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Who is your favourite Character for Don't Starve Together?

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  1. 1. Who is your FAVOURITE character?

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Who would like to share their versions for your favourite characters when inspecting another Character in Don't Starve Together?

Here's mine.

Wilson @

-Willow....."She looks hot, fever maybe?"

-Wolfgang....."Brawn no Brain"

-Wendy....."Looks as If she's seen a ghost"

-WX-78....."Always wondered where it went"

-Wickerbottom....."What a wrinkly old know it all"

-Woodie....."He would be more useful to me transformed"

-Woodie Werebeaver....."One possible cause of increased CO2 emmisions"

-Wes....."How weird"

-Maxwell....."We meet again"

-Webber....."Could he be?"

-Wigfrid....."Great, another primitive hooligan"

This is just for fun. Doesn't need to be accurate and related to what we know about the characters already. It can if you want. Try to avoid too many spoilers.

Think you can do a better version for Wilson? Do it :)

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Here's my version.


Wilson @
-Willow....."What a fiesty lady. No wonder her clothes don't burn off."
-Wolfgang....."Do you even lift?"
-Wendy....."I don't want to come play with you."
-WX-78....."It is alive! It is alive!"
-Wickerbottom....."Can I borrow your book?"
-Woodie....."Nice beard."
-Woodie Werebeaver....."Nice stache."
-Wes....."..Why are you following me?"
-Maxwell....."Long time no see."
-Webber....."I have the best beard, and you know it."
-Wigfrid....."Don't touch me please."


Maxwell @

-Wilson....."How's the science going, pal?"

-Willow....."Stay away from my book."

-Wolfgang....."His muscle growth still disturbs me."

-Wendy....."Are you having fun with your sister?"
-WX-78....."You're still functioning fine."
-Wickerbottom....."We're on the same page."
-Woodie....."Tell Lucy I said hi."
-Woodie Werebeaver....."It's not that terrible."
-Wes....."I'm surprised you're still alive."
-Webber....."You okay in there?"
-Wigfrid....."We're on the same stage.."

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I believe there was another thread which addressed this: http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/36111-characters-examinations-on-others/


But I'll just repost what I posted there: 

Examining Wilson: "What a handsome devil!"
Examining Willow: "I hope she isn't planning to start any fires with that lighter."
Examining Wendy: "Something seems off putting about that little girl."
Examining Wolfgang: "Didn't I see you in the circus posters?"
Examining Wickerbottom: "Hey, I'm the scientist here! I should be the smarter one!"
Examining WX-78: "Intriguing. I wonder what makes him function..."
Examining Wes: "He's dedicated to his profession."
Examining Woodie: "My beard is far superior."
Examining Maxwell: "I hate that guy."
Examining Wigfrid: "AUGH! Would you be quiet, woman!"


Examining Wilson: "His hair sure looks flammable."
Examining Willow: "She would look better if she was on fire."
Examining Wendy: "Perhaps starting a good fire would cheer her up. It works for me."
Examining Wolfgang: "Let's see if I can singe that stupid mustache off."
Examining Wickerbottom: "I don't see why she won't let me burn those stupid books."
Examining WX-78: "He doesn't look very flammable, how boring."
Examining Wes: "Maybe setting his stupid hair on fire will get him to talk."
Examining Woodie: "I prefer setting trees on fire than chopping them down."
Examining Maxwell: "I'm going to burn that smug grin off your stupid face."
Examining Wigfrid: "I like her fiery personality, if only it involved actual fire."
Examining Webber: "Ready to burn alive you little bug?"


Examining Wilson: "He seems to try so hard to escape this place, but it is always in vain."
Examining Willow: "Her flames will die out along with her eventually."
Examining Wendy: "Abigail! You're alive!"
Examining Wolfgang: "He only delays the inevitable with his strength."
Examining Wickerbottom: "She seems to be well-acquainted with the trials of life."
Examining WX-78: "He will turn to rust and crumble to dust with the flow of time."
Examining Wes: "He has no voice, so no one can hear him scream."
Examining Woodie: "He seems content with murdering trees."
Examining Maxwell: "I feel a strange connection to him."
Examining Wigfrid: "Can you please die more quietly?"
Examining Webber: "He's not even a real monster, how boring."


Examining Wilson: "Is tiny sciency man with strange hair."
Examining Willow: "Is little girl who likes fire."
Examining Wendy: "Tiny girl make me uneasy."
Examining Wolfgang: "I am the mightiest here, impostor!"
Examining Wickerbottom: "Old lady talk in big words."
Examining WX-78: "Looks like small man in tin can suit."
Examining Wes: "Is my old circus companion."
Examining Woodie: "Wolfgang can chop trees better than tiny lumber man."
Examining Maxwell: "He is bad old man who wears cheap suit."
Examining Wigfrid: "She almost as mighty as Wolfgang, not easy feat."
Examining Webber: "Scary bug man!"


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@Warden now you tell me *faceplam*

Lol ok well...sorry for wasting your time then. Hmm I'll remove this thread, seeing as polls for favourite characters has been done before already as well.

Thanks for letting me know :)

Edit: didn't want those all important votes to go to waste. Changed title and op.

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Votes are set to public.

Doctor's avatar and point of view on Webber weren't a dead giveaway at all, even without public voting options.. :p


I tbh don't have any favourite character for DST, I will most likely play a random character on each different game I join, to keep the diversity going and to see how well *we* would survive with a certain character combination.

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Doctor's avatar and point of view on Webber weren't a dead giveaway at all, even without public voting options.. :p

I tbh don't have any favourite character for DST, I will most likely play a random character on each different game I join, to keep the diversity going and to see how well *we* would survive with a certain character combination.

I wasn't being serious also :) it's like an Obvious stand off.
Is that dude from Drake and Josh?


Wolfgang has entered the building!
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It's a three way tie for me, since I really like Maxwell, Wigfrid and Wilson as characters the most, but everyone else is really close to my top 3 and real cool too. I'm gonna stick it out for Wigfrid, though. Crazy actors need more appreciation.

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I think Wilson is the best character. He has ZERO cons about him and the beard at full gives the best insulation. Plus, shaving the beard gives you free sanity and an easy way to re spawn (meat effigy) Also He just so cool.

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Examining Wendy: "Perhaps starting a good fire would cheer her up. It works for me."

This is moving that Willow would want to cheer someone up.


Looks like that Willow will manage to become a friend of Wendy, after she cures the trauma in Wendy's heart.

That would take efforts. But think about it, Wendy won't feel so lonely and sad, and could let go her sister, who should have rest in peace.




But wait! 

What if Abigail get jealous? 

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