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Gas behaves strange - annoying.

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I find it irritating how they do gas behavior in the game currently. it is like gasses have their own grid that is turned 30 degrees anticlockwise to the game tiles orientation. this means that gasses that are heavier than oxygen are concentrating in the lower right corner and gasses that are lighter than oxygen are concentrating in the upper left corner of your structures and caves. 

Personally this is irritating at the moment in my Dusk Cap farm which I have placed at the bottom of my colony, about 10 tiles wide or so, but the left corner of it fills up with oxygen while I have to clear on the next floor level clouds of carbon dioxide spilling out of the farm level. 

Devs, could you reduce the tilt a bit?

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To keep your mushroom farm full of CO2, make sure it has only one entrance and that entrance is at the top of the room. And fill the room with clean filtered CO2 with a pipe. You can even leave top floor empty for unwanted gases and put some pumps around to get rid of them. Then you don't need to care whether heavy gases collect at the bottom or at the bottom right.

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