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[Character] Womp, The Abyssal

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Womp, The Abyssal

Just released a character that I've been working on for about a month now. This is my first mod ever and I've not used LUA before this, but I think he turned out pretty well. He's still in the tuning phase so numbers may change for balance purposes.

Basic rundown:

HP: 120 
Hunger: 200 
Sanity: 100 

*Benefits from moisture, suffers when dry 
*Has a very good grip 
*Is a monster 

Wog includes a custom speech file, art, sound effects and unique perks. 

Here's a more detailed breakdown of some of the things Womp does: 
(If you'd rather learn the character by playing him, don't read below.) 


Things to Note: 
- Womp constantly generates wetness over time. 
- Womp has a much higher drying threshold, so he will not dry normally unless he is too hot, near a fire, on fire, etc. 
- Womp does not lose sanity for using wet equipment. 

The Pros: 
- Moves faster when above 80 wetness. (Moves normally between 40 and 80 wetness.) 
- Has a tiny sanity boost when above 80 wetness. 
- While above 20 wetness, Womp has a chance to dodge attacks. 
- Moves additionally faster and periodically heals while it is raining. 
- Stays cooler in the summer, based on wetness. 
- Takes less damage from fire when above 50 wetness (though taking fire damage dries Womp out VERY quickly). 
- Tentacles are not hostile. 
- Cannot be disarmed by Goose/Moose or Bearger, and wet tools do not slip. 
- Does not lose sanity during dusk or night time. 
- Can eat monster meat without penalty. 
- Does not care about spoilage. 

The Cons: 
- Loses wetness when hit by an attack, based on damage taken. 
- Generates less wetness over time when below 25% hunger. 
- Inventory items still get wet. Wet food spoils faster, wet fuel burns less. 
- Moves slower when below 40 wetness. 
- Greatly loses sanity over time while below 20 wetness. 
- Periodically loses health while below 20 wetness. 
- Loses sanity during the day (unless it's raining). 
- Freezes faster in the winter, based on wetness. 
- Takes more damage from fire when below 50 wetness. 
- Pigmen, bunnymen, and catcoons are hostile. 

And that's that! Let me know what you think! And report any bugs or crashes (screenshots and log files are helpful)!

(Link to mod page is under the picture)

Edited by Squids
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So many upsides and downsides, and they all make sense and are logical. It's a really well thought-out character.

Art and character design are great too. We need more character mods like this one.

Shipwrecked version pls

Edited by PanAzej
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Thank you guys for the kindness, really glad you like him!

Just wanted to update here as well, in case you didn't notice, I changed the name. Some people on the workshop page pointed out that the old name is apparently a derogatory slur. We obviously weren't aware of this before releasing him, so we've updated it now. Lesson learned, google names before you use them, heh.

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Yeah, I thought the idea was interesting. I never considered it in conception cause I didn't want him to be too similar to Webber. Plus, the spots are (according to some characters) the tentacle's genitalia, so it'd be weird to have them as a beard.

We did think about allowing his head-tentacle to be chopped off to get a tentacle spike that would grow back every few days, though. Also probably going to give the spots more use to him by allowing him to use them to spawn tentacles in some way, with worse returns than Wickerbottom's book.

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