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Decker, being the first member of Invisible Inc, has little impact to the game compared to other agents. Every time when I spot Decker in the detention centre, I just leave him alone until I see other agents in another detention centre. I really hope that Klei can buff him and change his useless passive. To cope with this situation, I decide to 'hack' invisible inc and change some of the scripts. This will ensure that Decker no longer spawns in detention centre and this certainly helps every player find a better agent in their mission (or pressure Klei to buff Decker).


Firstly, browse C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\InvisibleInc\


Then search the module file and click serverdefs.lua.


Search the relevant scripts (plz refer to scripts below) with notepad.


Make the following change and remove the Decker part, and also add Prism / Sharp if you want to:


        -- These are potential rescueable units. DONT ADD ANYTHING THAT ISN'T RESCUEABLE.
        createAgent( "engineer_2", { "augment_international_v1" } ),
        createAgent( "sharpshooter_1", { "augment_shalem" } ),
        createAgent( "stealth_2", { "augment_banks" } ),
        createAgent( "sharpshooter_2", { "augment_nika" } ),
        createAgent( "engineer_1", { "augment_tony" } ),
        createAgent( "cyborg_1", { "augment_sharp_1" } ),
        createAgent( "disguise_1", { "augment_prism_2" } ),



Farewell Decker, we shall be able to see Prism and Sharp in detention centre now.



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Thank you!

Now I don't have to retire agency when I meet Decker&Shallem in Endless Plus run.


Not sure about Shalam, but he needs some tweak. I found a good idea here


Decker is simply trash, his passive is useless (hack a demon server and you will know all deamons / clear deamons with hunter). His cloak and extra speed start are good, but he doesn't have an edge compared to other agents.


Klei buff Decker plz :-)

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Dr. Xu has one of the best augments in the entire game(looking at you Decker, Shalem). It lets you disable heart monitors and get safes for free. It's worth a single AP.

Looking back, I'm not sure I'd have survived 10 days in endless w/o Xu. He can only reduce safes by 2 firewalls per turn, but it's good for that last bit to avoid daemons, or sometimes just to save on PWR. I never used him to disable the heart monitors though, but I did use him to disable the Omani shields.

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He can only reduce safes by 2 firewalls per turn


I like to get around magnetic reinforcements by having a buster chip on Xu. Buster chip III and a few stims means he can use his emp multiple times.


If Decker could remove daemons or somehow suspend them with his augment, it would make him much more useful. 

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You just started an unofficial hate thread for Decker.


haha Decker deserves more love and buffs :p



Makes a change from accidental Shalem hate threads!


Failem never fails in my game, LOL, I didn't remove his scripts spawning in detention centre :)



I like to get around magnetic reinforcements by having a buster chip on Xu. Buster chip III and a few stims means he can use his emp multiple times.


If Decker could remove daemons or somehow suspend them with his augment, it would make him much more useful. 


I agree. Btw achieve Decker is much better than the original Decker.

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Decker is simply trash, his passive is useless (hack a demon server and you will know all deamons / clear deamons with hunter). His cloak and extra speed start are good, but he doesn't have an edge compared to other agents.


I think that the daemon database only reveals the daemons you have already found on the map, that means that if you see a daemon and then you find the database and you hack it you will only reveal the daemon on the device you previously saw not on the ones you haven't found. Not to mention most databases are daemon protected too  ¬_¬ .


And I can't argue that Decker is a somewhat weak agent but I am a huge Decker fan and use him none-the-less but uncovering daemons is a great commodity sometimes and for those who don't know you should be thankful he can at least do that because before Decker's 'special' ability was +1 action points (which was worse than this :frown-new:  ) and Shalem's ability was wielding guns (despite every other agent that didn't had this ability could use them too)


I think Decker should be able to uncover daemons in a similar way Internationale uncovers devices but maybe on a smaller radius I think that would be fair to him. Or maybe make him scan them wirelessly but make it cost a bit of power (althought that would kinda make it useless too because that's what the sniffer does and it does it for free :hopelessness:)


Let us remember Decker used to work as a *Chief* security officer so he should now important security protocols maybe something related to that.


I don't know what to say about Shalem. Maybe make his augment +2 AP instead of +1 AP making it 2 augments in one and leave his gun with +1 AP so he pretty much can kill everything in the game

except omni protectors


Maybe make him like sharp but keeping 4 augment slots but when getting half his maximum of augments make him get +1 AP on guns. 


Or maybe make Shalem share AP on both guns and melee. That means that if he installs piercing scanner he gets +1 AP on both melee and guns. I think that would be very dang handy actually!

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Maybe we should just combine Decker's old augment, the +1 AP, and put it with this ability to scan Daemon-infected mainframe objects. He's a basic, starting agent. He's not exactly horrible either and Decker doesn't need as much to get back up to strength.


Shalem needs more strength if you find him seeing as he is deprived his best weapon. Which is why I suggest that Shalem 11 should tag targets that he observes along with the +1 ranged armor piercing. Make his observes cost 2 PWR to tag a guard, but that means you now know where they're going. That is useful.


Hating agents is a silly thing. They're all pretty decent. Putting any one of them down just because you find them to be weaker in comparison to others is just a very tasteless thing to do.

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I think that the daemon database only reveals the daemons you have already found on the map, that means that if you see a daemon and then you find the database and you hack it you will only reveal the daemon on the device you previously saw not on the ones you haven't found. Not to mention most databases are daemon protected too  ¬_¬ .


I believe hacking a Daemon Database reveals all daemons in the level (seen or unseen at the time).  However, if a new daemon is installed later on, the type that it is does not show up.  

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I believe hacking a Daemon Database reveals all daemons in the level (seen or unseen at the time).  However, if a new daemon is installed later on, the type that it is does not show up.  


AFAIK as long as you hold the database most new damons are identified as well. the ones shopcat installs are for sure and I believe daemons installed from Fractal are as well. but daemons from a KOed Modded Mk I are not.

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I think that the daemon database only reveals the daemons you have already found on the map, that means that if you see a daemon and then you find the database and you hack it you will only reveal the daemon on the device you previously saw not on the ones you haven't found. Not to mention most databases are daemon protected too  ¬_¬ .


And I can't argue that Decker is a somewhat weak agent but I am a huge Decker fan and use him none-the-less but uncovering daemons is a great commodity sometimes and for those who don't know you should be thankful he can at least do that because before Decker's 'special' ability was +1 action points (which was worse than this :frown-new:  ) and Shalem's ability was wielding guns (despite every other agent that didn't had this ability could use them too)


I think Decker should be able to uncover daemons in a similar way Internationale uncovers devices but maybe on a smaller radius I think that would be fair to him. Or maybe make him scan them wirelessly but make it cost a bit of power (althought that would kinda make it useless too because that's what the sniffer does and it does it for free :hopelessness:)


Let us remember Decker used to work as a *Chief* security officer so he should now important security protocols maybe something related to that.


I don't know what to say about Shalem. Maybe make his augment +2 AP instead of +1 AP making it 2 augments in one and leave his gun with +1 AP so he pretty much can kill everything in the game

except omni protectors


Maybe make him like sharp but keeping 4 augment slots but when getting half his maximum of augments make him get +1 AP on guns. 


Or maybe make Shalem share AP on both guns and melee. That means that if he installs piercing scanner he gets +1 AP on both melee and guns. I think that would be very dang handy actually!


I understand your point, but I don't enjoy his playstyle. Even Shalem is weak too but I prefer his style :p


Anyways Decker should be buffed or tweaked according to his lore. It was mentioned that he installed more arguments than people had thought. Maybe Klei can also work on this and add some new features to Decker.



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