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When Will The Old Willow Return?

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 I'm sure there has been made lots of topics about this issue but Im wondering when will the developers actually change Willow back? So I've started playing the game recently but Ive seen that Willow had some unique features like fire immunity and infinite lighter, she gained sanity from being around fire. Since the developers decided to take these features out, shes an aimless character now. I personally wanted to play this game for the sake of playing Willow, but I was really disappointed when I saw that I take lots of fire damage and cant gain sanity at all. There should be an option to available Willow to have her infinite lighter and fire immunity in server settings because Im not planning to grief at all, and just want to play with my friends. So Im wondering, will these features ever come back? I want the old Willow, the fire starter.

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In case you didn't know.


fire immunity


DST Willow takes 50% less fire damage.

DST Willow can stand for 3 seconds in fire without taking damage.


infinite lighter


DST Willow can craft her lighter.

DST Lighter lasts longer than a torch.

DST Lighter can be only used by Willow to cook stuff on it, like morsels or berries.


she gained sanity from being around fire


DST Willow has a 1.1 sanity modifier.

DST Willow also gains sanity by standing near fire.

How much? The equivalent of 1.8 top hats of sanity. Enough to cancel the night drain.



Bonus DST perks:

- Bernie

-- When insane, Bernie will come to life, and will taunt shadow creatures away.

- Sanity Temperature

-- When insane, Willow will feel colder. Dangerous in winter, but another plus for the first days of summer.

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I have to agree. I don't find her useful at all.


Most characters have a significant advantage that would make you pick them, but Willow's advantages are so easily replaceable that she doesn't offer anything new to the game.


Wilson has free insulation and beard hair, Wolfgang has monstrous strength, Wendy has a strong AoE ghost, WX-78 can eat gears for permanent stat bonuses, Wickerbottom can make useful magic books... but Willow only gets a lighter and a bunch of petty bonuses that hardly ever come in useful. Sanity isn't a problem if you know how to play, and fire resistance? Not useful, honestly.

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Well for now you can use my mod (here) Note: bernie dosent work with the mod, I'm planning on fixing that soon.

But I don't think they are planning on changing her back. 


I have your mod installed but I dont know how to make it work on multiplayer, do I have to get my friends to install it too?


 DarkXero, I have just been playing the game and the teddy bear is just a little help as there are way too many shadow monsters. I couldnt do anything to get my sanity up because I was freezing by the fire and my health was 10. %50 fire immunity isnt that much of a deal either, I want to start fires and stay in it to gain sanity, not run away from it. I just wish they brought the old Willow back. 

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  • Developer

 I'm sure there has been made lots of topics about this issue but Im wondering when will the developers actually change Willow back? So I've started playing the game recently but Ive seen that Willow had some unique features like fire immunity and infinite lighter, she gained sanity from being around fire. Since the developers decided to take these features out, shes an aimless character now. I personally wanted to play this game for the sake of playing Willow, but I was really disappointed when I saw that I take lots of fire damage and cant gain sanity at all. There should be an option to available Willow to have her infinite lighter and fire immunity in server settings because Im not planning to grief at all, and just want to play with my friends. So Im wondering, will these features ever come back? I want the old Willow, the fire starter.


Willow does in fact still get sanity boosts from standing near fire.


I also want to point out that being able to cook with the lighter is a pretty nice feature - you don't have to waste materials building a campfire every time you want to eat. It's great for travelling!

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Wilson has free insulation and beard hair, Wolfgang has monstrous strength, Wendy has a strong AoE ghost, WX-78 can eat gears for permanent stat bonuses, Wickerbottom can make useful magic books... but Willow only gets a lighter and a bunch of petty bonuses that hardly ever come in useful. Sanity isn't a problem if you know how to play, and fire resistance? Not useful, honestly.


So I take you also hated single player Willow?

What do you imagine Willow's role is?


Clearly sanity is useful to this guy who got rekt by shadow monsters.


  I couldnt do anything to get my sanity up because I was freezing by the fire and my health was 10.


Stay close to the fire. By close I mean within a turf tile of distance. Or three aligned chests.

If you are insane as Willow that's your own fault. Use a top hat during the day and stay near a campfire during night.

You don't even need the top hat.

You don't even get a reduced sanity drain, you GAIN sanity during the night.


By the

I want to start fires and stay in it to gain sanity, not run away from it.

I assume you want to drop stacks and stacks of stuff, burn it, drop your FPS to 5, and stand on it for 120 sanity in 2 seconds?


Of all the strategies you could work off with fire immunity, sanity is really your main concern?

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I am a beginner and there were 3 ghosts roaming in the server, that was why my sanity dropped down so much. I still think fire immunity would be quite useful for when I light things on fire for sanity. I wouldnt have to worry about running from fire while trying to get sanity at the same time. I think I'll have to use the old Willow mod for singleplayer as she's my favorite char and she literally is pointless without her old abilities. I dont want the infinite lighter or anything, just fire immunity.:-(

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No. The old Willow had to be balanced, the other characters are being balanced too from my understanding.

She's way too nerfed atm though. Having the fire immunity was a big plus. Having just some fire "protection" is just a bunch of bull crap; nobody gives a crap if your health goes half times as much. Unless Willow is a Scalemail, there will be a lot of people still disappointed. Not to mention that Willow's immunity from fire isn't what made her a griefing character; her lighter does.

