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Missing Snowfallen Skins?

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JoeW said in another thread they wanted to "sneak in" some new content (new skins?) but were limited on time. They had the option to add a few new skins or none at all and chose the former.

I personally think its really weird to only have 6 of the characters skinned. I understand wanting to add new content (in the form of skins) but Klei did add significant new skin content this update: they gave us the Rose collection. I think only releasing 6 of an entirely new set was a mistake on Klei's part; although they likely did so to test the community's reaction to this decision.

I like the new Winter's Feast character skins (and the carol animation is amazing) but only having 6 feels alienating; especially since my favorite character didn't get a skin. Characters provide a unique experience and Klei prioritizing some characters (and their experiences) over others with cosmetic content feels wrong. I will buy it and support the game's development but I hope they don't do this again in the future.

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3 hours ago, Dreamscape18459 said:

JoeW said in another thread they wanted to "sneak in" some new content (new skins?) but were limited on time. They had the option to add a few new skins or none at all and chose the former.

I personally think its really weird to only have 6 of the characters skinned. I understand wanting to add new content (in the form of skins) but Klei did add significant new skin content this update: they gave us the Rose collection. I think only releasing 6 of an entirely new set was a mistake on Klei's part; although they likely did so to test the community's reaction to this decision.

I like the new Winter's Feast character skins (and the carol animation is amazing) but only having 6 feels alienating; especially since my favorite character didn't get a skin. Characters provide a unique experience and Klei prioritizing some characters (and their experiences) over others with cosmetic content feels wrong. I will buy it and support the game's development but I hope they don't do this again in the future.

The Rose Collection has been on the market for over a year BUT in China, meaning this release didn't required particular input from the art department.

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