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Spitballing: Hazard Upgrade

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In a previous topic I opined that I find medicine, hazards, and combat to be three features in ONI that I currently find lacking.  In that thread I shared what I'd like to see out of a potential Medical Upgrade.  Today I'll do the same for a Hazard Upgrade.


New Job:  Firefighter

The Firefighter is a job that improves a dupe's Athletics, the stat used to determine the their effectiveness at extinguishing flames.  Two tiers of a Firefighting job should be sufficient.  A Firefighting option would be added to the Priorities menu and a manual command would be added to those located at the bottom right of the screen.  The multi-tool would be used as a fire extinguisher and the job's helmet would naturally be a firefighter's helmet.


New Buildings:

Sprinkler:  The Sprinkler is a section of liquid pipe that will release the pipe's contents in a cone when activated by a sensor.

Smoke Detector:  The Smoke Detector is a sensor that will activate if there is a fire within its detection range of 5 tiles.

Explosives & Detonators:  Explosives are constructed using fertilizer and a raw mineral.  Detonators are constructed using raw minerals and must be attached to an Explosive via Automation Wire.  When the Detonator is activated by manual input from a Duplicant, the Explosive will detonate, damaging buildings, destroying natural tiles, and harming Duplicants and critters within the explosion radius of 5 tiles.

Gas Tank:   This is a pressurized tank in which you can store compressed gas.  It would feature an input, output, and automation port.  Its contents will leak if damaged and the tank itself will explode if it catches fire.


New Environmental Hazard:  Fire

Overloaded electrical wires and flammable materials exposed to extreme heat run the risk of catching Fire.  A fire consumes oxygen while slowly spreading and dies it cannot.  The high temperatures produced by a fire will damage buildings, ignite flammable materials, and scald nearby Duplicants and critters.  Fires can be extinguished manually by Duplicants assigned to the Firefighting job, by water delivered by Sprinklers[1], or by smothering it in a vacuum or non-flammable gas.

[1]  For simplicity's sake, I'm ignoring the dangers of extinguishing electrical fires with water.


Other Changes

  • Prolonged exposure to Chlorine will cause Chemical Burn, a debuff whose duration and effects are in line with Hypothermia and Heat Stroke.
  • A Hazmat Suit has been added to the Textile Loom.  This increases the amount of time a Duplicant can be exposed to Chlorine before being afflicted with Chemical Burn.


So now we have a new source on injuries that might keep our Medics busy.  We've also got some new contraptions to help us manage our colony and some new problems to solve for when designing our base and exploring the asteroid.  In a few days I'll create a thread discussing the third and final area I'd like to see expanded upon: Combat.

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Explosives would be nice to destruct now indestructable things like the office desk. 


The fire system is something i would like to see ingame. Yeah it can break loose hell itself, but it would be fun.

And hazmat suits, more durable than enviro-suits are a good idea.


Comined... a high-pressure gas tank, in range of a fire... i should go.

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I`d like the abyssalite tiles to be unminable so that you need explosives to break through. You would plant the explosive as a building and manually set the delay to detonate it or use automation for that (just a simple on/off switch should work). Explosives should be made of fertilizer and coal and stronger ones out of phosphorite and crude oil.

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14 hours ago, ArunPrasath said:

Why do we need to blow up dupes for?

Why explode something when you can deconstruct it?

The explosives would be for strip mining.  I'll propose other uses for explosives when I discuss Combat.


18 hours ago, he77789 said:

Shouldn't we get explosive by fermenting dupe liquid waste(lavatory) and solid waste(outhouse)? This serves double purpose as use if outhouse in late game.

I'm not an expert on explosives; the developers could use whatever materials are most appropriate to make explosives.


8 hours ago, SharraShimada said:

And hazmat suits, more durable than enviro-suits are a good idea.

I was thinking they'd be comparable to Warm Sweaters and Cool Vests.  Wear a Warm Sweater when working in the Cold Biome, a Cool Vest when working in the Oil Biome, and a Hazmat Suit when working in the Caustic Biome.  Or just wear an Exosuit and not worry about anything.

They could even add the diving suit already in the game's files for working underwater if they wanted to give us a lower-tech alternative to Exosuits that can make every environment (sans space) manageable.


8 hours ago, Sasza22 said:

You would plant the explosive as a building and manually set the delay to detonate it or use automation for that (just a simple on/off switch should work).

I originally thought automation was the way to go for detonation, but then I envisioned someone breaking their computer by hooking up hundreds of explosives up to a single switch and detonating them all at once.



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8 hours ago, goboking said:

The explosives would be for strip mining.  I'll propose other uses for explosives when I discuss Combat.


I'm not an expert on explosives; the developers could use whatever materials are most appropriate to make explosives.


I was thinking they'd be comparable to Warm Sweaters and Cool Vests.  Wear a Warm Sweater when working in the Cold Biome, a Cool Vest when working in the Oil Biome, and a Hazmat Suit when working in the Caustic Biome.  Or just wear an Exosuit and not worry about anything.

They could even add the diving suit already in the game's files for working underwater if they wanted to give us a lower-tech alternative to Exosuits that can make every environment (sans space) manageable.


I originally thought automation was the way to go for detonation, but then I envisioned someone breaking their computer by hooking up hundreds of explosives up to a single switch and detonating them all at once.



You can get saltpeter from fermenting human solid and liquid waste, seriously.

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Here are a few items I should have included in the OP.

New Stress Response:  Pyromaniac

"This Duplicant finds fire to be very relaxing"


Other Changes

 - Ceramic gains the Fire Retardant trait, making it inflammable and immune to damage caused by fire.




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