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Will "purchase for a friend" yield two copies of DST?

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When buying a copy for yourself, you get an extra copy of DST to gift to your friend. If you buy FOR your friend, will you get two copies? And if you send it to a certain 1 person, will they get the game and an extra copy to send to another person? Or will they just get a copy for them to play the game and nothing else? Because I checked, and I can't select 2 people for sending a copy of the game to.

@JoeW ?

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A purchase is 2 copies. If you buy for yourself, you get two copies. If you buy for somebody else, they get 2 copies. 

Once you already own the game, you can no longer buy it for yourself, because you already have it  (that's just how steam works). So you can only buy it as a gift. Whoever you give that gift to will get both copies. When they accept the gift, one goes to their library and the other is a giftable copy. 


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