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Need Help With Colony

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I have a pretty good compact community, but I'm running out of algae. I have tons of water and I've researched pretty much everything even how to turn slime into algae. The problem is I don't have a clue how to design a functioning system when it comes to gas and water intake. Will somebody, please, help me understand them using simple instructions? Thanx!

Here's my colony.


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So you don't need anything to pump out the waste water in the bio-distillers? Where do I pump the waste water to? Like what do I need to build?

One thing I was thinking about doing is building a outer barrier of air around the complex, so the air that seeps into the complex now will be stopped by the air barrier. Is this a good idea?

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8 minutes ago, vonVile said:

So you don't need anything to pump out the waste water in the bio-distillers? Where do I pump the waste water to? Like what do I need to build?


Build a "Liquid Vent" from the plumbing tab. This is where the wastewater will drop out of.

Then select "Liquid Pipe". You'll see that the Biodistiller has a white arrow thingy, this means it is an outflow, and the liquid vent has a green arrow thingy, that means its an inflow. Connect the white arrow thingy to the green arrow thingy with your liquid pipe.

That's all you need to do.

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Well, your algae terrariums are eating it, that's why are you low. At current situation they are not worth the cost, keep algae for oxidizers and let CO2 fall to pits or use a scrubber.

As for piping, quick answer is in previous post and I am thinking about writing something detailed, given how many people seems to be confused by it. And filters.

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For algae, avoid using it at all. I personally use morbs and dead bodies to get a constant flow of contaminated O2 which has no downsides. To deal with CO2, you can use manual air locks near a building in an CO2 area, and I will destroy CO2. I do not use water (mostly) and have a very basic cooling system for my plants

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4 hours ago, vonVile said:

Here's my colony.


That machine you have at the bottom (electrolyzer) is next step to produce oxygen after you run out of algae.
It will make oxygen and hydrogen out of water:


But you need more open colony and with 7 people also bigger to allow more air flow (or if you have copper you could use some gas permeable tiles). So hydrogen can go up and CO2 down and oxygen into whole colony from one electrolyzer.

One electrolyzer make more oxygen than 20 algae terrariums and uses water as only 3.3 terrariums.

You can click on massage table and assign it duplicant with high stress, they can stay there even over night and sleep while getting massage.

And more food from mealwood is better - no water or anything needed except some gas pressure and temperature bellow 29 so that machine right between flowers is no good idea, they don't need oxygen and can grow also in CO2 but heat would slow their growth. I use like 7 and later even more mealwood for one duplicant.


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Well, they all died by Cycle 33. Like I stated it was because of lack of algae. The only place to get it close was going high up, but that was where all the CO2 was collecting. 9 dupes died like flies on cycle 30 or 31 from suffocation. I tried my best to replenish them as fast as possible, but was too late. The last dupe was named Mozzarella and he lasted 3 days all alone just digging/collecting algae and making energy. I was hoping to make it by getting another dupe, but just as the machine activated Mozzarella died. :(

RIP Mozzarella

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10 minutes ago, vonVile said:

going high up, but that was where all the CO2 was collecting.

That's weird. CO2 usually tends to collect on lower levels of base.

P.S.: insert some gas permeable tiles into your floors so CO2 doesn't accumulate there and fall down

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21 minutes ago, Ray_Garraty said:

That's weird. CO2 usually tends to collect in lower levels of base

I'm guessing its that fact that I was pushing the CO2 out of an enclosed environment and there was no down for it to go. It just collected at the top filling that space. Until you build something to turn CO2 into something else the only thing you can do it push it out of the colony with the Algae Oxygenators.

I plan to perfect my confined colony design. I'm going to alternate the corridors from regular rooms to tunnels like where I have it on the first 2 levels. The tunnels can be used to run pipes. I wasn't able to do it this time with the way the terrain was in this game. Also I plan to make all the rooms small with the dimensions of 10 across by 6 high. Very compartmentalized.

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