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extreme plus oxygen producer

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7 hours ago, Nitroturtle said:

I'm pretty sure a single electrolizer sitting out in the open is more efficient

My base currently uses all open-air electrolyzers (ie, no gas pumps).





Okay, I do use gas pumps to transport the produced hydrogen that accumulates in the hydrogen well above the electrolyzers. These pumps do not run all the time, and the associated lines contain essentially all hydrogen, which is why I still consider it an open-air design.


I have 11 open air electrolyzers producing 2524 kg/cycle oxygen, roughly 229 kg/cycle/electrolyzer. Compared to @geniusthemaster's design that produces 50.15 kg/cycle/electrolyzer.

8 hours ago, Saturnus said:

Gas deletion is when the electrolyser tries to output a gas but can't because there's no free tiles to put it in around the electrolyser. By looking at your set up I'd guess you lose about 20% of all the hydrogen created that should have been created to gas deletion.

So I am still losing about 20% hydrogen with my open-air set up? Is hydrogen the only thing deleted or is oxygen deleted as well? Thanks!

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The screen shot in this OP thread made me laugh.

The design you have isn't something worth bragging about.

So much power being used and wasted.  You got like 6 Dupes running wheels full time?    That's not very impressive.     I don't want to knock on the OP.  But want to provide some constructive feedback instead.

You should consider  doing something to minimize the lost of gas, and convert the Hydrogen into power so you're not on manual power wheels.  Those dupes could be doing something else more productive.

I actually use Saturnus's setup.  And I have it in survivor mode.  It's quite easy to setup.  Once you have a ton of oxygen and hydrogen pressurized in the left room and top room- it basically runs forever beyond the max gas pressure non stop no down time, and the hydrogen generated is more than enough power to keep the entire thing running.  

1 machine supports 10 or less (with divers lungs or deep divers).

I have all my guys on divers lung.    I only use 1 machine for my base of 7 guys now.  I even have to use a clock sensor to run it on only 70% of the time. just not to waste water.

Running on open air without the need to pump oxygen,   you only need to produce just enough or slightly more to support your consumption, so its just easy to do that math and figure out how much you're using and how much you're producing and scale the machine's active status time.  this way you don't have to deal with extra power pumping oxygen and popped ear drums.

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I use 1 SPOM unit which supplies my whole base with oxygen (6 dupes) + the main base is powered FROM this SPOM unit (oxygen generation + water pump for it and plants + cooking + fertilizer maker = basically all living conditions are powered by this SPOM unit), heavy production is powered separately. + I have all 6 flatulent dupes and backup fart-powered unit which I used to power my base until I've built SPOM.

Long time ago I used open-air electrolyzers and they were more effecient than OP's design. @geniusthemaster think not about the quanity but about efficiency and potential self-powering of modules you build and have fun


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