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Don't starve the Musical

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Ok so if anyone here is on youtube and big into the gaming section, there is at least a 50/50 chance that they've encountered a channel called "Random Encounters". They mostly make short music videos on video games, and recently they did one for Don't Starve <3

I just kind of want to talk about how amazing it is! Also I want to talk about that freaking Woody at the end! I thought that was so funny considering woody is one of the most least-liked characters XD. Also because new-players have a hell of a time attempting to play him.


also I'm back hi!


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OH MY GOD I'ver never thought about that but now...I kinda want it to happen.  (It'd have to be a younger Jeffrey Combs to really work for Wilson, though, but _still_...)

(watches the video) Wow, WHAT the heck is Wilson attempting to eat in that scene?  "Random chunk of rotting tree bark with moss SURE, why not?:  XD  And yes, everything there _is_ scary.  Liked "every creature's a screecher" (I C WUT U DID THAR) and yes, everything _is_ scary, including the trees.  Nice use of the "damage" sound effect there, and of course, Badass Woddie is Badass.  :D

EDIT:  Looking at the other things by them reccommended on the sidebar...oh dear lord KINDERGARTEN the musical?!  Kind of...have to...click it...


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Yeah, and in the blooper it looks like he just about sets his arm on fire with the torch once he finally gets it lit...which doesn't really surprise me 'cos that flame looked dangerously close to sleeve in the USED take.  XD

Also "I'm'a kill this lettuce!" at the end for no reason.  Heh.

(looks at their other stuff HUNIEPOP the musical?!  Oh dear god. Dare I...?)


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