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There is a difference Between DIFFICULT and IMPOSSIBLE.

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IDK if a thread was started about this.  And honestly I'm not going to be here often to see replies.  Point of the matter is this.  I haven't played DST for quite a while, but the Forge brought me back.  Now to preface, I work in a call center for a Big Name Canadian Bank's Stock Broker website.  I listen to multi-millionaire's scream in my ear day in, and day out.  It isn't fun.  It isn't pleasant.   When I say multi-millionaires, I am not exaggerating (dear god I wish I were.  It's depressing.)

I read about the final thing to possibly do in the caverns.  Create a fuel weaver and defeat it after activating the portal.

Well, after over 200+ gunpowder, 10+ houndius shootius and quite literally 100+ fire staff's later, we aren't anywhere near defeating it (we meaning my spouse and I on landline).

Now, I just get off working where I'm supervisor default from taking ******* supervisor calls (and being paid PENNIES for doing such) and all I want to do is come home and play a video game I damn well enjoy only to become so frustrated (even with a mod that's suppose to make things more manageable to people NOT playing with 20+ to a server because **** that I prefer people I trust that random rando's and if KLEI think's rando's are so perf to play with they should go into a rando server on their let's plays and see how well they do).

I know KLEI won't give a **** about what I'm posting.  But as someone who use to go out of my way to tell my friends how much I adored their games (a few of which work for other game companies and one good friend in particular who works for Disney), lemme just say I am so frustrated by this mechanic that I was ready to throw my computer out the window.

I work 12+ hour shifts listening to people ***** in my ear and the last thing I want to do is come home and have a challenge of a game become literally impossible unless I spawn 20 thousand items in HOPES it defeats the boss.  I'm not even a casual gamer, I'm thirty ******* two.  I've played the old system games.  I know ******** mechanics but hell, even CUPHEAD bullet mechanics is easier to deal with than this.

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7 minutes ago, Tainted-Petals said:

IDK if a thread was started about this.  And honestly I'm not going to be here often to see replies.  Point of the matter is this.  I haven't played DST for quite a while, but the Forge brought me back.  Now to preface, I work in a call center for a Big Name Canadian Bank's Stock Broker website.  I listen to multi-millionaire's scream in my ear day in, and day out.  It isn't fun.  It isn't pleasant.   When I say multi-millionaires, I am not exaggerating (dear god I wish I were.  It's depressing.)

I read about the final thing to possibly do in the caverns.  Create a fuel weaver and defeat it after activating the portal.

Well, after over 200+ gunpowder, 10+ houndius shootius and quite literally 100+ fire staff's later, we aren't anywhere near defeating it (we meaning my spouse and I on landline).

Now, I just get off working where I'm supervisor default from taking ******* supervisor calls (and being paid PENNIES for doing such) and all I want to do is come home and play a video game I damn well enjoy only to become so frustrated (even with a mod that's suppose to make things more manageable to people NOT playing with 20+ to a server because **** that I prefer people I trust that random rando's and if KLEI think's rando's are so perf to play with they should go into a rando server on their let's plays and see how well they do).

I know KLEI won't give a **** about what I'm posting.  But as someone who use to go out of my way to tell my friends how much I adored their games (a few of which work for other game companies and one good friend in particular who works for Disney), lemme just say I am so frustrated by this mechanic that I was ready to throw my computer out the window.

I work 12+ hour shifts listening to people ***** in my ear and the last thing I want to do is come home and have a challenge of a game become literally impossible unless I spawn 20 thousand items in HOPES it defeats the boss.  I'm not even a casual gamer, I'm thirty ******* two.  I've played the old system games.  I know ******** mechanics but hell, even CUPHEAD bullet mechanics is easier to deal with than this.

First off, please take a deep breath.  You appear to find the game frustrating, and if you don't know some of the techniques to beat fuelweaver he certainly can be, but the fact that you chose to mention what sounds like a stressful job makes me think it's not 100% the game making you so frustrated.

The primary thing that makes fuelweaver difficult is that he heals when the little spawns reach him for a lot of hp each, so you need to make sure that him not getting healed by those is a top priority.

There are are number of techniques that can make fuelweaver easier.  Gunpowder can help (though bosses are resistant to subsequent applications) but also items like lazy explorer and weather pain can make things much easier to do.

This would be a more advanced run that makes it looks fairly easy with minimal equipment.


This run shows some more resource intensive techniques but that work just fine solo with a character with low damage.


I hope you find this helpful.

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I do not in fact, find it helpful.  Because KLEI has a terrible habit of making things very OP.  The mushroom frog being a prime example when it was first released (and then diminished in power later on at the behest of fans).  The fact remains that when I approach others about this issue, it comes off that it is seriously OP and bull***t  at that.


