentioned in one of my threads. You can't just simple have no freeze option for a day or something like that: what if the resources around you are already picked and the base is far from spawn?! The host has to be a total pro if people want to play properly. Host is not supposed to be like a tallbird feeding their smallbirds who in this case would be clients. It's about helping each other. And with nothing to start with you are left with guaranteed death if you join a new server during winter.

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Again, this is the reason why people should spawn with items in different cases, as I've mentioned in one of my threads. You can't just simple have no freeze option for a day or something like that: what if the resources around you are already picked and the base is far from spawn?! The host has to be a total pro if people want to play properly. Host is not supposed to be like a tallbird feeding their smallbirds who in this case would be clients. It's about helping each other. And with nothing to start with you are left with guaranteed death if you join a new server during winter.


If you got free items whenever you joined someone's server, then why would anyone want to host? They had to start off without anything.

The game is meant to be uncompromising, and you probably shouldn't go into a server expecting the host to have something set up. That includes winter starts.

However, I believe they're wanting to implement a feature which will tell you what season the server is on before joining so if you don't want to attempt a winter start, choose a server that isn't in winter.

For now, learn how to think fast. It's definitely doable, as anyone who's started off with and completed King of Winter as a first level Adventure Mode will tell you. (Granted, that one does give you a heatstone and some logs, but that's really about it. It's pretty minimal.)

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If you got free items whenever you joined someone's server, then why would anyone want to host? They had to start off without anything.

The game is meant to be uncompromising, and you probably shouldn't go into a server expecting the host to have something set up. That includes winter starts.

However, I believe they're wanting to implement a feature which will tell you what season the server is on before joining so if you don't want to attempt a winter start, choose a server that isn't in winter.

For now, learn how to think fast. It's definitely doable, as anyone who's started off with and completed King of Winter as a first level Adventure Mode will tell you. (Granted, that one does give you a heatstone and some logs, but that's really about it. It's pretty minimal.)

Yeah, the system of thebhost setting stuff up forbthe clients would be allright, if it was't for the "shephard with its sheep" thing I talked about and if it wasn't for the fact that clients that join a random server without knowing the other person and are probably not going to join that server ever again, means that the host will just waste resources, especially if people xome and go: there isn't enough resources for everyone that the host could help them out with, which is why on certain occations they need a headstart of their own to survive a few days on their own without stressing out on finding the host's base. And setting up everything around by the host, as I said would be waste of resources, waste of time and it would make it seem like adventure mode, which is not what's intended. It's sandbox mode so unless you change it, it's supposed to be much easier than adventure mode. Adventure mode would be a completely different story. I'm pretty sure that implementing thisbheadstarter for clients wouldn't be too hard. I even made a table sorting out how the clients' set up would be for different situations (seasons, day time etc.). Honestly it wouldn't be too much of work to make the headstarters work as a mod. I could make it if I knew how to program it correctly. For now all I know is how to kind of make it work if I wrote it on a python code.

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Yeah, the system of thebhost setting stuff up forbthe clients would be allright, if it was't for the "shephard with its sheep" thing I talked about and if it wasn't for the fact that clients that join a random server without knowing the other person and are probably not going to join that server ever again, means that the host will just waste resources, especially if people xome and go: there isn't enough resources for everyone that the host could help them out with, which is why on certain occations they need a headstart of their own to survive a few days on their own without stressing out on finding the host's base. And setting up everything around by the host, as I said would be waste of resources, waste of time and it would make it seem like adventure mode, which is not what's intended. It's sandbox mode so unless you change it, it's supposed to be much easier than adventure mode. Adventure mode would be a completely different story. I'm pretty sure that implementing thisbheadstarter for clients wouldn't be too hard. I even made a table sorting out how the clients' set up would be for different situations (seasons, day time etc.). Honestly it wouldn't be too much of work to make the headstarters work as a mod. I could make it if I knew how to program it correctly. For now all I know is how to kind of make it work if I wrote it on a python code.


Waste of resources? Honestly, once the server gets past the first winter, if you're diligent enough you should be able to set up a chest with even winter hats and vests without much of a problem. There's already talk of a portal which to my knowledge is supposed to bring the user to spawn (If I understood what Seth said correctly, it's possible I misinterpreted) so even if there isn't a chest, they could come with some gear as well.

Even without care packages, it's still doable. Granted, it's a bit on the annoying side, but it's still doable if you communicate with the other players in the server.

I don't think the players being handed out free items is the way to go, extreme season start or not. And to repeat myself, if people don't want to try an extreme season start, they'll soon be able to avoid those by reading the server's information.

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  • Developer

Just a heads up that tomorrow's update will make it so that any item that is non-potato-able is also dropped when exiting a server. For now, the system uses the same tag and modders can add additional items to the list by adding that tag to other items. If I see a reason to differentiate the two in the future, we may end up splitting it into a separate tag.

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