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Everything can be Oxygen

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Well not quite everything, Can only turn half the metal into O2 but from what I am gathering from everyone and everything, literally everything in the game can now be turned into O2.  Water Distiller turns Pwater and Sand into Water and Pdirt.  Pdirt gasses directly into PO2(O2) So everything sand can now be O2.  Rock granulator turns all minerals into sand.  So all minerals are now O2.  Slime,clay,dirt, etc can be cooked into sand....... Rock G turns half metal into sand.  And last but not least, everything else can go through a hatch, into coal, to run your generator into power and CO2 which can be scrubbed to O2 XD For a game called Oxygen Not included its now completely included :) The world is O2 :p

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What temperature range can hatches handle?
for hatches to eat frozen chlorine/co2, am I gonna need to have it drop down on hatches in small amounts so they eat it before it melts/sublimates.

Seems like an amusing way to get rid of unwanted gases, but possibly a lot of work.  Only Chlorine is really unwanted anyways.  Excess CO2 can always be turned into oil.  Though if you're doing the tepidizer co2->natural gas loop you end up with more CO2 than you need, could turn the excess into coal this way.


Speaking of seeds.  Not that its a major issue, but is there any way to get rid of excess seeds?  Do they melt into something? (never tried).  It seems you always end up with an increasing amount of seeds.  At some point, in a very distant future, you could be drowning in seeds!

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2 hours ago, Coolthulhu said:

Last time I checked, melting genetic ooze crashed the game.

Someone needs to check reed fiber, clothing and suits.

It's an infinite loop of melting since it keeps melting into itself. Doubt the devs care though.
Should just not have any element assigned to it instead of adding an arbitrary temperature.

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