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The Forums Rpg Characters Applications Garden


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Important: if you have decided to put in a character you have full control over that character. You should write the dialogue, and if you can you should draw the sprites too.

How to draw the sprite?I could draw my OC,but not in pixel style.And it would take 2 or 3 days.Depends on my schedule,i am going back to school.. :(

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How to draw the sprite?I could draw my OC,but not in pixel style.And it would take 2 or 3 days.Depends on my schedule,i am going back to school.. :(

You could always try the pixel art style- I'll like it, even if it's bad! ;)

But if you can't then just give me a sketch for how your character looks so i can try to make the sprite for you

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You could always try the pixel art style- I'll like it, even if it's bad! ;)

But if you can't then just give me a sketch for how your character looks so i can try to make the sprite for you

Yeah,tuesday or monday...Probably longer,but it will be done soon.

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Name: Pyromaildragon (Pyro for short)


Semi-Shape-Shifting Train,

Male, 15,

Looks like a train (use the profile picture as reference),

Likes: certain ice cream flavors, bacon, chocolate, chocolate candies, trains, video games, kids, squids, dogs, cats, and flufficorns.

Hates: Vegetables, Heights, Roller coasters, jerks, certain new members.

House: A giant underground bunker/cave, like the Bat-cave but homelier.

Role: NPC Merchant (tech supplier)

Background: Once an explorer who was fascinated with a traveling rod hidden away in a cave, got turned into a train, and could turn into a green dragon without wings. Now goes on personal errands with said traveling rod through dimensions, and sells some technology he finds for travelers who need it (like shields made from Kevlar wrapped in spider silk, or cybernetic crossbows that become suppressed weapons.)

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I would possibly be interested in joining this cause, but I don't have an OC. :razz:


Well yeah there's the ol' deerminator, but that guy has no persona. Not even a body, actually. And if anything, it'd be a (mini-)boss.


I have an idea,see your profile pic?Good,draw it into a steam punk mini boss


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Uh, I'd be an antagonist that the player brings over to their side, I'm assuming, since that's been my role in the past few games...maybe the punisher of dead threads and forumers?  No idea what my actual role would be, though.

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Name: Aspa/Asparagus

Description: A dapper monster with refined tastes (think Sebastian Michaelis from Black Butler)

House: A RANDOM ENCOUNTER (can appear anywhere)

Role: Has random tasks. He can be encountered somewhere in the world to give items (usefulness will vary), can be asked to battle to gain XP (level will be: pl = ((player level) + 2) and will focus more on defense). And could appear as a random NPC that when asked, would say something like "You must have mistaken me for someone else, please go away <name of character>". And at times, he will come to you before a fight and reduce a stat or two. Will usually do this when you have the upper hand.

*Backround story: A watcher of sorts, he is an immortal being that roams the world in search of things to occupy his time. He is neutral and may aid/hinder both good and evil but generally wants to keep both sides on equal footing or even a stale mate. He does it for his own entertainment.

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Name: Trentominous
Description: A Don't Starve skeleton with an outback hat (my profile image)

Species: Skeleton

Gender: Male

Age: Youngish

Physical appearance: A Don't Starve style skeleton with an Australian outback hat. (my profile image)

House: Adventures in the forest-y parts of the forums

Role: NPC quest giver, eventual recruit-able character (complete all his/my quests to unlock or something)


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Name-KFSSB(Klei Forum Suspended Spam Bot)


Description-I was one of the original off-topic spammer bots, and after most of them were shut down, I hid in the darkest and most innactive corners of the Klei Forums.After a few weeks, I was eventually found by the one that is supposedly "Lord battal" and was shut down and given a memory wipe. You later found me in an old technical support forum and reactivated me. After I recieved the memory wipe, I assumed that the first one to wake me up was my creator, and so I am now a loyal follower of your team. I also have brief memories that were not erased of lord battal and want to destroy him. I need to consume some source of electricity every once and a while.


House - Anywhere my "creator" goes.


Role-I can create walls of spam to shield attacks and knock back enemies. I only perform actions at the order of my creator.

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