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She's way too nerfed atm though. Having the fire immunity was a big plus. Having just some fire "protection" is just a bunch of bull crap; nobody gives a crap if your health goes half times as much. Unless Willow is a Scalemail, there will be a lot of people still disappointed. Not to mention that Willow's immunity from fire isn't what made her a griefing character; her lighter does.


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Not to mention that Willow's immunity from fire isn't what made her a griefing character; her lighter does.
I think it's more of a combination of both, as you can just run through the fire while you wreck everything and set more things on fire while keeping the other players away.(and I don't say any of this from personal experience. Please don't call the Willow Inquisition)

But you're still right, Bernie in no way was enough of a buff to compensate for the nerf. It is unique alright, but there isn't much use for him.
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Fire immunity contributes to griefing as much as being able to craft a hammer/torch does.

Being able to stand in the science machine I just lighted up is useless. What if I just stay just a tile away instead?



What is the benefit of fire immunity?


- PvP advantage against fire

> Willow is going to be smacked by Wickerbottom anyway


- Running across a entire torched forest

> Smoldering. Now fires propagate slower.

> Why are you running through a blazing forest? More importantly, WHY did you destroy so many trees for nothing?


- Willow immune against lavae fire attacks

> Ok.



When I played Willow I only cared about fire immunity because it allowed me to stand inside fire farms.

Now in DST I can't do fire farms. And 2/3 benefits aren't really benefits.

And I have zero issue with raising sanity. Even less with Willow perks.


So I guess Klei decided to alleviate people complaining about Willow in PvP.


The main guy here is complaining about fire immunity because sanity.

This is a beyond pathetic excuse, given how Willow can still keep her sanity up with the current immunity.

Which makes me wonder why would I want Bernie? Maybe I want to lower my sanity on purpose to be chill and farm fuel while having a distraction for multiple terrorbeaks so I can focus?


What is the big plus of fire immunity that I'm clearly missing?

I don't mind having it but I don't mind nerfing it in the current DST state.

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What is the big plus of fire immunity that I'm clearly missing? I don't mind having it but I don't mind nerfing it in the current DST state.
my main complaint is that fire immunity along with the lighter used to be a unique yet useful things in situations, and could save you in emergencies. I didn't particularly like it, as I'm against weaknesses or  strengths that require  removing entire mechanics, but it was kinda her little useful thing.

Bernie in his current state is just... Meh. most of the time you even interact with it is just due to bad management on your part or just doing it on purpose. And it just won't ever make Willow better at farming fuel than Wolfgang or Wigfrid. if only Bernie could fight back...
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I feel the creators have ruined willow completely, yeah bernie is cool and all but she is a pyromaniac and she was fun to play. Why don;t people just make more private games instead of complaining about griefers. I loved playing willow but now I hate her because she takes fire damage when and her lighter is not longer unlimited. The only good thing that came out of her being nerfed is that she doesn't set forests on fire when she goes insane.  THAT IS THE ONLY GOOD THING. I hate playing don't starve now. 

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Since woodie was introduced in dst, I've been wondering why wouldnt they bring old willow back. First, her lighter can be made infinite again, making it truly character-only item to prevent others from taking and carrying it, the way lucy the axe cant even be picked up by any non-woodie characters. I thought also torch in hands of willow would turn into lighter if she dropped her lighter somewhere or it was eaten by lureplant. I really was expecting a follow-up to woodie update to make lighter working exactly as lucy the axe, as they have finally found a way to prevent others from using non-their-characters items.

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Since woodie was introduced in dst, I've been wondering why wouldnt they bring old willow back. First, her lighter can be made infinite again, making it truly character-only item to prevent others from taking and carrying it, the way lucy the axe cant even be picked up by any non-woodie characters. I thought also torch in hands of willow would turn into lighter if she dropped her lighter somewhere or it was eaten by lureplant. I really was expecting a follow-up to woodie update to make lighter working exactly as lucy the axe, as they have finally found a way to prevent others from using non-their-characters items.


It was because of the amount of griefers using Willow.


We all know that the lighter was the problem, not her character.


At least it's not pre-Strange New Powers Willow, if she was in DST, she'd be a juggernaut


I feel the creators have ruined willow completely, yeah bernie is cool and all but she is a pyromaniac and she was fun to play. Why don;t people just make more private games instead of complaining about griefers. I loved playing willow but now I hate her because she takes fire damage when and her lighter is not longer unlimited. The only good thing that came out of her being nerfed is that she doesn't set forests on fire when she goes insane.  THAT IS THE ONLY GOOD THING. I hate playing don't starve now. 


Most of what you said would come from my answer I gave to 228, but you do make a good point. There need to be more private matches. I've heard more people kicking and banning other players on a public server. It's not like there's such thing as a password. Because if passwords didn't exist, Then we wouldn't be able to just play a simple match with friends. Plus, the nerf isn't in Don't Starve. It's just in Don't Starve Together. The nerf has a chance to be changed before the beta ends. So don't say you hate this game just yet. And it's not like Willow's the only character in DS and DST. She's not. There's Wilson, Wendy, Wolfgang, WX-78, Wickerbottom, Woodie, Wes, Wigfrid, and Webber.  I understand why you like Willow as a character, though. You got to set everything on fire, and not worry about it as much as you did with every other character in the game.


So to conclude that long statement, I understand why you hate the nerf, but don't go blaming the game. There's lots of other characters in Don't Starve, and I know, you don't hate Don't Starve. So don't mope around about it.


And that goes for everybody. Stop moping about Willow. Moping won't do anything about her re-ballance.

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