KLEI seems to think everyone and their grandmother plays video games with 20+ friends when in fact that is not the norm and not everyone enjoys that. 

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The problem is that the fight is not meant for two people, I believe it is made for 4-6 people. 

1 minute ago, Tainted-Petals said:

I do not in fact, find it helpful.  Because KLEI has a terrible habit of making things very OP.  The mushroom frog being a prime example when it was first released (and then diminished in power later on at the behest of fans).  The fact remains that when I approach others about this issue, it comes off that it is seriously OP and bull***t  at that

It is supposed to be hard, it is the final battle after all, and, like I said, most of the new bosses will be hard for the two of you because these fights are made for around 5 people.

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Well congrats.  How about KLEI fight their own monsters in a let's play with rando's from the servers, at RANDOM and see how well they defeat it, shall we?  Because I do not enjoy playing with individual people other than my husband because I find most people are **** at compromising and playing.  I prefer to come home and play with him individually.  Congrats if you like playing with several dozen rando's.  It's obviously not the norm, if there are several dozen tutorials on how to play it alone.  How about f**king off, and actually READING what I'm writing.  A game should not be that difficult to play with 1 or 2 other people.

It was a HUGE issue with the frog and was revamped.  This is no different.

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maybe you shouldnt be fighting a challenging boss if youre trying to relax?

like im not trying to be mean about it, but it seems that youre more frustrated than you can express with mere words. i think you and your husband should probably play a more relaxing game, or if youre that in love with dst, just focus on basebuilding and survival.

as for fuelweavers difficulty, as people have said before, hes the final boss of the game, meant for a lot of people. klei isnt responsible for catering to specifc individuals, theyre responsible for catering to an audience as a whole. in fact, since you mention toadstool, a few people disliked that toadstool was nerfed, so they added misery toadstool to cater to that specific crowd.

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39 minutes ago, Tainted-Petals said:

I do not in fact, find it helpful.  Because KLEI has a terrible habit of making things very OP.  The mushroom frog being a prime example when it was first released (and then diminished in power later on at the behest of fans).  The fact remains that when I approach others about this issue, it comes off that it is seriously OP and bull***t  at that.


KLEI seems to think everyone and their grandmother plays video games with 20+ friends when in fact that is not the norm and not everyone enjoys that. 

Considering that I posted two videos of a single person defeating fuelweaver in a relatively short timeframe without gunpowder, the only way you could not find it helpful is if you were less interested in solutions and more interested in complaining.

If that is in fact the case, then what's actually helpful for you to hear is that 32 is disgracefully old to be throwing a (factually lacking) tantrum on a game forum about optional challenge content being too challenging.

39 minutes ago, Tylordian said:

The problem is that the fight is not meant for two people, I believe it is made for 4-6 people. 

It is supposed to be hard, it is the final battle after all, and, like I said, most of the new bosses will be hard for the two of you because these fights are made for around 5 people.

Given it can be beaten solo and I have personally beaten raid bosses solo as wolfgang while easily fitting all the supplies in a normal inventory I don't think it's accurate to say they're made for 4-6 people.  Joeshmocoolstuff stuff beat fuelweaver in less than 3.5 hours and the actual fight only lasted a few minutes.

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Tbh, Klei really should try to see what they could do about a # of ppl in server difficulty set up. Not everyone's going to ever be at the same skill level or want to put that much time into a boss, not even a end boss. Or a set up where ppl can choose how hard bosses will be. Some people aren't here for long drawn out fights, but want to beat bosses to see what they drop bc some bosses have materials that are only available through them or console commands. 

Borderlands increases how hard enemies are n such for every person in your party, so it's not like this is a new concept. Difficulty scaling can be useful! 

God knows I hated that ******* frog fight when I did it. I loved the lamps that I could make afterwards but I've never done it again bc of how annoying it was. If players are avoiding content bc it's obnoxious it's not a good game design. 

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44 minutes ago, MatheusR31 said:

Sometimes you have to think out of the box 

This sort of thing, to me, will always define the best DST players. Any twitchmonkey can kite a boss to death—boring. Bonus points for the end table lending a note of class to the Atrium and Wig actually taking a nap during the fight.

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Listen, I posted my issues.  If you stans want to  tell me why I'm wrong, fine.  Telling me I'm terrible because I can't beat it like the others in 3.5 hours.  So be it. I voiced my concerns.  I'm pissed I paid money for ******** I cannot defeat with just my guy when I use to be able to.  I know KLEI doesn't give a f**k.  So long as they make money, that's all they care about.

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