Rock Lobsters need a Weakness

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currently rock lobsters are mostly invulnerable to player attacks due to their ability to turn into a rock and gain high regeneration and retarded damage resistance. to ballance this issue i think they should be given specific weaknesses. my ideas are pick ignores 50% of their damage reduction opulent pick ignores 75% of their resistance when in rock form. (I mean they are basically living rocks so the pick should be effective at bypassing their defense)

secondly detonating gunpowder while they are in rock form will break their shell forcing them out of rock form and preventing them from re entering rock form for one in game day.


this is needed to help players cull the large herds that can infest the overworld after following players out of a sinkhole

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Hm. You should be able to "Mine" them when they're in their rock form. Maybe make it so they take x3 longer to be mined than a regular rock and if you stop mining, they instantly start regenerating. Also, mining a Rock Lobster makes other Rock Lobsters aggresive. Now that's kinda balanced.

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I like the idea of a Pickaxe weakness. I'd even make it so it ignores their 95% damage shield and inflicts 200% damage compared to other mobs. After all they are quite beefy and the Pickaxe doesn't do as much damage compared to melee weapons.

But if you want to clear infested area's, you can bring a whole lot of minerals with you and gather them all in a fenced area and just close it off. They're passive so they won't break out and it will stop the breeding.

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