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How to save shine bugs?

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i dont really care about them, shiny will have an egg before they died, its to prevent extinction unless you did it on purpose, just leave the eggs where they are dont sweep them or incubate them 

41 minutes ago, watermelen671 said:

misread the title as "How to shave shine bugs?"

now that youve mentioned it, "how to shave shine bugs" lol

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I was about to report a bug about them dying prematurely.  Turns out it was based on the area I was breeding them was too hot.  It was dying right on queue when its temp went to 50c  It could be why other peoples are dying too.  That temp range is pretty low compared to the other critters.  That heat range has them dying around age 9-10 through heat absorption.

Critters always live for awhile since they are always born at a temperature in the exact middle of their livable range.

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